So I have been thinking about how to get stronger.
And the answer is that I need to know my mana affinity first.
In all probability, maybe fire or some shiz cuz' of my mixed bloodline. But still, all planning will be useless without it!
Like if I know I have a lightning affinity, I can make my nervous system fierier so as to move faster or maybe even absorb fire! Lighting is another form of fire, isn't it? Lightning means heat, which in turn means fire. And material, my ancestor was a fisherman, not an archer like me; he did fish for his food.
That doesn't make any sense. Why am I talking about fish?
So now I have made up my mind: The first thing to do is find out what mine is. Then I could use this talent in battle as well. It would help me win battles easily.
Or, for water, I could use elemental guns. They are very effective against enemy soldiers when they come out of the river and into the field. And these water cannons could knock down even big walls and towers with one shot. There were also no casualties among them because there was no explosion involved. Sure the guns here are like the pirate era. But still awesome.
With that in mind, I went to my mum:
"Jo, give me some cash."
"Don't jo me, speak normally. Besides, what do you need the money for?"
"I want to go to a ninja shop and buy something for training."
My mum gave me a suspicious look.
"Why did you suddenly decide to start training"?
"To fight better, naturally!"
The old lady grew angry.
"Ehmm...because I have the fire of will in me and want to protect stuff...I guess," I replied.
"It is the Will of Fire, and that half-assed response wouldna' even convince your idiotic father. But I don't think it hurts to start training before going off on such a fool's errand. So tell me where this place is."
She gave me 500 Gold. Being an heir to a house doesn't mean I'm rich. In fact, both mum and dad want me to become a merchant who knows money's value, but I am different from other businessmen. My interests lay elsewhere.
"Anyways, come home before dinner," she said.
"Yeah, mum"
By the way, normally when you reincarnate, you think that having new parents would be awkward. But actually, it is quite pleasant because they treat you exactly the same as your real parent and you have not lost anything.
But then again, there are times when you wish you had your original set of parents back. I still find it weird that my new parents act just like my old ones. Also, since I spent time with them, I guess that the feeling of love for my parents kinda stuck with me.
I don't mind, though, since having feelings of love is, for the most part, usually positive - make love, not war! So I can live less dangerously!
A massive crowd of kids at a small weapons shop is making loud noises.
"Brothers, let us test this wonder here!"
A boy about ten years old was waving a long staff with a round object at the end. It was red in colour. A few boys who looked over ten were trying to catch hold of the staff with their hands.
"Hey, let's trade our figures!" A random girl shouted from the side.
When the boy saw her, he smiled and pointed at the girl shouting. "You, bring me your figure!"
"I won't!"
"You damn thief! I saw it first!"
Even though it's a shop that sells dangerous weapons, this shop now also sells some famous adventurer action figures, which are really popular with the kids in the Imperial City.
There a small girl with two Chinese-style buns was looking sadly at her opened her pack.
"Uhhhh, I really wanted a Lady Tsunade figure..."
While the girl lamented her bad luck, a wild long-haired boy walked in. He wore a martial arts uniform. His face was thin, and he had a short, straight nose. The only difference between him and the children was that he was holding a sword instead of a staff.
"Holy Jesus, why the hell are there so many brats there"?
"What is a Jesus" the girl wondered and observed the weird boy.
The boy seemingly ignored all the other children and walked straight to the shop counter.
"Jo, I would like to purchase some Chakra Induction Paper."
"Alright, how many would you like?"
"Just one"
"Okay, that would be 2500 Gold."
"Yo! Why the hells is that expensive? Ya rippin' me off or something," I said.
While I was yelling at the shopkeeper. I didn't notice a lot of attention was on me.
She was gazing at the strange boy, whose name was Gazei.
"He has a sword and a magic staff. How unusual!"
You are reading story Infamous: Drakyn at
"Because it is made of a special tree which is grown and fed with large amounts of mana. The procedure is really troublesome, so that's why it's so expensive." The fool with the bad manners explained.
Gazing at me, the girl remarked, "He is also wearing a martial arts uniform. He seems to be a Martial Artist of some kind."
"I can't afford it...well, that sucks...anyway, have a nice day", I relented at the price.
"Wait, why don't you buy a Ryu-Mystery Hero instead? They are currently really popular with kids like yourself."
"What the hell are those?" I asked.
"They are heroes with supernatural powers. You know, like the swordsman who used to defeat Guan Yu and Liu Bei. The one with the blue hair." I just stare at him. Why would I care about that Guan Yu?
"Each pack contains a random hero from Konoha's history, and each has a certain rarity level."
"Hmmm, why tell hell not. My mum will be disappointed if I don't buy jack shizz...Alright, how much does one pack cost?"
"100 Gold"
"Okay, then I will buy four packs."
"Excellent, sir! Would you like to choose a package yourself or just a random one?"
"Just a random."
"Okay, here you go."
After purchasing a pack with an unenthusiastic face, I opened it up.
"What's this? Wait, is that Tsunade? Well, I don't care; I wonder if you can get Han Gu out of one of these..."
While the boy wanted to leave, he felt someone pull on his shoulder:
"Uhhmm, excuse me? Would you be willing to trade your Tsunade figure?"
When the boy turned around, he had a bored expression after seeing it was a small girl near his age.
"Who are youse?!"
"My name is Gege; I heard having a figure that I want and that you were about to leave. So I thought we might as well try to do a swap."
Great, another girl pullin' up on me. This always happens to me.
"What you said again?"
"I asked if you would be willing to trade your Tsunade figure..."
"You want this figure? Is it a rare figure?" I asked.
"It's medium-upper rare. But I really want it. I tried so many times, but I could never get her."
The girl looks like she is about to cry. I should do the nice thing and help her.
" you really want it, huh? Okay, I will sell it to you for 2500 Gold."
Tears started forming in her eyes: ".... can't you sell it cheaper, please?"
"Not possible. Sorry, but I must do it. And the longer you make me wait, the higher the price will be. So now I will sell it only for 3500 Gold."
The girl burst into tears.
"Please, I beg you, just let me have it! Please!"
"Well, I can't sell it to you for less than I paid. Otherwise, it would be tough for me to make any profit.
"WAIT...I...accept", - she said with tears and snot flowing down her face.
"Hey, stop making that face, or others might get the wrong idea. Anyways here is your figure, so don't cry."
Even though she stopped crying, she is glaring at me while she takes the figure:
"I won't forgive you, you evil..."
I shrug my shoulders while thinking: well, it's only a future thot, so who cares.
Anyway, I now have enough money to buy a Chakra Induction Paper.
+50 Reneage points.