Chapter 24: 23. The resulting damage.

Hahaha. I'm alive... I have barely survived from an encounter with that monster once more.

My body was broken unbelievably, even with my high pain resistance, I couldn't even feel anything but pain.

I try to get up from the ground, but I fell soon. I couldn't move anymore. But more strangely? Is my body... shivering?

With the realization that I was shivering, I get hit by a wave of emotions, I'm scared, this is the first time I have ever felt this scared.

My vision starts to clog up with tears, and I start sobbing. My shaking accelerated from the crying and it nearly became uncontrollable.

I can't anymore, this is too much for me. All this pain, unbelievable monsters, constant risk of death, and living like an animal.

My brave facade was not going to help me anymore now, I've treated everything I've come across with humor or acting brave, but I was frightened by everything here. Only joking about it to lessen my own fear.

But this is my limit now, I'm seriously at my limit. Living in here is like hell, so why do I still go on? What purpose still drives me forward? Isn't it easier to just... give up?

But I must still go on, I didn't come this far just to give up and die.

But why? What purpose? Isn't it all meaningless?

I have to, that is all, I didn't survive that monster and the giant fall just to give up and die.

[Proficiency of skill "Forbidden" reached the required amount. Skill "Forbidden" leveled up to lv. 2]

Yes... I just have to go on. That is the only thing I can do. I... I remember what my dad used to tell me "If anything bad happens, then you just need to laugh it off. See? Aren't you feeling much better now that you're laughing?" He told me that as a kid, I don't remember him that well, but that will always stick with me. I might not be able to laugh and smile. But I know that he wouldn't want to see me so miserable, he'd want me to rise up to the challenge and survive.

Dad. I may not remember you very well, but thank you.

I have to move somewhere else now, the crying I've done might attract more attention.

My body hurts to an unbelievable degree, but I can move now. I force myself to get up and go somewhere else.

[Proficiency of skill "Hard-willed" reached the required amount. Skill "Hard-willed" leveled up to lv. 7]

I found a clearing between two giant crystals that I could hide in between. The place was nearby and I got in there quickly just to not be outside anymore.

After lying down there, I try not to think about what happened earlier. To not think about all what I experienced. Because truth be told, if I thought of it once more, I'll finally break. Even that little pep talk I had earlier will not matter anymore.

I'm exhausted right now, but I still have to guarantee this place is safe before I could rest in any way.

I peek my head out from between the two crystals, and I see a wide crystal covered cave. It was quite beautiful in a way, and seeing it made me shiver a little less. Of course though, there were monsters still here, I saw crystal covered crabs walking around the place. They were all of varying sizes, but there was one that stood out. One of them was nearly 5 times the size of the others, and was basically hunting and eating them, along with some other monsters around here.

I'm done with all of these monsters, I'll just appraise it before I go to sleep.

[Crab] lv. 23

Species: Crystalline Karkinos
Status: normal.
Hp: 756/812
Ep: 98/98
Sp: 813/813 (Max: 813)
Strength: 255
Defense: 567
Energy strength: 89
Energy defense: 310
Speed: 110

This thing was extremely strong. But I was already prepared for that revelation. I just don't care anymore. I want to go to sleep only.

I use earth techniques to surround myself with earth, with that, nothing will bother me while I sleep.

I settle down on the ground and I prepare to sleep

Today was the worst day in my life, but it's all in the past now. I just need to go to sleep, because, tomorrow things will be better.

You are reading story Reborn as a Drake: A quest to become the strongest dragon. at

It wasn't long after thinking these thoughts that I had managed to go to sleep.

*POV Eric*

[Spirit leveled up to lv. 10]

[3 skill points were added.]

[Stats increased.]

[Evolution available.]

Finally, I had finally managed to level up. And better yet, I have an evolution available to me now.

For the past, well, a long time really. I kept on biding my time and looking for these imps, they were quite rare. And also quite stupid, since they all try to attack me with physical attacks, despite me having a non physical body.

But the problem wasn't with the imps, it was with every other demon here. They were all unbelievably strong, and cruel of course. I kept on having to avoid them, only coming out every once in a while to look for imps. Living here was incredibly tough, but luckily I didn't seem to need any food or water to survive. I wonder how do I survive? But it doesn't matter. To pass the time, I kept on doing anything to increase the level of my skills, and by that, appraisal had reached level four. And I discovered a bunch of different abilities in me.

I could manipulate my body in any way, since it was like mist, I could turn it into a sword, or a hand, or even a gun. But it wouldn't shoot anything so there was no point in doing that. With the skill points that I had, I grabbed a few useful sounding skills. These were: [Energy perception] for 3 points; [Danger sense] for 4 points; [Energy manipulation] for 3 points; and I got [Water techniques] for 5 points lastly. I used the rest of my points to level up the skills I knew I had.

And in the end, these were my skills: [Energy manipulation lv. 2]; [Energy perception lv. 4]; [Danger sense lv. 3]; [Flying lv. 5]; [Body manipulation lv. 4]; [Stealth lv. 4]; [Water techniques lv. 2]; [Fire resistance lv. 2]; and finally [Energy resistance lv. 1]

It wasn't the greatest set of skills, but they were mine, and that was all that mattered. I was happy just getting all of that. Unfortunately, I don't think that I have any cheat skill like it. There is no quick path to success, I guess.

Anyways, I will now finally evolve, I'll be able to match some stronger opponents now. And I will try to find a way out of here. I wonder what the state of the world here is. That is assuming humans live here, I still don't know anything here.

Anyways, the evolution options are:

[Greater spirit.]

That is extremely vague to go off of, I'd like to view more information about them if I could. How about I try appraising them?


[A mischievous spirit. Its combat ability is subpar, although it's psychic abilities are moderate.]

Terrible, no need to even consider this one.


[A vengeful spirit, its combat abilities are high for its stage, its ten long claws can work as poisoned sickles.]

This one is decent, but the other description is giving me the creeps. This is still my body after all.

[Greater spirit.]

[A spirit that has reached a greater level, further increasing its potential and gives it the ability to evolve further. Combat abilities are average.]

Well, this one looks like it's the best of them all, I mean, as long as it doesn't make me look like a monster or hideous, then I'll be okay with it.

Alright, I pick greater spirit.

The moment I thought of those words, I had lost my conciousness for the first time.