Chapter 9: 8. Drake vs lizards.

Man, this tunnel is something else, it's really long, I've been going through it for a super long time, am I gonna reach China at this rate? Woah! I hold myself back, because before I had realized it, I finally reached the end, there was a hole going directly down, I didn't know how far it went down. But looking around the hole, I could see several other tunnels in the walls of the hole, when I looked up the hole, I still saw a ceiling. Looks like this hole doesn't lead to the surface unfortunately, but I'll either have to go through here or I'll have to go back to where the snake was.

Yep, there is no way I am willingly gonna return to the snake, it could have gone away, but it's too far away and even if I go there I don't think that there would be much point to return. After all, those frogs are definitely dead, after considering it, maybe the best choice is to go into a tunnel that was connected to the hole. Uuu, it's really scary though, that hole is really deep after all. I need to climb the walls and then get down into one of the tunnels. Carefully, I inch towards the edge and then I start holding onto it, I see one of the tunnels slightly down and to my left. I look carefully around to check if there were no monsters. Unluckily, there were a few lizards connected to the wall, but they were far from me and hadn't spotted me yet. I decide to appraise them to know if I would win in a fight or not.


[Lizard] Lv. 2

Species: Lizard.

Status: normal.

Sex: female.


Hp: 16/22


Huh, I could beat one if I fought it one on one, problem is that there were three of them, and I was on a wall where they could move freely while I couldn't, so it was best not to engage with them. I ignore them and continue with my climbing, I move slowly across to the nearby tunnel using my climbing skill, one of the rocks that I had grabbed had fallen all the way down. I didn't hear the stone drop, which made me panic even more, how deep is this hole?! Calm down Lisa, the noise was just too quiet, it's not like it leads straight to hell. I felt my heart beating more quickly and I felt a bit hotter, I thought that lizards don't produce heat though? I started hearing movements in this hole, when I look around, I see that the lizards that were nearby had finally noticed me. I felt my heart sink seeing them run across the walls towards me. Oh crap I really have to hurry up now! I start moving towards the tunnel more quickly, I was being pretty careless while I was climbing towards it and so I had slipped and fell.

Oh crap! I need to hold onto one of the nearby ledges if I want to survive! When I fall close to one of the tunnels, I hold onto the ledge to break my fall, the pain was immense and I nearly broke my arms, I scramble up into the tunnel to get inside it. I managed to survive this careless mistake, one moment of panic caused this disaster to occur. Thanks, stupid lizards. Wait, wouldn't the lizards be coming here at any second? I gotta get outta here quick then, wait, maybe this is an opportunity to reverse our fortunes, a situation where the hunted becomes the hunter y'see? Or I might get killed, I mean those lizards are the same size as me and there were three of them. Plus I could use the exp very much if I wanted to survive here. But what could I do to them now? I even got injured slightly by this fall, so my chances might be even lower than usual, unless I place some traps or manage to use a weapon or something, I look towards the cave for anything I could use and find some sharp looking stalactites on the roof, I climb up the wall and take them down, the sounds of the lizards getting louder motivated me to work faster.

["Climbing" leveled up to lv. 2]

That level up made me able to work more efficiently, after a while, I grab all the stalactites and put them next to me, they were heavy and throwing them was hard, I practiced throwing while waiting for the lizards to come.

[Skill "Throwing" lv. 1 was added]

Nice I got the throwing skill, I should play baseball after this is done, wait this isn't the time for these thoughts! Alright, I need to get my head in the game, the tunnel here slightly slants up, then goes flat, so if I stay up here then I'll have an advantage against these lizards. Unfortunately there isn't a boulder nearby so I can roll it down on them. The roof wasn't high or low, so I guess that is that. I wait on top of the pathway for the lizards to arrive, and then suddenly, they had arrived from the roof and walls.

It's over lizards! I have the high ground! But seriously, the lizards were now running towards me up the slight cliff that was created by the tunnel going upwards, I take the stalactites that were near me and I throw it towards them like spears, I missed quite a few as they were moving pretty erratically, but I stay calm this time, I need to use some of my points to level up throwing, I really didn't wanna do it but I think it is necessary. Hey level up throwing please.

[Increase skill "Throwing" to lv. 2 for 2 points?]

Yep, that hurts a ton but what is necessary is necessary.

["Throwing" increased to lv. 2]

I throw more spears at the lizards, they were more accurate and quicker now, and I shortly hit one of the lizards in its head with the stalactites, the sharp part had lodged itself in its head but the rest broke off, oof that must've done a ton of damage.


[Lizard] lv. 3

Hp: 13/26


It's super-effective! A critical hit! The lizards fell off from the wall and started flailing on the ground, I could now shift my focus on the other ones, but damn, I'm running low on stalactites, only 5 more remaining.

The lizards continued running up towards me as I was thinking, no time to think, only fight. I hold another of those stalactites and aim it carefully before throwing it, the lizards dodges it and continues running towards me, they were about 80% of the way up, I take another spear and I throw it at the lizard, the lizard dodges it again but I had expected that and followed it up by another spear, the lizard didn't realize that there was another spear coming at it, and fell down and start tumbling down the slope before coming to a rest after crashing with the other one, this one should buy me time at least.

You are reading story Reborn as a Drake: A quest to become the strongest dragon. at

The final lizard had already gotten too close to me, it poises itself up and then jumps at me, I pick up the two stalactites and cross them in front of me, begone demon! The lizard crashes on the stalactites with its mouth and whips me with its tail on my underbelly. I push the lizard away and it jumps on the walls, it starts running across the roof above me and then tries to drop on me, I jump back and spin then throw one of my spears towards it, I return to walking on all fours with the spike in my right arm. The spear that I had thrown towards it had unfortunately landed roughly on it and didn't do much damage. I appraised it to see how much damage was done exactly.


[Lizard] lv. 3

Hp: 20/25


["Appraisal" leveled up to lv. 4.]

Oh nice timing appraisal, looks like all these hours of grinding and head aches was worth it. But more importantly now is the battle, the lizard here didn't take too much damage. In fact, it is in the best state of all the lizards. I should appraise it again in case I can get better information.


[Lizard] lv. 3

Species: Grigecko

Status: Normal

Sex: female


Hp: 20/25

Strength: 11

Defense: 9


Nice! I got a lot more information now, there isn't any time to appraise myself since the lizard is now staring at me. I decide to be the one to get closer to it, I run towards it and throw the spear, the lizard dodges it and I run towards it and start clawing and biting it with all my might, the lizard didn't expect this tactic and started squirming to try and escape while slapping me with its tail.

["Bite" leveled up to lv. 3]

My bite got stronger, but it wasn't enough to hold down the lizard, since it had squirmed away and cut off its tail to get away. Looking down from the edge I saw that the other lizards were recovering and getting up towards us, this was bad, I need to kill at least this one before I deal with the others.

[Lizard] lv. 3

Hp: 9/25

Only 9 hp remaining, come on, I can do this! I run towards the lizard while it starts to run away, as it runs away I use fire breathing to shoot a stream of fire towards the lizard, the lizard gets slightly burnt at its side but nothing too good. But it slowed down due to the fire, I catch up to it before it runs away and then I hold it down, it tried to slip away and was smacking me with its head, but then I had finally stabbed the lizard with my claws.

[11 Exp was added.]

I finally killed this one, I push it off of me and prepare for the remaining ones. Only two left.