Chapter 146: Operation Daotai (Part 1)
Rigen's perspective - July 16, 2039 - Okinawa, Japan - Night
Let's ignore the previous ghost story, we could not find our phones anymore, they had vanished with the lake and the wooden house. Two days have passed since that terrible day and now we only have today left before heading to Shanghai - to make the massive amphibious assault.
I would say that would be the most massive amphibious assault in human history if it occurs, and it is about to occur.
In the battle of Shanghai - as known under a codename: Operation Daotai, our Marines Corps would assault Shanghai alongside the USAF and the US Army. This operation would only be launched and joined by only our US Military, Taiwan, Hongkong had already been occupied by China, NATO, Korea and Japan had already left the war, only United States joined.
We would attack to capture Shanghai and then fight alongside the Russian Armed Forces who were now attacking China from the north side. Both the military forces would make a joint attack until we head to Beijing to capture China's capital and then end the war.
"Daotai" is a name which is translated from Chinese, which means "Downfall" in English, we would end the war by opening this amphibious assault. Though many of our US Military generals and also our troops were scared of the nuclear ending in this world war because we could not control our nuclear system and China was now controlling it, from bombs to missiles.
But we could not be scared of our fates and didn't do anything, we must face the truth, China had only nuked London in the war and never used nuclear weapons to attack us again. So this amphibious assault would be a live bet, we would die or live, our fates were very blurred now, but we must keep going.
"Rigen, are you alright?" - Oh, Sulivan asked me when I was sitting with him in the officer's room
Because our US Marines were having rest days so most of us were training in the shooting ground to prepare for the amphibious assault, some were resting and some were volunteering to help the superiors. I had volunteered to help Lieutenant Haris - our Commander, we were in his room to check the intel, Sulivan was a hard worker, he seemed never wanted to rest - this guy was born to work.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about the assault, the intel said millions of troops would amphibious into Shanghai in a day, seems very deadly." - I took a map on the table to look, it was a map about Shanghai and its around locations
"It would be more bloody than D - Day, John...many of us won't survive...but we must fight for the peace of the world." - Sulivan said to me while checking the maps
"What's day is today, Sulivan?"
"You don't remember?"
"I haven't checked my phone and now I'm trying to concentrate."
"July 16, 2039...we would make the amphibious assault tomorrow."
Both of us later went silent and then kept checking the maps, many details were written in these things, we must check to make sure there was no mistake in the intel. Japan was quite safe to me, China was still attacking Japan though the country had already left the war, but the Japanese Navy forces were now fighting against China in the ocean, not reached Okinawa yet.
While checking the maps, I looked around to watch the scenery of the room and noticed that Lieutenant Haris was now working with his laptop. Because this world war was very massive destruction, only military officers were allowed to work with computers, our Marines had to check the intel by using our eyes and papers.
"John, we have done checking the maps, no mistake from the intel, why don't you hand these things to our Commander?" - Sulivan said to me when he was putting the maps into a yellow envelope
"Yeah..." - I later took the envelope, but why did I see Sulivan was so sad?
"What's wrong, Sulivan?"
"I may not survive this amphibious assault...I'm scared that I cannot...return to my aunt."
"I understand what you are about to go through, man...don't worry, all of us will survive, all of us will survive." - I tapped Sulivan's shoulder to comfort him
After comforting Sulivan, I walked toward Lieutenant Haris, he was checking the intel on his laptop and didn't even look at me at once. I could see the tension exposed on my Commander's face, he had wives and kids back home, maybe millions of our troops would not survive to return home.
"Thanks for helping me, Sergeant Rigen and Sergeant Sulivan, you two can rest now." - Haris said to us when he was concentrating on work on his laptop, beside the table he was sitting in had a picture - which was his family's picture, poor him!
