Chapter 69: The Implock – Chapter 63 – “Indignant Guides and Arrogant Gnomes”

∼ Indignant Guides and Arrogant Gnomes ∼

Chapter - 063

By a busy street and fussing over a small robed figure, who was rather encumbered, Aria was double-checking everything. "You have your knife, and you remembered your food right? What about the bandages? And-"

"Nyargh! Stop it, I do's - I do's! Stop it already!" Nyx protested, making Aria pout as she took a step back.

Looking him over once more, she wrung her hands. Compared to his old and oversized worn robes, he now wore some much finer and practical robes that had been custom-tailored to hide some of his more demonic features. With rims of black outlining the grey cloth, long baggy sleeves, and a large drooping hoodie, it was quite a fine piece of clothing. It finally made him stand out as the spellcaster he was without revealing his true nature. A pair of hardened gloves also made sure he wouldn't accidentally flash the tipped black claws and red skin, sporting a matching pair of footwear specially made for him. One could truly now not distinguish him from any other gnome.

Over the last couple of days, with the help of The Orphans, they had finally gotten the comforts they had been robbed of ever since ending up on the run. Proper food, bath, and clothing. Whilst Nyx had been impatiently waiting for his membership to be forged and logged with the guild, Aria had been settling in as her new role as an accountant and resident healer. Eric hadn't been as busy though, as he mostly trained and strolled the aboveground city, just waiting for The Stained Tooth to make contact as Zechariah so insisted they would.

Days later than their initial agreement, the documents needed for Nyx to officially join The Mercenary Guild were done, and he was more than ready to venture out of this suffocating city of stupid humans. He was ready to grow stronger. He was ready to fight. He was ready to kill.

"Alright..." Aria sighed shakily, knowing she couldn't stall any longer. "Just remember what I said, okay? You promised me,"

Nyx froze as if he had just been caught with the hand in the cookie jar, her uncanny ability to read his thoughts. "Yes, yes. No killing innocent humans. I's only kill bad humans and dumb monsters." He grumbled. 

Though Nyx didn't realize that it was simply that his internal musings were usually on display at all times on his face, betrayed by his complete lack of subtlety or any form of inscrutability.

"Good... you can go." She nodded solemnly, before handing him a strip of jerky that she magically conjured from her rucksack. "Be safe, okay?"

All too happy to accept the morsel, Nyx absentmindedly bopped his head up and down as he munched on the chewy meat. Then he promptly began waddling down the street, the bag on his back clearly too heavy as he swayed dangerously.

Aria could only look after him with a worried expression before suddenly realizing something in her daze. "Nyx, Nyx!" She called out, catching the demon's attention. "That's the wrong way!"

He looked back and forth down the street before pausing, the piece of jerky dangling from his mouth. "I-I knew that!" Then he promptly stormed off in the other direction.

All Aria could do was look anxiously after him and he pushed and shoved his way through the throng of people, the much taller humans cursing at the brazen and supposed gnome. However, many gave him way as those more knowledgeable recognized his fine robes. Robes that only mages and those with the money to purchase such finery could wear.

Nyx luckily hadn't been far from the city square when he parted with Aria, so he found his way to The Mercenary Guild rather quickly, the massive building taking up most of an entire block. It was the guildhall. The center hub for all of Boreas mercenary work.

It had a pair of massive studded doors wide open, almost like those of a gate, a stream of armored and heavily equipped people of various nationalities and races walking in and out.

Though Nyx had seen the likes of gnomes and dwarves before in passing during their stay in Guard's Crossing and such, this was the first time he really got a glance of the much smaller humanlike races. Although, even as Nyx knew they were called gnomes and dwarves, they only really registered as small humans to him rather than actual different races as he simply couldn't be bothered.

After all, what was the difference? They were all stupid in the end. Tall or not.

Marveling at the massive structures as he passed the initial gate, Nyx joined the flow of people into a wide hall that opened into a further massive room. As he made his way, he only occasionally cursed or snapped at some daft human that blocked his passage. But just as he was about to enter the lobby of the guildhall, a voice cut through the hubbub.

"Nyxel? Nyxel Brasshand?" A tall pale-skinned man asked, pushing himself off a wall in the opening as he caught sight of the small robed figure standing out in the crowd. Nyx jumped in surprise at the unexpected use of his fake name, nearly summoning his magic to fight whoever wanted to confront him. Then he remembered being told that there was supposedly something waiting for him when he arrived.

