Chapter 12: Ch. 11 – Manfred

Luckily the interrogation room has no window, so no sunburns for me. But then I’d like to at least see a bit more from the whole fortress.

All I have to work with is an empty table, two chairs and a door. I don’t have much experience with point and click games but this looks like a softlock to me.

Elly switches on some appropriate background music.
(Thank you, Elly.)

I think back to what I’ve seen so far in the fortress, (it is kinda weird how I saw no ranged attackers earlier if they are preparing for effectively a siege, no archers, no mages, no pots with boiling oil or anything, nothing.)
(You have to ask that someone else who knows the situation here better, or at all. Might even earn you some brownie points if that is revolutionary tech.)
(As if no one ever thought of just throwing stones from the top of the walls in thousands of years. That is as unlikely as the shitty soap cliché – all the parts are there but only the dumbass protagonist can smash them together, put them in a pot and stir once for a result.)

Against my better judgment I check the status screen for a crafting tab - and find it, (...oh hey, there are even craft recipes for all of the cliché isekai 'revolutionary' items already. So that is at least off the table.)
(But then why no arrows or rocks?)
(*sigh* Don’t tell me gravity is on vacation...)

I pick one of the coins I looted from the tutorial party and throw it at the wall. It drops as expected.
(So that’s not the problem.)

Another thought crosses my mind, (say, if I can’t bust the door open with my non-existent STR what prevents a big ass rock from an earth spell from achieving that instead?)
(You certainly can try that but I’d recommend not to.)
(Because then I’d have an army on my ass that are afraid of a rampaging vampire?)
(Because then you’d have an army on your ass afraid of a rampaging vampire.)

Yeah, I have to stay here alone for now.

(At least you have me to keep you company?), Elly reads my mind.
(Oh yes, sure, my schizophrenia will keep me from being lonely.)
(No, no, I’m real, I swear! Even god approved!)
(Good, then give me a hug.)

You are reading story Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story at

(I... can’t do that.)

(Waifu case closed.)

I check the menu for any interesting tabs. The ones with glitched names can’t be opened, admin still wants a password I don’t have and... (I take the fact that there ISN’T a pay-to-win cash shop as proof that this is real life and not just fantasy a gaming session under drug influence.)
(What does this revelation change?)
(Not much. Besides driving home the fact that I died and don’t even know how or why.)

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

So far it hadn’t set in. It could still have been a dream. But this is real.
I’m a monster now, got some children killed.
Drank their blood and was happy about how good it tasted. What a messed-up rollercoaster. And there’s no happy end in sight for anyone.

Especially not if I fail my job.

(Thinking too much again?), Elly shakes me out of my thoughts.
(Yep, guilty as charged.)
(As a distraction, how about looking through the available titles and choosing one?)
(I don’t feel like I’m up for such a heavy decision right now. Got something more lightweight?)
(I feel like the ‘Help’ section would be too much as well then. How about checking out some of Gzeph’s notes? Maybe they have some hints in there that’ll make you feel better about whatever ails you right now.)
(I doubt it. But give it a shot.)
(I’d suggest we start with the files regarding which classes and titles he thinks you should take.)

I follow Elly’s advice and look for the entry marked ‘Ideal Class Build’.

You can find story with these keywords: Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story, Read Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story, Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story novel, Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story book, Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story story, Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story full, Deteoh – A Glitched World’s Isekai Story Latest Chapter