"You two should sleep well, you know? Tomorrow would be very bloody, the landing on Shanghai would be more brutal than Normandy." - Haris talked to me when he was still working on his laptop
"Have a good day, Lieutenant!" - I stood straight and then made a military salute toward Lieutenant Haris and then walked to the door and was about to get out of his room
"Have a good day, Lieutenant! God blesses you, you will survive." - Sulivan also stood straight and then made a military salute toward our Commander and then walked to the door and stood beside me
"Let's head to Cawess and Pambo, Rigen! Those guys must now be in the shooting ground, they are waiting for us to join."
"Yeah..." - We later opened the door and then walked outside, I slowly closed the door and then walked with Sulivan down the long hallway to head to the shooting ground
Both of us walked into the hallway while looking around, some Marines who were standing to chat with each other were now hugging and showing feelings to other buddies. Most of us would surely die in the battle of Shanghai, if we could survive then we must be very lucky, but we cannot say anything.
In wars, we can die anywhere and anytime without any signs to alarm us, we may be safe in the base but who would know if your base would be bombed or not. I also saw some Marines phoning their parents or their families at home, some of them were crying during talking, our lives were so fragile in this war.
"You don't want to call anyone in your homeland, John?" - Sulivan asked me while walking with me in the hallway
"I'm just an outsider, I do not belong to this world...the one I considered my relative was Shizu has died, I'm only alone here."
"I my aunt a few minutes later." - Sulivan made a long sigh and then looked at space while walking
"But Sulivan, can you explain to me more about this world?"
"Yeah, if you want to know, John."
"Did the internet ever be cut off during the war?"
"Once, on the first day of the what I told you two years ago, we hadn't known anything in 3 hours."
"China had attacked the world with its allies and we didn't know anything, not just internet but other intelligence system had also been attacked and hacked, our USA was powerless within 3 hours."
"About the machine that controls the worldwide nuclear system, can you explain it more to me, Sulivan? I didn't understand yet."
"Rigen, the nuclear system of each country has different security and different codes to unlocking, is that correct?"
" what made China could control the entire nuclear system worldwide?"
"I don't know either...but I can only explain to you in short."
"That machine can control the entire nuclear system worldwide, which country has that machine, that country would rule, would dominate the world."
"China created that machine for so long...or in the 2020s and we didn't know anything."
"There is also a rumor on the internet that said that the world war 3 intention has already been well prepared by China."
"With that superior machine, Rigen! You can control the worldwide nuclear system, from bombs to missiles, you are the only one who can shoot the missiles and drop the bombs."
"Now our US Military and Russia Military are trying to form a Special Operation Force, in order to find and then hack the machine to retake the control of the nuclear system."
"But there's a very problem behind the intention of founding that Special Force..."
"Our US government would try to take the machine and use it for our own, is that what you are thinking, Sulivan?"
"Yeah, after the Second World War, our US Military hadn't shared the nuclear technology to the Allies because of that same purpose...but the Soviet and the British had finally created nuclear weapons."
"Now think, Rigen! Only the Russians and our Americans join to hack that superior machine...think about the scenario if we win the world war."
"World war 4 would be the answer...maybe." - I didn't know much but I think every nation which has nuclear weapons would fight to take over the machine, which could help them to dominate the world
"Luckily that the NATO and other factions have stopped joining the war, but I think they would know about this secret intel sooner or later...or they have already known about it but didn't say anything."
"If our US Military has that superior machine, every nation on earth would have to humble before us, we would have no matches..."
"If any country dares to disobey our United States, we just need to press the button and then see till that country vanished on the world map."
"I hope that scenario would not happen, you know?" - I said to Sulivan
"Yeah, me too! At least having nukes and pointing them to each other would be safer than having a machine to control all the nukes."
Both of us kept walking to the shooting ground after had done talking, our fates would be all unpredictable tomorrow, I could die...or not. But I hope my buddies would survive, I'm very scared to die, I hate but I think all of our Marines should survive.
I was wondering how would the battle occur tomorrow, the amphibious assault would be most similar to what our US Military experienced in Normandy according to our military intelligence. This means the battle would be very brutal and maybe more deadly than what had happened in Normandy because we were now living in the modern era - a place of modern warfare.