He stopped both his step and conjurations, watching as the man fitted in brown padded leather armor and studdings underneath a dark green cloak. Not only was he tall, but he was also sporting a lean athletic build, with a large saber stepped to his hip. However, he didn't really enter Nyx's eye as a threat or someone strong. But although he didn't look all that impressive to Nyx, he at least had an air of competence around him.

You are reading story Tales of the Implock – A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story at

"Name's Ignatius, I was assigned to be your gui-"

"My man-servant!" Nyx interrupted. "Finally! Here, holds this," Before the tall man could react, Nyx had lopped the heavy backpack at him, making him scramble to barely catch it. He was surprised at just how heavy the bag was, especially considering this small gnome had carried it all the way here without much strain other than being unbalanced.

Gnomes were usually weak of body and especially so for a warlock. Not to mention that gnomes were often weakened outside of their underground and mountainous homes as they could not tolerate the sun and fresh air. It made them lightheaded and their muscles weak. Sapping their strength and ability to think clearly. That was why they usually frequented only indoor establishments and tended to keep a robe about them.

Snapping back into the moment, he frowned as he stared down at the little robed guy who seemed already over the point.

"Listen, I'm not a man-s" He tried to say sternly, but Nyx waved him off.

"Enough talking, human no more speaking. Let's go. Killing awaits." And without as much as another glance, Nyx turned on his heels and began walking into the lobby. But before he could make it more than a couple of steps, a firm hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

The so-called Ignatius stood there, his tall frame looking down on Nyx with a look of disdain. Now he looked outright pissed from just moments before. "Listen here buddy, I'm not your servant. And I'm not going to carry your shit for you. You hear me?"

Huh? What's this? How dared this human look down on him? His very own man-servant?! Outrageous behavior!

"You're my man-servant!" Nyx protested as the man tried giving back the backpack.

"I'm not, I'm just your guide." He ground through clenched teeth.

Nyx frowned. He didn't quite understand the difference. Wasn't this human here to do as he ordered? Regardless, he wasn't going to carry the backpack when a perfectly fine human was there to carry it for him. "I cares not. Carry it," Nyx insisted, waving his hand dismissively as if the matter was over.

By now, they were gathering attention, catching some of the eyes of the people that went by, even conjuring some snickers and laughter from those who paused long enough to listen. The human paused, looking at the curious eyes all around and getting a little flustered despite his gruff appearance and personality. Leaning in closer, he talked in a lower voice.

"I don't know what you did to make The Orphans set all of this up for you, but you better understand I'm not here to take orders from you. I'm merely here to show you how The Mercenary Guild operates and how to work as a mercenary. Understand?"

Alas, this situation seemed to be worse than Nyx initially thought. He had already been averse to the idea of needing some stupid human help him in his new ventures. But now he was being told he wasn't actually getting a servant on top of that? It would seem Nyx had truly gotten the proverbial shit-end of the stick during the negotiations with The Orphans.

Still, that look of disdain in the human's eyes set his [Mark of Pride] on edge, the outline faintly glowing at his agitation. Nyx would not tolerate it. So... he'd better show the human some humility. And show him, he would. Nyx snickered evilly.

Frown deepening as Ignatius looked at the gnome who suddenly seemed to ignore him, he could feel the anger boil up within him. Just how had he been settled with this useless sod? Why was he saddled with showing the ropes to this arrogant little gnome? Just because he had some debt to The Orphans, he had to waste his time as such. Of course, he would never dare to even attempt to remain silent when The Orphans called, for he knew what happened to those who did not pay their debts when due.

But that would not mean he would degrade himself to the point of letting him be called man-servant and bossed around by this damned ankle-biter. Having had enough of this Nyxel, he moved to throw the backpack at the little shit. Whether he'd be able to catch it or make him tumble over. He didn't care. However, something immediately stood out as wrong the moment he attempted to.

It felt like his body was moving through molasses as his muscles contracted to throw it and he felt sick to his stomach, a wave of nausea hindering any clear and concise thoughts. As he watched the little robed guy, he could barely move in time to react to the leg that swept his feet out under him, sending him head over heels onto the cobbled ground beneath.

Groaning on the ground in the guildhall's entrance with everyone looking, he felt a heavy weight land atop his stomach, nearly sending his breakfast spewing out as inexplicable nausea assaulted him. He realized it was the backpack, then above him come into sight a grinning, impish face.

"You carry it, guide." Nyx smirked.