Chapter 40: Ch. 39 – Breakout

To distract me from the mess that was floor 36 I march on. I... must make sure that I don't sink to such depth with real people...

The following floors are luckily nothing special, just very densely populated, nearly two hundred monsters each. At least it is just more of the usual dumb monster with a few glitch monsters sprinkled in, nothing to worry about. Two of those glitch monsters dropped again the glitch items. I've no use for them currently, do I? Maybe one of the three new items gives something useful if I put them in slot 6.

Just for the heck of it, I tried to equip the 'Monster Spear' I took from the fake Tevin but since I'm not a monster I can't use it. Another one for the trash bin...

I check what the glitch items turn into when I put the dropped weapons or armors into slot 6. All I see are trash tier versions that give only +5 to the relevant stat. The exception is a sword with a majestic name that can only be thought out by a true naming genius just like me.

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