"What're the Russians doing, Sulivan?" - I saw that it would take us a few more minutes to walk to the shooting ground so I asked Sulivan another question
"Attacking the north of China, those Russians are revenging for what China did to them in 2030."
"Yeah, China had attacked Russia powerfully in the early years of the war and almost reached Moscow in the Winter, I mean in January, 2030."
"From that time, the Chinese troops were away from Moscow only 10.000 kilometers (6,2 miles)."
"But luckily that our US Military and the JSDFs had made a joint operation to help the Russians against China invasion...but, I would say our first encounter was friendly fire."
"Our US troops and the JSDFs secretly deployed to Russia's border and the Russia troops didn't know about our appearance."
"Both Allies shot each other, I didn't do much research about that Winter battle but it was said the casualties of friendly fire were very much."
"But in the end...our US Military and the JSDFs alongside the Russian Armed Forces had finally pushed back Chinese troops out of Moscow."
"Well, I would say that the Russians are fighting very hard. When our US Marines have finally taken Shanghai, we would occupy other regions and then make a joint attack with those pussy Russians to Beijing."
"Hey, Sulivan! We have come to the shooting ground...let's go in there." - I saw that both of us had finally come to the shooting ground so we headed there
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Cawess was now shooting his M4A1 Carbine, he was shooting a moving target from hundreds of meters away to prepare for tomorrow's fight
I walked inside the shooting ground and looked around, I was wondering if I should join to train or not. But after a few seconds of thinking, I grabbed an M4A1 Carbine in a green crate, took some magazines and then headed to an empty position to shoot the targets.
When I was pointing my M4 to a target, I slowly noticed that Cawess had stopped shooting and then returned the rifle to a crate, he later walked outside. Maybe that guy was having some affairs for him to deal with, I should not disturb him, I would concentrate on training my marksmanship right away.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I shot 3 times at a target that was away from my position about dozens of meters, I shot 3 times to its head, though we would mostly aim to the chest in combat
I later changed to shooting a target that was away from me at least 100 meters (110 yards) to train my accuracy more and more. In modern warfare, we would mostly encounter enemies at a distance of about 200 meters (219 yards), this distance was not quite far but bearable.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - I shot 4 times at the target, I realized that I shot quite fast, a bit carelessly though I was shooting in its chest
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
Maybe...I should stop shooting now, I slowly removed the magazine and put it back on the crate. I later put the M4 in its previous place and then looked around...where the hell was Sulivan? He has just been here with me earlier, strange!
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" - Ohh, the gunshots which were fired earlier came from other Marines, some of them were training to prepare for tomorrow's fight
Maybe I should walk outside of the shooting ground, my buddies weren't here at all, maybe they had gone somewhere. I later went outside of the shooting ground when the shooting sounds were still fired loudly, the fight tomorrow would be louder.
I was now in the hallway, I walked around the cafeteria to see if I could find my buddies or not. I later saw an Asian Marine who was walking across me, he was bringing two big crates in his hands but he seemed to be a bit struggling, maybe I should help him.
"Hey, let me help you, lad." - I walked to the Marine and then asked him if I could help him or not
"Oh, thank you very much, friend." - The Asian Marine later let me grab a crate, I would go with him to the room to store this thing, I didn't have many things to do today
Both of us later walked together to the room to store the crates, this Asian guy seemed to be an East Asia, Chinese? Or Taiwanese? Or...Japanese?
"Hey, I'm Prahn, Prahn Jiao...what's about you?" - This guy asked me first, huh?
"John, me John."
"Thanks for the help, John."
"We are brothers so we must help each other, that's obvious."
"Where did you come from?"
"I'm from parents are know? Racist comes wh-"
"No need to talk, buddy! I have seen these cases for too long, you did nothing, Jiao...I have nothing to hate you."
"Thanks...for not racist me."
I actually didn't care much about racism...we are all the same. Humans racist humans, brothers on earth but racist against each other, it makes me feel sick!
