Chapter 48: 43. Lisa’s science is the world’s finest!

[Proficiency of skill "Forbidden" reached the required amount. Increasing level of skill "Forbidden" to lv. 5]

[50% of barrier has been undone, reusing remaining parts of barrier... Soul coating has been provided.]

[Communication attempt has been made... Impossibl-]

[You have done well, Lisa.]


I felt a great presence arrive with those words, it was overwhelming, but comforting at the same time.

You're that being! Does that mean I died?!

[That is not the case, I have made contact with you, to praise you on your determination, perseverance and will to go on.]

O-Oh, that's it?

[It was not easy for you to accomplish what you had done, all of the pain, all of the despair. I have felt everything you felt. Despite all of that, you overcame all of it.]

Huh... I-It really was a lot, I don't wanna think back on it. Thank you.

[Good work must not go unrewarded, so I shall impart you some knowledge.]

[Not all is as it appears, and every effect has its cause. The roots of the world man has created will always affect everything, no matter how far they try to stray from them. In the end, you will need strength, to pick whichever path you and any that will be affected will walk upon. To be able to pick, is the sign of a truly powerful person.]

Ok? I don't understand what that means, or how relevant it is to anything.

[You will come to know in due time, stand tall and mighty, no matter what hardships come your way. Pick the fate you wish to walk upon.]

... I don't get it, but I wasn't planning on giving up any time soon.

Then everything went dark, and just as suddenly, I could see the area around me again.

I'm trembling from that meeting, my heart is beating ridiculously fast. And, I feel happy. Someone at least understands the pain and suffering I had to go through.

Well, let's see how my stats changed after the evolution.

[Lisa] lv. 1

Species: Teruhi
Status: Normal
Skill points: 22
Evolutionary points: 0
Hp: 988/988
Ep: 855/855
Sp: 264/264 (Max: 893)
Stock: 0
Strength: 531
Defense: 399
Energy strength: 606
Energy defense: 389
Speed: 854
Skills: [Alchemy lv. 4] [Appraisal lv. 9] [Auto hp recovery lv. 7] [Bite lv. 7] [Body manipulation lv. 2] [Clear mind lv. 5] [Cooking lv. 1] [Discomfort resistance lv. 5] [Dragon scales lv. 5] [Energy absorption lv. 3] [Earth techniques lv. 6] [Energy manipulation lv. 8] [Energy perception lv. 8] [Eye of force lv. 6] [Fear resistance lv. 6] [Fire breath lv. 7] [Fire techniques lv. 9] [Flame form lv. 1] [Flying lv. 7] [Forbidden lv. 6] [Gravity techniques lv. 2] [High speed thinking lv. 5] [Immunity strengthening lv. 2] [Mind control resistance lv. 5] [Omni-linguality lv. 4] [Pain resistance lv. 6] [Paralyzing breath lv. 6] [Physical resistance lv. 4] [Poison resistance lv. 5] [Regeneration lv. 3] [Simultaneous thinking lv. 4] [Solidification lv. 2] [Sprinting lv. 4] [Stealth lv. 5] [Steel-will lv. 5] [Stockpile lv. 3] [Telekinesis lv. 3] [Throwing lv. 2] [Unarmed combat lv. 3] [Wall movement] [Water techniques lv. 5] [Wind techniques lv. 2]
Title: [Reincarnator] [Wise] [Child of the sun]

Woah, a bunch of skills leveled up and I even have a new one, only one though, flame form eh? I can guess what it does. But there is no light techniques, wow, what a scam. Also, titles? I didn't know those existed, what the hell does a title do?

My boy Appraisal, can you answer?

Nothing huh, and I thought we broke the ice yesterday, I am so disappointed. What, did your internet connection go out?

Well, doesn't matter, let's get out of the hole and stretch my wings, this isn't a figure of speech, no I literally need to stretch my wings.

I removed the layer that covered me and exited, then I immediately stretched my body and wings. Ah, man that was a terrible sleeping posture I had there.

I looked at my reflection in one of the crystals and sure enough, the description of Appraisal was pretty accurate. I saw a white scaled drake, with semi circular or circular markings on it, although some markings actually looked like a comma shape.

Anyways, four wings right? Well, let's try em out.

I started flying, and lift off was unlike anything I have ever seen before, it was faster and more stable than any other time I have flown. I could even semi-hover, I couldn't stay perfectly still in mid air, but I was definitely stable. My 3d movement also improved, as I can change directions very quickly, and even fly backwards.

Well, that was enough testing, now I gotta check out what happened to the giant. And what I can do to it.

I flew over the giant hole it made, and sure enough I could see it there, continuing to rampage, it had made a mess of the ground, as the ground was covered in cracks, craters. And general rubble.

Well, show me how much you healed, boss.

Species: Crystalline Vasileio
Status: normal
Hp: 3188/3290
Ep: 1799/4302
Strength: 1036
Defense: 1937
Energy strength: 520
Energy defense: 1538
Speed: 275
[Body manipulation lv. 2] [Crystal fusion] [crystal hivemind] [Crystal synthesis lv. 10] [Energy absorption lv. 1] [Energy resistance lv. 3]

Well, that sucks. Oh my god that suuuucks. I'm about to sigh the longest sigh anyone had ever sighed. Huh that's a funny sentence.

