Chapter 51: 46. The denouement to madness.

The dust finally settled, and a mountain of rubble was left in front of me.

Woohoo! I did it, I'm the greatest... man, I wish I could celebrate, but I already know this isn't over.

I didn't level up, and I can still see the status of the giant. That means it is still alive. Also, I can sense its energy.

Well, whatever, it only has 102 HP remaining, it's practically already dead. I'm just finishing it off at this point. Although I'm kind of disappointed I didn't get to talk with that person. He seemed pretty reasonabl-ish, I guess?

... Oh crap! I just buried those buildings under, who knows how many, tons of stone!

While I was panicking, the pile of rubble started shaking, and what walls remained of the trap started falling into the hole made in the middle of it.

Then, stone was flung all over the place, as it started rising out of the pile of rubble, cracks ran all across its body, and it clutched a piece of crystal in its hands. It straightened it's back, and stood upright for the first time. It even dusted itself off. It looked straight at me after.

Woah, what happened to this guy after being crushed?

"The nightmare... it's over... I have awakened."

... well, that was a little shocking, but hey! I guess I'm gonna get an opportunity to talk with him! Wait, I don't know how to talk!

"The dream... blocks all sight... the beasts... my men... wish to slay you."

Wait, what?! Well, I did drop a mountain on you, but that's in the past! No need to be so petty man.

But, unfortunately, I'm not going to die today. This battle here? It's already over. I'm tired and not at my prime, but you are practically dead.

The crystal finally moved. It looked at the piece of crystal it carried.

"All this time... you were beside me... my soulmate... my guiding light."

The crystal in its hands started changing shape, the rough shape of it became sleek and sharp. It lengthened and widened until it started resembling a greatsword, but it was a little rough. To be honest, it might be a little too big, thick and heavy to be called a greatsword, it's more like a hunk of crystal.

It lifted the sword with both its hands, then held it in front of itself.

"I... will not... dream... again!"

It swung its sword at me, the swing reached my location far faster than I expected. I flew to the left to avoid the attack. At the same time, the giant jumped back, and moved its sword horizontally then back up.

This thing... no, this man is completely different to the thing I was fighting. He's using gravity to increase the speed of his swings, and he rotates his body along with his sword to increase its speed.

But, what will you do once I do this?

I fly up, then I zig zag around, I launch myself to the left, then to the right, and finally, I launch myself down.

He swung his sword after me. I stopped myself and flapped to fly backwards. The sword landed in front of me, and cleaved into the ground.

As bits of rock were flung up, I levitated the sword I dropped, then sent it flying towards my hand.

I held it, then changed its form. I removed the broken edge, and made it a one edged sword.

Then I stuck to the middle of his blade. Spikes came out of it, trying to stab into me. I ran towards his arm, and dodged the spikes.

More came out in front of me, and I dodged them left to right, as I was dodging them, the sword turned sideways, so that I was now upside down. It was swung towards the ground, and I was about to be flattened.

I skidded to the right, then I started running to the edge. In the corner of my eye, I saw that the spikes were changed into blades, and that they were approaching me rapidly.

I reached the edge, then I grabbed onto it, and flipped myself to the opposite side. The moment I switched sides, the blade came to a complete stop. My legs bent slightly from the momentum, then I felt more pressure as the sword began being raised up.

I dashed with all my speed towards his arm, and I reached it near instantaneously this time. I immediately slowed down to a slower speed like earlier, but I think that this was enough to surprise him.

As I started climbing up, I drew the blade towards its arm nearly instantly. The sword bounced off after breaking off a small piece of its arm.

Then, I swung it a dozen more times, every hit would take a small piece of its arm away, it would seemingly do no damage to its HP, but after 6 hits, it lost a singular point of HP.

Its other hand swung down to swat me, and more crystals arose from its arm. But these ones weren't blades or spikes, they were miniature replicas of him, and they all carried that greatsword.

They slid on his arm as a means of movement, and a few of them came to me. I waited for the first one to make a move, and once he swung his sword, I jumped over it, then almost immediately another one came after. His sword was positioned up at me, and I flew higher up to not get touched.

Once I flew up, I got closer to his hand, and I had to go back down.

More of these clones were there, and they tried their combo on me again. The first would come, then immediately, the second, third, fourth and then fifth.

Wait the combo isn't ending?!

It turns out, the crystals would return back to prepare for another attack, extending how long the combo would last, and making my life harder.

I flew up to avoid the combo. I was now at the level of its shoulder, he jumped back, and I followed after him. He didn't even finish his jump before I got back on him, he had swung his sword as I was getting on, and I saw him trying to swat something that wasn't there.

I was right beside his neck. The clones were about to come here, and before they came, I tried to shove the sword into his neck. But it just recoiled everytime I tried, only digging out slight chunks with each blow.