We later walked into the room to put down these crates, maybe these crates were used to store ammo. I put the crates into an empty place, Jiao put his crate beside mine, ohhh...Pambo was over there, maybe I would meet him.
"Hey, John! Thanks, I would go now, see ya." - Jiao waved to me and then got out of the room
"Yeah, you too." - I also waved to Jiao and then pointed my look at Pambo
Pambo was now pressing his back in a corner of the room, he seemed to be talking on the phone with someone, maybe with his family. Pambo didn't notice my appearance yet, I later walked toward him and then stood beside Pambo.
Pambo later noticed my appearance and he raised his hand toward me as if to tell me to wait for him until he has done talking on the phone. Pambo seemed to be always doing funny stuff in my group but he was truly a kind guy, he seemed very love his family.
"Honey, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly stop talking to me?" - Maybe Pambo was talking with his wife on the phone and I disturbed him
"Nothing, friend's here, I told him to let me talk with you for a bit longer, that's all."
You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at
"Hey, Stephanie...uhh, about Carl, how's our son, babe?"
"Carl is very missing you, honey...he always wants you to go back home."
"Hey, babe... I'm sorry but...maybe today would be our farewell, I may not be able to survive tomorrow."
"Our intel said the amphibious assault tomorrow would be very bloody and deadly...the defensive line of the enemy is very...well prepared."
"So babe...please don't wait for me to come home...please take care of Carl, I would fight well for you two's future."
"Don't say that, honey! I will wait for you to come back, you will surely survive, you would survive."
"I want to, babe...but...cries...shit!" - Pambo was now tearing up because of missed his family
"Don't worry, babe! When I'm gone, there will be big insurance waiting for you and our child."
"Don't say like you are about to die, honey! I will wait for you to come back home...we will live happily together when you return."
"Stephanie...I love you."
"I love you too, Pambo...please return soon, please survive."
"This time is quite late in Okinawa, good morning and...goodbye, big love, babe."
"You too, honey...I love you."
Pambo later turned off the call, he turned off his phone and then made a long sigh, I hope Pambo would survive in the amphibious assault, though I hope all of us could make it. Our US Marines must win the battle of Shanghai, if we can make survive, we would have to fight until our US and Russian troops occupy Beijing and we would have the chance to go home.
I'm not a person of this world, I do not belong here so I have no one, only me but...the guy like Pambo still has his family. Pambo kept sighing and then stared at me for a few seconds, he later tapped my shoulder and then pressed his mouth near my ears.
"Remember to sleep early for the battle, homie...or those ching chongs would kick your ass." - Though Pambo was not in a good mood at all but he still making fun of me
"Come on, let's meet the others in the toilet..." - Huh?
"Sulivan and Cawess are in the toilet, they are solving their problems."
I didn't know what Pambo mean but I also followed him to the toilet, Sulivan said he would phone his aunt...but what was he doing in the toilet?
"Hey, can you...tell me how is your previous world, John?" - Pambo asked me when we were going together
"My memory about that place has blurred a bit but at least I can tell you that place is safe."
"No signs of any world war?"
"Nah...I would say it's unpredictable, but at least that previous world is still safe."
"How was your military life back then, John?"
"Didn't remember much, but I can that I had fought in Afghanistan...that's maybe all I can remember."
"Afghanistan? When did you born, John?"
"2005, Virginia."
"2005...I was born in 2009, you are older than me, homie."
"Well, how's about Cawess and Sulivan, I didn't ask them yet."
"You are so heartless, homie...umm...that kiddo, I mean Cawess was born in 2012 and Sulivan was born in 2011."
"But wait...when did the US troops withdraw from Afghanistan in your previous world, homie?"
"In 2021, what's wrong?"
"How could you fight in Afghanistan, man? You were 16 at that time."
"Didn't remember, I didn't have much memory about it."
"Well, you said you haven't had any girlfriend in your previous world, Johnny?"
"Yeah, not even once, not even...a MILF..."
"Your dick's size, homie?"
"Wait, wait, wait...why did you ask me so freaking like that, man?"
