All this talk about food and seeing the two eat made me hungry as well. Not that I'd call a distraction from all the newly piled up problems unwelcome.
I still need to avoid wasting blood packs if I want to make more extended dungeon dives, so... back to the slums, I guess.
I leave while Maria brings the two children to bed. I leave the babysitting to her for now. Elly takes a nap in my head, didn't know spirits and/or AIs need that. And Justo, uhh, housesits itself.
It is the middle of the night, so outside the slums, there's just the night guard around. They don't notice me, thanks to [Stealth]. I may now be the official owner of the fortress, but I don't need to cause more trouble than necessary.
In the slums, most are still outside since they lack a home to return to.
I sneak around a bit more to find a lone victim to avoid drawing more attention when I take a drink.
During my search for food, I notice a person I know but haven't seen in a while.
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