Chapter 142: Save The School (Part 2)
Now I noticed that most of the enemy soldiers were gathering on the "Junior class" floor, maybe they were about to make something big. Maybe I should eavesdrop, I hope I would be able to find some more intel for me before heading to attack the remaining soldiers.
(-our Highness, thank you for hearing my report but can I request you something?) - Lieutenant Waley asked the woman on the other side of the radio
(Talk, Lieutenant Waley.)
(Our Platoon has been down from 40 to 20, 4 men we sent to attack the Palace haven't come back. Also, we have just newly encountered a human warrior, that man is fierce, killed our soldiers easily.)
I would say that these demons knew nothing about fighting against guns, they never crawled while shooting from a far distance, rarely take cover. Not yet, they always shot their weapons automatically even when the distance of fighting was close or far, never shot single shots to save ammo.
This is just my theory, maybe Demon Kingdom is the only country in this world that has a modern military, the remained country did not. Which made the demon's military tactics go backward and only better than the medieval military a bit, they have modern weapons and military equipment but no modern military strategy.
(As I could remember well, Your Highness! We are facing about 5 dangerous enemies including Princess Tachibana. Now we only have 20 soldiers left with an unknown APC out of the school and 300 hostages, we have contacted the APC once but haven't known where did they come from yet.)
(Please send us reinforcement, Your Highness! Or we will have no choice but to leave the school to join the other units in the streets.)
(Lieutenant Waley, we stopped attacking the Palace an hour ago to distract the enemy. Her Majesty is now proceeding to use the Special Force to make the secret attack in the Palace to kill Warsaw King.)
(I would call back the Ashura squad that is on their way to get here to pick up Princess Tachibana. I would call them to withdraw, picking up the Princess is not important anymore.)
(Before doing anything else, Lieutenant Waley! I need you to contact the unknown armored vehicle outside of the school again to find out which unit they come from. If that armored vehicle is hostile to us, kill the soldiers inside it!)
(We cannot send you reinforcement to control the school, Lieutenant Waley! Your unit is allowed to abandon the school from now on, do not harm people while retreating, that's the order.)
(Your new objective after retreating from the school, Lieutenant Waley! Head outside to join the other units. I would give you the next orders to join attack the Palace alongside the Special Force when the time comes.)
(About the execution of the units that are causing war crimes, Lieutenant Waley! I would think about it. We cannot execute our troops without thinking about consequences.)
(Now tell your soldiers to prepare to leave the school, Lieutenant Waley! Dismissed.)
(Roger that, Your Highness.)
Now I was wondering what was the purpose for these demons to make this invasion, they didn't make any concentration camps or any camps to hold the hostages. Not just that, I saw that these soldiers seemed like didn't know what they were doing.
What was the purpose of attacking this school? I wondered...maybe this invasion has already had many problems, the Demon Princess - who was commanding the soldiers seemed didn't have a clear plan.
If I was the commander of this invasion, I would order the soldiers to attack the facilities and then gather hostages in some areas to make the concentration camps to keep them there. I would later annex the territories and then enslave the humans, this invasion didn't look like an invasion at all.
I have made up my mind, the plan has no change, I would not let this Platoon escape, kill them all at once. My shoulder got tapped by someone, I looked behind and realized that was Shera, she was holding a Thompson gun in her hands, her face seemed to have a bit of tension.
"John...can we make the attack right away? I'm worried about my friends and my teachers..."
"No, Princess! I have already contacted my subordinates, they are now outside of the school, we would attack when they attack the ground floor."
"What do you mean, John?"
"They are the ones who are inside the armored vehicle, I managed to contact them, they would attack after 5 minutes, we would attack after hearing their gunshots, okay?"
"Did they say anything about the Palace's situation, John?"
"The Palace is still fine, Shera! Now go tell everyone, we will attack when my subordinates attack."
"Okay, wait for me." - Shera later turned around to tell the people behind me
I wanted to know how was the situation outside of the school, I kept listening to Shera until she has done explaining to the people behind me. I must tell my group to form the fighting formation before attacking the soldiers on this floor, must do it fast and head outside.
After Shera had done explaining the plan, I immediately pointed my finger at Ms. Erik to tell her to go to the left side of the corner. She would crawl to shoot her BAR gun, I pointed to Akane and told her to crawl in the middle of the hallway, she would also crawl while shooting with her M3 gun.
