Chapter 30: Ch. 29 – IAMERROR

Back in my room, Elly tries to heckle me, (so, how was your date with Lucia, playboy?)
(Not bad. I had some fun.)
(What? You're not even trying to deny it?)
(Why not? We were to the local equivalent of a movie because we wanted to. No groupies were involved to distract us. Something like attraction was present as well though that was probably just because of her skill... well, overall I'd call it a date. Maybe not a 'date' date but a date nonetheless.)
(And here I was hoping I could tease you a bit.)
(Hn~ Tough luck, try again next time.)

(Say, didn't you have a glitch item from the boss in your inventory? I wanted to have a look at it but I don't see it anymore?)
(Uh, last I checked it was in item slot 4.)
(Alright, let me see...)

What are you up to, Elly? It is just a garbage item.
(Umm, Jared? There's... a hamburger?)
(In slot 4 is a hamburger. A slice of ham between buns with salad, dripping sauce, no cheese. A hamburger. The unmoving kind to be precise.)
(...did it glitch out and mutate into this or what happened?)
(I've no idea but it seems like that.)
(Well, even if I could still enjoy food, I wouldn't eat that one. Much too shady if you ask me.)
(Yeah. Mind if I clean up the inventory stuff real quick?)
(Sure), whatever floats your boat, Elly.
(What the... now the burger is gone and it turned into an iron pipe instead. A 'sword' worth +5 STR. Laughable.)
(Are you saying we can change what the glitch item is by reordering my inventory?)
(You know what, that's exactly what it looks like. Didn't think of that possibility. And no it doesn't make sense to me either... Wanna experiment what else we can get?)
(Honestly, it is creeping me out but since we can't throw it away anyway, sure, let's try it. Maybe we can sequence break into a late-game quest item.)

I switch a few items around and observe the glitch item. At first, nothing changes. Finally, when I switch the training spear in slot 6 with the blood vial in slot 7 the glitch item turns into a chicken sandwich. I trade a few more items into slot 7 but now nothing happens again. It only changes depending on what I put into slot 6.

Empty spot? Just some static noise.

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Training spear? The aforementioned mentioned iron pipe.

Blood vial? Chicken sandwich.

Blood pack? Bright blue-colored blood vial.

Some food I got to fake lunch? Hamburger.

Any book? A paper shield with +5 VIT.

Class Core? Another Class Core except the markings are yellow this time instead of orange.

Though all of those items have in common that every once in a while a letter or two in the name seems to glitch out and then return to its original form. That is the only thing that gives away that it isn't that item it pretends to be.

(So it is an inverse MissingNo.?)
(That's one way to look at it.)
(Now I'm curious. Do I really have a second class core now?)
(Wait, don't tou-)
(-ch it... too late. What exactly just happened?)
(I just took it out of the inventory, or tried to, and it is already gone just like that. And then I suddenly felt a lot of pain but that is gone now, too. Would've been too good to be true obviously.)
(You should've really looked at its description first. That was no regular class core.)
(And I guess taking it out just triggered it? Seems like a stupid design decision to me.)
(I think it tried to glitch around again because it lost contact with your sixth item slot and so didn't know what it is. I guess it tried to 'look you up' to find its own identity again and... that made no sense to the universe so it caused the thing to be activated in its last known state as a fail-safe.)
(Try-catch-execute-anyway? That makes as much sense as the rest we've witnessed. Do you still have the item description around?)

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