Also, I can see others' skills now? Nice! Now they can't surprise me anymore. I am all-knowing now, fear me!

Ahem, anyways, although the crystal healed. It isn't that bad, since I can see that it screwed itself over in another way, the moron started destroying the ground, making it unstable and ready to fall. I think the bastard managed to dig 300 meters down in the period of time I was out.

Well, anyways, I gotta gather explosives now. Oh yeah! I also have a new idea for an explosive.

Ok, this is the time for a carrying out the plan montage! Unfortunately we ran outta budget for the montage.

Anyways, I should also go and try to find some more quarrys or mines, as I'm sure they'd probably have some explosives. But for now, I should start looking for them as well as "Material" for explosives as well as some food, evolution made me pretty hungry.

I flew up high in the cave, and started looking down to spot anything. I tried to sense any energies, but I was too high to effectively catch anything.

Oh? There's a group of crabs, great!

I swooped down onto the back of one of the crabs, due to me roughly landing on it's back at supersonic speed, it fell down and had its shell collapse.

Ew, mashed crab juices. Ew ew ew. Note to self, never do that again.

I looked at the rest of the crabs, and they were just starting to react to their friend getting killed. I could count 8 of them that were huddled around a pile of dirt.

Huh, I rarely ever see dirt here. I mean I saw some, but that was accompanied with debris.

Well, I don't really care about some dirt, I'm not a farmer.

I dashed from one crab to the other, landing a blow through their vitals each time I got to one of them, and within a couple of seconds. They were all dead.

Alright, I got 9 crabs now, although one of them is a pile of mush.

Wait a second, huh, there's crystals inside the dirt, was there a crystal trying to jump me? No, I can't feel it's energy so that isn't it.

I cleared away some of the dirt and found a bunch of eggs, these eggs had crystals growing out of them, and likely inside them as well.

Huh, cool. But I don't have a use for crab eggs, so I'll just leave them here.

Well, as I was saying. Let's prepare a few crabs for food. And then while I wait for them, I'll use the mashed one for experimentation.

I raised the ground to create a giant pot and prepared the crabs as usual. Ok now that I got that out of the way, let's experiment.

I have a level 4 Alchemy skill, so I'm pretty competent alright? Safety procedures? What's that?

Alright girls! The lisa chemistry division and lab got back its funding! Let's get to work!

Ok, but let's be serious now. Hm, well. Hydrocarbons and carbohydrates are pretty flammable right? I mean, crude oil is mostly just a super long chain of carbon and hydrogen. But ammonium nitrate is also kind of explosive and that has nitrogen in it. So what if I bond a carbohydrate or a hydrocarbon and nitrogen together?

Problem is, I need to know the ratio of the chemical I want to make. And these chemicals can make double or triple bonds as well. Can't elements also lose and gain electrons as well? Damn, what a pain.

Well, let's work on a smaller scale then work up to the big boys.

First off, nitrogen oxide, I don't know if it's possible or not, as there would only be 7 electrons in its outer shell, but it doesn't hurt to try.

It just has a double bond between the two elements, pretty simple.

I focused on the formula, then used alchemy to start creating it. The area started heating up as a side effect of using Alchemy. Until I finished my reaction.

And, nothing? I don't know, I can't see anything, and I don't know if I made anything at all. I did smell a new smell after I made it, so that could be it.

Eh, let's make nitrogen dioxide instead. Pretty much the same thing except with an additional oxygen atom, and that atom takes one electron from the nitrogen.

You are reading story Reborn as a Drake: A quest to become the strongest dragon. at

Once more, I tried creating it, and I saw a reddish brown gas float upwards after I created it.

Oh no you don't!

I caught it with telekinesis then pulled it down. I don't actually know what to do with it, I just didn't want it to go away.

Well, I'm just gonna contain it in some stone. Can't contain it in a glass vial like some sort of scientist, cause I don't know how to make glass exactly.

Well, anyways, instead of a carbohydrate, let's try a hydrocarbon for now, just cause it's easier.

It's really simple, 1 carbon reacts with 4 hydrogen, then we have methane. Of course I can't really see it. So I had to surround the place where I created it with telekinesis.

One neat thing about methane is that it's extremely flammable. Pretty cool eh? No, an explosion is hot idiot.

The question now is, big boom? Or small boom?

I lit a fire into the methane, and watched as it exploded violently. It was instantaneous, and made a pretty large explosion.

Woah, that was larger than ammonium nitrate, that's for sure. Ok, this is pretty explosive, but it's invisible, and spreads extremely fast, so it's a pain to deal with.

Ok, I'll check up on the food quickly then get back to work. Oh nice, it's ready!

I took a bite out of one of the legs of the crab. The now familiar taste of the meat spread through my mouth, and I swallowed the piece I ate.