"Well, I'm doing my best to bring you more mood, homie! Stop serious your face, let loose..."
"Sorry, I get used to keeping my face serious for too long..."
"Maybe when this war is over, you must find a girl to date and then to marry, homie...she would be the one to fill you in love."
"No...I only love Shizu...I only love her."
"Move on, man! You must move on...cannot keep Shizu in your mind anymore, she is now not alive anymore...she wanted you to be happy, you know?"
"I know...but I only love her...sigh!"
"I respect your choice, homie! But don't make me disappointed if you get some girl to fuck after this war is ended." - Hey, I'm telling the truth!
"Anyway...your dick's size, Johnny?"
"Yours is...small compared to the 3 of us, Johnny...mine is 21."
"But at least mine is huge, it's not long but huge."
"Well, watch out if your future wife intends to have an affair behind you, homie! Many women cheat on their lovers because their sizes are too big."
"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, don't be serious, man...sorry for the bad joke."
"Well, why don't we go in there to join our brothers, homie?" - I didn't notice that all of us had already stepped into the toilet when, I didn't notice...
The toilet seemed to be a bit cramped, there were 5 rooms to use but 2 had been closed, but where were Cawess and Sulivan?
I looked around to check on Sulivan and Cawess but didn't see them anywhere, I was wondering what they were doing now. I kept looking around when Pambo was chuckling at me strangely, I later noticed that two toilet rooms were still being used.
Don't tell me, those two were pushing while defecating in the toilet after having dinner? But they didn't eat anything that would make them struggle to push...they were relieving themselves inside there or what?
"Those two are miserable, aren't they? One has to be away from his wife and one very wants to have his busty girlfriend beside him." - Pambo said to me while tapping me
I later saw that toilet's door on the right side had been opened, Cawess came outside with his right hand was...sticking...his white liquid. His semen seemed to be very much, maybe a long time not masturbating, there were no girls in the barracks, only men, didn't surprise to see him in that situation.
"John, grab me the toilet roll over there! Inside here is empty!" - Cawess yelled at me while pointing his finger, which was sticking his semen to a corner nearby
But I only stood to look at him, Pambo later grabbed the toilet roll and handed it over to Cawess, that guy grabbed the roll with his semen hand. Now I noticed that Cawess's left hand was holding a small photo or something, what were the details inside that photo?
"Hey, Cawess? What is inside the photo?"
"V-, I mean my girlfriend's nude pic, I managed to store this only one in my bag, she is fucking hot, do not touch this photo, it's mine!" - Cawess later shut the door and kept masturbating inside the toilet
I late pressed my ear into the door to eavesdrop, this guy seemed very missed his girlfriend.
"Ahhh, Valen! I love you, I love you! I will fuck you till my ball dried, have my kids, ahhh!" - Sheesh, the way this guy was moaning while masturbating with his girlfriend's photo made me... never mind!
"John, you are sick, man! So perverted..." - Pambo said to me when he was eavesdropping on Sulivan, he said I'm sick but he is not different from me either
I later stepped to the toilet's room door which Sulivan was staying in and then eavesdropped alongside Pambo, both of us were so sick!
"Ahhh, aunt! I love you, I will date you on the beach when I come home! We will get married, have kids and live in a place where no one can find us!" - Wait a minute, Sulivan's feeling for his aunt was too much...but incest is bad after all!
"I missed Stephanie, I will join them to relieve myself, homie..." - Wait, Pambo suddenly walked away from me and headed into an empty restroom and then closed the door
I...haven't masturbated for months, and now I'm very missed Shizu, the battle tomorrow would be very stressful. Maybe I would masturbate a bit to make my mind calmer, I also walked into a toilet and then pulled my pants down, I would masturbate for a quite long, I think!
Well, I had done masturbating, 4 times spurting out, my hands were now full of dense semen, I must wash them and then return to my group's room to sleep. I used my left hand to open the toilet door, when my feet stepped outside, I encountered Cawess, Sulivan and Pambo.