About Reimi and Shera, I told them to sneak behind two Knight statues which were placed beside each other forward to the cafeteria's entrance. Now I must wait until the time comes to make the attack, I must move outside soon.
Shera's perspective
Now I was sneaking behind a white Knight statue, John was grabbing some tables to place them in front of the hallway to make obstacles to take cover. Reimi was crouching on the left side while I was standing on the right side, John said the dining room on this floor had many enemies, we would shoot them at the time they come out after hearing the attack on the ground floor.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I heard gunshots coming from downstairs, I was shaking a bit because I hadn't prepared to fight yet
I slowly aimed my Thompson gun while crouching, John didn't want me to stand while shooting, I changed the gun's switch into "semi-automatic" mode. I was peeking my head out to see the dining room's door, when the enemies come outside from the door, we will shoot them until they all die.
I saw some Orc soldiers running out of the dining room so I immediately pointed my Thompson gun at them, this distance was less than 100 meters.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I pulled the trigger and then dropped and then pulled the trigger again quite fast, the gun kept recoiled up while spurting out loud noises, my ears were ringed
"Gunshots!" - With the combinations of gunshots from our group, it made very loud noises while flying out yellow lights toward the enemies
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - My ears kept ringed while shooting, my shoulder felt hurt because of being pulled back roughly while trying to control the gun's recoil
I didn't notice how many enemies had died during this firefight but I kept firing my gun. I saw some enemies had lied on the floor while the dark elf in the purple beret who was the Commander of the soldiers lay on the floor, making it hard to shoot him.
The elf Commander suddenly grabbed a gun from his dead soldier and then shot at the statue Reimi was sneaking behind it. The statue was slowly being torn out, the statue's head kept being smashed by the bullets, Reimi was holding her right ear while crouching and kept her body from exposing out to avoid being hit.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Gunshots! Ahhhhh!" - I was losing my patience so I switched the Thompson gun to automatic mode and then shocked and startled when the gun recoiled to the roof
"Ahh!" - I fell because of could not control the gun's recoil but John held me so I managed to stand
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - John later pulled me to the wall to keep me safe and then pointed his Thompson gun outside and shot more 3 shots
"Clack! Clack! Clack!" - My gun ran out of ammo, I noticed that the elf Commander was the last one to survive, he crawled to a corner and then stayed there
John later threw his grenade out to the corner where the dark elf Commander was hiding, John later reloaded his gun's ammo. I was also reloading my Thompson gun, I was doing it a bit rushed because of scared and excited during the fighting, strange! But it was fun when my head kept pleasuring, haha.
"Boom! Gunshots!" - The grenade had exploded and I turned behind to look, Ms. Erik and Akane were crouching while covering themselves before the tables
I dropped the Thompson's magazine on the floor and then pulled out another one from a pouch in my belt. I took the magazine out slowly and then faced a bit of struggle while trying to attach it to the gun.
After attaching the magazine to the Thompson gun, I used my index finger to grab the actuator and then pulled it back to load the bullet into the gun's chamber. Eehhh, maybe I hadn't pulled it hard enough, maybe pulling back the actuator needed techniques more than forces, maybe my finger hadn't been strong enough to pull.
I immediately used my thumb and my index finger to hold the actuator and pulled it back again, this time was very successful. I saw that my Thompson gun had been fully reloaded so I pointed it out of the statue and then pulled the trigger.
"Gunshots! Ahhh!" - The gun recoiled up to the roof once again but I managed to stand, my shoulder felt very hurt after being pulled back too much
"Commander, are you here!" - I heard a big yell and looked behind, Sarah and Hatano had finally gone up here, their uniforms seemed very dirty, had blood, their faces seemed to have dirt
"Spurt!" - Sarah and Hatano later joined to fight with us, she pulled the trigger and then something spurted out of her M4 gun and charged toward the corner the elf Commander was hiding
"You fucking dumb, save our grenade launcher's ammo, goddammit!" - John scolded Sarah
"Clack! Clack!" - My Thompson gun didn't shoot anymore, the actuator pulled back half of the chamber, what was wrong with my gun?
I pulled the actuator back again but I felt something was heavy, as if something was stuck inside the gun's chamber and made me could not pull back the actuator. I dropped the magazine which was attached to the Thompson gun and then replaced it with another one.
I pulled back the gun's actuator again but it kept being stuck and my fingers could not solve the problem my gun was having. Maybe I should ask John how to solve it, I was about to ask him but my right foot seemed to be touched by some object.