[Biomass procured. 6 evolutionary points were added]

The food is nice, but I kinda wish I had a little variety, y'know? A little butter would be heavenly right about now, oh man, or some garlic and parsley. Maybe lemon, garlic and butter sauce... ahh I'm salivating just thinking about the golden goodness...

[Biomass procured. 6 evolutionary points were added]

Oh yeah right! I nearly forgot, chemistry. Gotta focus on my work. Well, I guess I'll mix the methane and nitrogen dioxide. I'll have to knock one hydrogen atom off of the methane, then we'll have a perfectly balanced material.

[Biomass procured. 6 evolutionary points were added]

Ah man, I finished my food, oh well, time to get back to work.

Ok, now let's actually try bonding a small amount of these two compounds.

The reddish brown gas mixed with an invisible gas, swirling and vanishing, as it was replaced by an colorless liquid.

[Proficiency of skill "Alchemy" reached the required amount. Increasing level of skill "Alchemy" to lv. 5]

The experiment was a success! Great job Chemical Lisa division! We're gonna get a budget increase for this one for sure!

That's nice head of department Lisa, but what does this thing actually do.

Very good question Lisa, the answer is that I don't know. I was planning on lighting it on fire and seeing what happens.

I created a spark on the chemical, then watched as it immediately caught fire. Then exploded.

That was a hell of an explosive, it was way faster than methane too. I guess it has more oxygen?

Well, we have a winner! I'm not gonna continue working, cause I'm freaking exhausted and am contemplating going into hibernation. So yeah, I'm not gonna bother looking for something else.

I think I'm also gonna mix it with a substance that has a lot of oxygen in it, just to boost its power. So I'm gonna keep the ammonium nitrate after all and just make a mix of these two.

Ok, let's keep on searching for a quarry, I wanna lay back after all this science and do some good ol' spelunking.

I flew back up, I made sure to remember my location so I can go back there to finish up the rest of the explosives. The crystal had recently stopped rampaging, so I was now worried. I flapped my wings harder to find the location fast.

Maybe the quarry is inside of a crystal? Or covered up by something? I don't know, but I hope I can at least find one.

Then, I finally spotted something, it was one of those strange devices, burnt and stuck inside of a crystal, and next to it. Was a mine that was half crystallized.

Bingo! I found one, guess that they don't call me hawk eyes for nothing eh?

Alright now, let's dig out the device in the crystal first, then we can experiment on it.

I smashed into the top of the crystal, then when I got close to it, I shoved my hand in there, and pulled out the device.

Hm? It's a strange thing, looks kind of like a container, it's cylindrical. And has a button on its side.

Kind of looks like dynamite now that I think about it, except it has a button instead of a rope.

Well, fortune favors the bold, let's push the button and find out what happens!

I pushed the button, then nothing happened, I pushed it again, and nothing happened. Then I pushed a dozen times more, and nothing happened.

Welp, it's a dud. I should chuck this thing away.

Huh, I thought it would explode the moment I threw it behind me like a cartoon, but it didn't. What a shame.

Anyways, that thing was burnt and encased in crystal, I shouldn't expect much from it. Oh wait, I forgot to do one more thing.

I grabbed the device back, then opened it up. On the inside, there was a container that was empty except for crystals growing there, and a weird glowing stone.

Wow, that's a pretty stone. Wonder what it is, gotta search it up!


[A stone that forces Einai particles to turn into heat energy.]

Ok, now what the hell is that.

I should've expected this, the silent treatment once again. But whatever, I kinda got used to it.

Anyways, I should look around.

I started looking around the place, I could see burnt metal buildings encased in the crystals, with a bunch of stuff in there. I saw burnt papers, charred jewelry, fabrics, and more weapons.

I kept on searching, I managed to stumble into a building that had a lot of explosives, but unfortunately all of them were encased in crystals. I had to search until I found a second store house, and that one had only half of them available to me.

Great. I have only half of the available explosives, quarter if you count the other building, maybe even less if any of them are faulty.

No no Lisa, I gotta be grateful that I even found any, that is still beneficiaaaaal?!

When I looked back to leave while carrying the explosives. I suddenly saw the giant rising out of the hole, it grew crystals from its feet to try and leave.

Oh hell no! You aren't gonna leave like that!

I immediately flew over to the crystal while carrying the explosives. Then I started activating and chucking them at its foot holds.

[Proficiency of skill "Throwing" reached the required amount. Increasing level of skill "Throwing" to lv. 3]

The bombs exploded violently. And broke one of the footholds that held it up, it started losing its balance and tried to grow back the broken crystals. I didn't give it an opportunity and began shooting as many fire techniques as I could on the other foothold. Along with bombs and oxygen.

I broke the second one, and the first one was only held by a small amount. And due to the weight of the crystal, the foothold broke, and the giant started falling to the ground. It smashed violently against the ground, tried to stand back up. But the ground under it caved again and it fell even further.

Haah, I used three quarters of all of my bombs for this, and I wasn't even prepared for what to do. Hell I lost 180 EP in this singular skirmish.

And I only have a limited amount of time before the crystal tries to go back up through the hole. So I better prepare as quickly as possible!