Maybe the four of us had done masturbating at the same time, coincident, wasn't it?
"Hello again, all of you, homies!" - Pambo waved to us with his clean hand
"You didn't moan a shit, Rigen!" - Huh? What the fuck was wrong with Cawess? He dare to eavesdrop on me when I was masturbating?
"And you moaned too loud, never let me have time to do with my aunt!" - Sulivan yelled at Cawess when he was holding a phone in his left hand and his right semen hand, this guy had masturbated with his phone or what?
"You moaned loudest in this room, Sulivan! Your aunt is too sexy for you to fuck or what!" - Well, Cawess was quarreling with Sulivan, this scene was very bullshit, yelling at each other because of the other moans
"Yeah, here's my aunt, look! Look how hot she is! My aunt is only mine, she is a bit fat when she sent me her nude pic but I didn't care, I love her!" - Sulivan raised his phone to show us his aunt's nude pic
"You see what, Johnny? Two kids inside adults' bodies...very bored to see them, right?" - Yeah, Pambo!
"All of you shut the fuck up, go back to your room and sleep! It's night already, don't wake up other Marines anymore!" - Lieutenant Haris suddenly stepped into the toilet and scolded all of us
"Hello, Sir! What are you doing here, Lieutenant?" - Pambo greeted Lieutenant Haris
"None of your business, Sergeant Pambo...tell these kids to get back to their room and sleep, all of us must sleep well for tomorrow's amphibious assault."
"Yes, Sir! Let's go, sons." - Pambo chuckled and then walked to the sink and all of us followed him
All of us put our hands into the sink to clean our semen, I turned behind to peek and saw Lieutenant Haris had pulled out a photo from his pocket and then headed to an empty toilet. I, Cawess, Sulivan and Pambo looked at each other as if we had known our Commander's purpose for coming to the toilet, all of us turned our heads behind and then made a deep breath.
"Lieutenant Haris, don't moan too loud in there!"
"All of you shut the fuck off, having fun with my wife is not your business, let me have my own privacy!"
"Clean your hands and get out of the toilet quick or I would send all of you back to Normandy tomorrow! Right in the D - Day to not see you guys anymore" - Though Lieutenant Haris called us kiddo, he was no different from us
I and my brothers later looked at each other and smiled, we later kept cleaning out hands until they had no semen left. After cleaning our hands, we stood inside the toilet to wait for Lieutenant Haris but he kept scolding us so all of us left to get back to our room.
Though the moment inside the toilet seemed very funny but when all of us walked outside to go back to our room, the tension was exposed on our faces. Our fates would be unpredictable tomorrow and seemed like we would have to farewell each other tomorrow.
After a short time walking in the hallway, we got back to our room and then got into our beds, covered ourselves with our bedsheets and then looked at a space. I could only wish that I would survive in the battle of Shanghai, I also hope my buddies would survive too, though I wanted all of our US troops would survive though that thing was impossible.
"Hey, good luck in the battle, homies! I will kick you guys out if those ching chongs dare to get close to you, you know?"
"It's not a time for joking, Pambo." - I said to Pambo
"I know, Rigenny! Good luck tomorrow..."
"Guys, all of us must survive tomorrow, you know? The second D - Day would not happen, all of us will survive." - Sulivan was trying to encourage us
"If you guys dare to die before me then I would haunt you guys, remember?" - Okay, Cawess!
"Anyway, Semper Fi, all of you!" - Sulivan said good night and then closed his eyes
"Semper Fi, homie."
"Fucking Semper Fidelis, Sulivan."
"Semper Fi."
"Semper Fi, you homies sleep well." - Pambo later closed his eyes to sleep
"Semper Fi, Pambo."
"Fucking Semper Fidelis till the end!" - Can't this guy stop swearing?
"Anyway... Semper Fi, John Rigen...good luck tomorrow." - Cawess later closed his eyes to sleep
"Semper Fi, all of you guys, I will kick your asses if anyone of you dares to die before me." - I also closed my eyes to sleep