I looked down and saw a dark green oval object...that was a grenade!
"Shera!" - I saw John kick the grenade away and both of us later pressed ourselves to the floor
"Boom!" - The grenade had exploded and while pressing myself to the floor, my body felt to be hit by something powerful as if it had been affected by the impact of the previous explosion
"Sir Rigen, the enemy has fled, what should we do!" - Reimi yelled while running toward both of us to lift us, my ears were still ringed so I could not hear her talk properly
"Princess, can you hear me!" - I noticed that the gunshots had stopped, all of us fell back to a corner, John later called me but I could not hear him properly
"Princess, are you okay!" - John yelled again while touching my face as if to check on me if I was wounded or not, I could hear a bit now but my ears were still ringed
"Shera!!!!!!!!" - This time I could hear John yelling at me loud and clear, I slowly nodded to let him understand
"Kiss!" - John kissed me while hugging me, both of our faces were full of dirt after pressing ourselves down on the floor to avoid the grenade
"Sarah, Hatano! You two follow Shera!" - John ordered his subordinates to follow me
"Akane, Reimi and Ms. Erik! Please follow Princess to check the survivors!"
"Shera, you lead the group to save the survivors, I will chase the enemy's Commander, alright?"
"Sarah, how many enemies left!"
"Still only one on this floor, Commander!"
"Where did he escape, Reimi!"
"The left side, Sir Rigen! That guy must have escaped to a classroom!" - Maybe we were yelling to communicate with each other when our ears had been ringed after having a big firefight
"What are you doing, John!" - I grabbed John's hand when he suddenly ran away
"Go check the survivors, Shera! I will come back later!" - John roughly put my hand away and then ran out of my sight
Rigen's perspective
I must make sure that this school was safe, I must kill the last enemy, Shera and the others would be safe from now on. I had already reloaded that Thompson gun and now was moving to the left side of the hallway, I could not keep my eyes on Advisor to avoid losing concentration.
I peeked out to see, the left side had many classrooms and Lieutenant Waley had already hidden in one of these rooms, I didn't know where he was. I sneaked behind the wall and then looked at Advisor's screen, there was a red dot that was inside a classroom that was away from my position a few steps.
I slowly stepped into the classroom and exposed my body a bit.
"Gunshots!" - Gunshots had been fired, which meant this guy was here, Lieutenant Waley was trying to kill me, the bullets shredded the wall
"Gunshots!" - I shot back into the classroom in automatic mode, both sides were firing very aggressively
I pointed my Thompson gun to the classroom and saw Lieutenant Waley was running as scared as hell out of the door, he dropped the M3 gun on the floor while running outside.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I shot Lieutenant Waley when he was running but missed, he managed to run outside of the classroom and headed to the beside classroom
I immediately chased to the next classroom and then pointed my Thompson gun into the class. Lieutenant Waley was running and seemed to want to risk jumping out of the windows.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Clak! Clak!" - I fired at Lieutenant Waley and saw he fell after being shot, I immediately threw the Thompson gun away and then pulled out my M1911 pistol
I was scared, excited and rage mixed, I fastly walked into the classroom and then headed to Lieutenant Waley's position. That guy was now lying on the floor and his body had been covered by the tables and chairs in the classroom, I was rushing in scared.
I only saw this dark elf drop the M3 gun away but didn't see his pistol anywhere, this guy was a military officer, carried a pistol. If this dark elf pulls out his pistol to shoot me when I didn't see him then I would die for sure, bullets could shoot through thin wood, I must watch my steps.
My right hand held the M1911 pistol while my left hand was unarmed to prepare for any situation that needs it. I walked closer and closer to the area nearby the windows, which was the place Lieutenant Waley fell.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I was startled when 3 gunshots spurted out and broke a small table in front of me those came from Lieutenant Waley, he tried to kill me when he didn't know my exact location
But as I said, I was startled so I crouched down and then fastly crouched to Lieutenant Waley's position. I headed more until I saw a figure of a dark elf with long white hair, whose beret had fallen on the floor, pieces of broken glasses were around him.
Lieutenant Waley was holding a black M1911 pistol, the pistol had run out of ammo and his shoulder was draining out blood heavily.
"Have any last word, fucker?" - I asked Lieutenant Waley while pointing my pistol at him
"Spare can you...kill the one who...did not commit any...war crimes?"