The clones had finally arrived, and I remained next to its neck. The first one approached, and when it started swinging, I jumped up, and it hit his neck. The greatsword cleaved through the crystal and created a much larger laceration than I could've made.

You are reading story Reborn as a Drake: A quest to become the strongest dragon. at

Oh brother, imagine if that hit me. Ah, now I'm imagining being cleaved in half. Yeah, I gotta be more careful.

If I didn't focus now, I was about to find out what would happen if that hit me. As the clones came. They climb up his neck, and try to slash me as they go by.

I fly forwards, then I land back on his shoulder. I turn around, then I ran full speed at his neck, I hardened my sword, an pushed my arm with telekinesis, eye of force, and all of my strength towards his neck.

The attack was near instantaneous, and the clones couldn't react. I pushed the sword deep inside his neck, and shattered a way into there, then I concentrated a ton of fire in there, until it exploded, and the shockwave that occured to my blade pushed me away.

An explosion expanded inside his neck, and created a hole in his neck, and it started collapsing as it was already cracked.

Crystals grew in his neck to be able to just about support it, not enough to restore all the damage. But he didn't have enough EP to restore all of it anyways.

He was now down to his last 50 EP, while I had about 170 left.

Unfortunately, both the impact and the explosion proved to be too much for my sword, as when I pulled it out, the rest of the blade didn't follow.

Yikes, that's a shame, well, y'know the saying, plenty of fish in the sea. And, I happen to see a very big fish.

I jump off of his shoulder, and I fly up. He places his other hand back on his sword, and then swings the sword up high.

As he tried to slice me with his sword. I launched myself back down towards one of his arms, then, his arms get even closer to me. He jumped, and his hand was raised like a fist towards me.

I landed on his fist, the impact shaked his entire body, and further increased the cracks from his fist to his arm. I was nearly crushed under the pressure from the recoil, and when I tried to jump off, I felt sharp pain in my legs.

Uff, my legs, I think I dislocated or fractured the bones in them. Agh, I don't think I can do any more running maneuvers.

His arm started falling apart, but he clutched his sword with the same strength regardless. He jumped back to make some distance, and as I followed after, he swung his sword diagonally at me.

I dropped down, and the sword went over me and straight towards the ground. It sunk into it, and the he used it as a grappling point to jump and then try a spin kick.

The kick missed as I backed off, and then he grabbed the sword, and swung it from over his head. I looped around to his back, and let him hit the ground. He cleaved away a part of the island, and sent hundreds of pieces of rock flying into the magma.

I picked up a piece of crystal that fell off from his back, and then I threw it with all my might at his nape. The crystal recoiled off of his neck, and fell.

He turned around with a swing, and held something in his hand, he crushed it in his hand, then raised his arm to throw it.

I dashed forward towards his body. I got to safety, but he didn't throw it. Instead, he held and crushed the stone more for a while longer, until he threw if into the air.

Dust engulfed me, and blocked my vision.

This... is actually a pretty good situation. Since I can still perceive him with his energy.

I felt an energy coming right at me from the left, I prepared for it, and then...

There you are!

I dodged the attack that came from my right, and placed an explosive ball into the palm of sword wielding hand. An explosion appeared in his hand, and soon, his hand was about to collapse.

Haha, surely you must be like "this is impossible!" But let me tell you how I figured out your trap, boss. Firstly, with your intelligence, you'd know that I need energy perception to use techniques, so a veil would be pointless. But, you wanted me to think that, so you can use a feint by placing some crystals there!

Damn, I always wanted to say something like that, this is some serious mind games over here.

"Very... clever."

He switched the sword from his right hand to his left hand, as his right started collapsing, and sliced upwards towards me. In the same time, stones were flung from down below.

I flew up, and stayed close to his left hand, then with all of my speed. I delivered as much punches as I could towards his hand, I could see his clones arriving to defend it. So I left, after placing an explosive into his hand.


The explosion shattered his hand, and the sword started falling. He started moving to the side to avoid the sword.

I went to the handle of the sword, and with all of my might, telekinesis, and eye of force. I pushed on the sword to move its direction towards him. The sword now fell diagonally at him, and was about to make contact with him.

Then a shattering sound echos in the cave, as his sword cleaves through his right shoulder, chopping off his arm. And continues until coming to a halt at his stomach.

"Your... strength... truly... magnificent."

He fell back, as his body verged on collapse. He was falling apart in front of my eyes. What held his bottom half and top half had also shattered, and now he was truly split in two.

The status next to me showed his health dropping, slowly, 5, 4, then 3, then 2, and finally, 1.

The crystals lost their color, and then they started to break away. Who knows how many tons of crystal shattered in front of me, and its dust was taken by the wind. Releasing all that was inside it roughly on the ground.

[Required exp amount reached. Lisa leveled up to lv. 2.]

And then, came the endless barrage of level ups.