"What's your purpose for occupying the school, fucker? What's your demon's purpose for this invasion?"
"I didn't know...we were ordered to occupy the school to wait for...the next orders..."
"What do you mean?"
"Her still...lack command..."
"Many of our units...didn't have a clear objective...we were ordered to occupy...these facilities... capture people without...knowing what to do next."
"In this invasion...soldiers are conscripted...are forced to go...not volunteers...they lack women...lack experience in fighting."
"Soldiers you people...killed were a week...young in a miserable regime of Her Majesty...they hated her to the bones."
"Soldiers commit...war crimes by harming release their stress and have pleasure...we did it... because of didn't have a clear objective in this invasion."
"What should we do, Commander?" - Advisor asked me
"Kill him right away, Advisor! End his misery, at least I would let him live if he is useful...but now he has no use to me."
"Can to me...a favor before I die...human warrior?" - Lieutenant Waley dropped his empty pistol and looked straight at me
"Say it..."
"Humans and demons...are the same...we all good and one better than no one..."
"If you have a chance to encounter...Her Majesty...tell her to let loose...we are told to be better than humans...but our society still has adultery and...other bad things."
"Even in wars...we are all taught lie things...our traditional tells us to do no war crimes...but what we are doing here...proved the reverse."
"Please persuade Her let Her Highness to success her throne...Her Highness...lack experience but kind..."
"Any society also has bad things, elf! No society or country is perfect...can you die now?"
"Replacing the ruler won't make any difference, change the regime, let the people have rights."
"People to have rights?"
"Holding power for too long will make even a kind person be a devil, having no one to control you will make you corrupted."
"When the people can reveal bad things about the regime they are living without being sealed their mouths, the government has no choice but to change the society to be better."
"Otherwise, the people would uprising...that government would be sooner or later ruined."
"What's your name...human warrior?"
"John Rigen..."
"I would remember it when I die, now let me breath...the last one before killing me...can I?"
"You say one more time and you die..."
"Ahhhh!" - Shit, Lieutenant Waley suddenly yelled and made me surprised, he charged toward me like a crazy beast when his wound was still draining out blood
"Arrggghhh!" - My body had been grabbed by Waley's tough hands, he held me and charged into a wall near the classroom's entrance
"Arghhh! Arrghhh! Arrggghhh! Arrggghhh!" - Lieutenant Waley grunted and breathed heavily while smashing my body to the wall non-stop
"Ahhhh! Hurraahhhh! Yarrghhh!" - I used both of my hands to smash Lieutenant Waley's back, my pistol had been dropped so I only had bare hands
"Uhhhh! Hurrrahhhhhhh!" - I managed to pull out a KA-BAR knife which was stored in a holster behind Lieutenant Waley's back
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"Ahhh! Ahhhh! Die! Die! Die!" - Lieutenant Waley kept smashing my body to the wall but I ignored and stabbed his back 5 times, he hadn't gotten his hands out of my body yet!
"Ahhhh!" - Lieutenant Waley while being hurt managed to throw me to the chairs and tables, both of our adrenaline was high so we didn't feel pain at all
I stood up after being thrown to the tables and the chairs, my triceps were now bleeding after colliding with broken tables. I noticed that the KA-BAR knife had got out of my hand and now was on the floor, Lieutenant Waley ran to the knife and took it.
"Haaahhhh! Haaaaahhhh! Haaahhhh!" - Lieutenant Waley charged at me to stab me many times but I managed to fall back to avoid the stab, shit, he was too close, now cannot dodge!
"Haaaah! Haaahhh! Haaahhh! Haaahhhh! Haaahhh!" - I intentionally pushed the stab deeper into the right side of my belly
Lieutenant Waley had stabbed me 3 times and didn't have the sign to stop so I pushed the knife's blade deeper into my wound to stop his madness.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" - I bit Lieutenant Waley's neck and then tore out a piece of flesh from his neck, my belly was draining out blood non-stop, his neck was wounded heavier, both of us were covered in blood and dirt
"Rarrrggghhhhhh!" - Lieutenant Waley pushed me away and then kicked me making me fall to the floor
Lieutenant Waley later rushed toward me and then sat on my chest, he grabbed my neck tightly to chock me, he tried to chock me heavier.
"Uhhhhh! Arrggghhh! Arrggghhh!" - I was suffocated because of being chocked, I punched Lieutenant Waley's face once, then twice but he didn't stop choking me, he even made a smile
I immediately leaned my hand to my pistol, which had been falling and now was lying on the floor near my right hand. I felt like I grabbed something so I immediately pointed it to Waley's chest and then pulled the trigger.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Clack! Clack! Clack!" - Lieutenant Waley had finally stopped choking me, he stood up painfully after being shot
"Arrggghhh!" - I took out a grenade and pulled its pin, put it on Lieutenant Waley's mouth when he didn't have time to react
"Hahhhh! Haaahhhh!" - Waley breathed heavily because he was realizing there was a grenade in his mouth
"Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh!" - I pushed Lieutenant Waley to a window and then shoved him out, letting him free fall while holding my belly to stop the blood
"Boom!" - A big explosion came out and I knew that I had survived
Shit...the wound was quite heavy to me, I could not stand properly but had to grab the walls while walking steps by steps out of the classroom. Both of my hands were full of blood and those blood was now sticking on the walls, I walked out of the classroom.
My belly was still stuck with the bloody KA-BAR knife, I would remove it later, removing this knife would make my body bleed more.
"John! John!.......John!" - Shera was now running to me from far away, she was quite panicked to see me
The things I saw from this time were Shera running toward me, the people in the school walking outside to see the scene after the fight subordinates. Not just them but also Reimi was running toward me like Shera, my feet felt heavy so I fell, shit...
"Sigh...good to see you again, John Rigen...wake up fast and then go away, I don't have anything to say to you, wake up quick!" - I felt I was sitting somewhere, my body didn't feel hurt anymore, it was also oddly light
I opened my eyes and saw...that was Katia! This fucking Goddess, I must kill her! Wait...I could not move, shit!
"I told you many times, an NPC like you cannot kill me...if you can kill me then I'm not a God, you know? Yawn!" - Katia waved to me while yawning
"Well, I invited you to meet me this time is for fun, don't think you can ask me anything. Your mouth and your thoughts are sealed... accept it, pathetic John." - Fuck you!
"Oops, I forgot to ban you from swearing at me...honey...done, enjoy, John." - I cannot scold her anymore!
"Anyway, I want to check your memory a bit, John! Have you... remember what I told you in Shanghai?" - What did Katia tell me? Shanghai?
"Well, during the Shanghai invasion in the Third World War, Operation Daotai, when you were trapped in Shanghai with your soldiers." - What did she tell me?
"You don't remember? Well, I asked you just for fun...I have already made you forget will remember what I said to you in your dream."
"You can go now, John Rigen! Maybe we will meet again, in a very long time."
My body suddenly being sucked out of Katia's house, my eyes started to be blurred...
"Princess, please don't be sad...John will wake up, he has been healed, don't worry." - My body felt to be pressed by something, I heard Sarah's voice talking to someone
"My Highness, please don't be sad, at least the school has been saved and now everybody is staying inside to wait until the situation out here settles down, they are all safe."
"Your friends also safe, My Highness, though...I feel so sorry to hear about Sir Jason Hanvar's death, he was Lady Sasa's boyfriend. She must be very depressed to lose her teachers and the one she loved."
"My Highness, don't worry! Sir Rigen will be fine." - I heard Reimi's voice and also engine sounds, as if I was inside some vehicle
"The streets outside are empty and full of dead bodies, aren't they? Though...I have gotten used to killing a bit but..."
"Every time I see these body will get shivered...cold to the bones." - I heard Sarah say with her trembled voice
"How long until we get back to the Palace, sis?"
"Sis, please talk to me, don't use hand language anymore...sis, sigh!"
"Less than...10 minutes...Sarah." - Hatano also with me, huh?
"Uhhh!" - I opened my eyes and felt my body was a bit heavy
"John!!!!!" - Uhhh, Shera suddenly hugged me very tight when I woke up
"Princess, it hurts..."
"Ahh, sorry!" - Shera slowly stopped hugging me but held my hand, seeing my wife made me feel so relaxed
I noticed that my upper body was fully naked and full of white bandages, on my triceps, my chest and my belly, these wounds were very hurtful. When I was fighting in my madness with Lieutenant Waley, I hadn't noticed the pain until this time, though my wounds were not as heavily painful to the bones as I thought they should be.
Shera was still wearing her red school uniform, her uniform had been dirty and also had blood on it, a Thompson gun was strapped on her shoulder. I looked around and saw Reimi, she was...wait! I looked above and saw a green background of something, I was in a vehicle, I think!
"Where am I?"
"You're inside an M113, John! We are heading back to the Palace, the people we saved have chosen to stay in the school until things outside here settle down." - Sarah said to me
Her military uniform was full of dirt and blood, her face was pale and dirty as if she has gone through many things and now was tired. I saw Reimi was sitting near me but she sat in a corner while pressing her face to the M3 gun as if she was very exhausted, she sighed non-stop.
Reimi was wearing a red school uniform, which seemed to be newly changed, my green military uniform was placed beside her.
"Good to see you again, Sir Rigen...many teachers in the school have healed your wound, how do you feel?" - Reimi tried to make a smile to greet me though her face was still exhausted
"A bit hurt and very tired, Reimi! Maybe I a bit." - I slowly lifted myself with the help of Shera and Sarah and then pressed my back to the seat of the armored vehicle to rest
"Please don't stay away from me anymore, John...I was so stupid to let you go alone...I'm sorry." - Shera pressed her face to my chest and hugged me, I also patted her head, my wife was so cute!
" Hentai... Commander!" - Sarah grabbed my left hand and put it on her head as if to ask me to pat her, this dumb girl was also cute though I was always bullying her
" seem...very enjoyable, huh?" - Shera, don't misunderstand! This action is for showing my friendliness to my subordinate!
"The four of you...seem very happy..." - Hatano said to me so I tried to find her
Hatano was now sitting alone to operate the armored vehicle, her face seemed very tired, her green uniform was full of blood. I also saw Hatano was wearing a green military helmet which had glasses, maybe a Tank helmet, Hatano was wearing an M21 on her shoulder.
"Our Alrotz bags are over there, Commander! Get your gear if you need...sigh! I will go help my sis...let's change our turn, sis." - Sarah said to me and returned to help Hatano to drive the M113
Our Alrotz bags were on the right side of the seats, they took quite much space inside of the armored vehicle.
"Shera, come closer." - I told Shera to come closer so she did it, my wife's boobs were not big, they were only bigger than small boobs a bit but I didn't care about her boobs, I love my wife, so warm and so cute!
"Eehhh, what are those wings monsters doing, sis?" - Sarah asked Hatano when she was looking at a scope in a driving seat, maybe she was looking outside of the M113
"Mass rape outdoor...killing children and surrendered soldiers...those are normal things you will see in wars, Sarah." - Wait, there was a bloody scene out of the streets but I didn't know?
"We have to save them, sis!"
"I want to...but out there are full...of enemies...just use that situation to disguise them and go back to the Palace...Sarah."
"But sis, how can you be so heartless...?" - Sarah looked at her big sis very depressed and powerlessly, she later looked at me, Shera and Reimi as if to ask us to save them
"Sorry, Sarah! I'm tired, sometimes good people must stay silent..."
I wanted to save the people outside too but my body had just newly healed. Even if I was full of energy this time, I would not save the people outside, too risky for me to do.
"I'm sorry too, Lady Sarah! I only care about John...and... sometimes we must stay silent to save ourselves, please think about the consequences if you save those people." - Shera apologized to Sarah
"I'm a Knight with the duty is to save the people and serve the ruler without scaring of dying, I realized I'm a coward, Lady Sarah! I'm sorry for my uselessness." - Reimi also apologized
"That's so? I understood..."
Sarah suddenly went silent and then grabbed her M4 which had been attached to a Grenade launcher and now was placed on her driving seat, she later looked above. Wait...Sarah later opened the vehicle cap and then pointed her head outside, she wanted to save people alone or what? Why did she be so fucking dumb!
"Sarah, what the fuck are you doing!" - Hatano yelled when she looked behind, she immediately ran to grab Sarah's legs when that girl was about to get out of the armored vehicle to save people alone
"Let me out, sis! Our US soldiers' duty is to save the people!"
"Pull her down here!" - I yelled and then stood up with my wounded body to grab Sarah's legs
Shera and Reimi also rushed to grab Sarah's legs, the four of us were very miserable but could not pull Sarah down, she kept heading out of the armored vehicle's cap to get out of the vehicle.
"We are the Army, the Peacekeepers, I must save people, Commander! Let me go!" - All of us were trying very hard to pull her down
"Hurraahhhh!" - Sarah yelled and then her legs slipped out of our hands, she was now alone outside to save people, we must save this girl!