Chapter 65: Ch. 63 – Certainties

With the party meeting and servant interview taken care of, I take another look through the fortress menu. I need some distraction, I don't want to think about what I have to do next. If I handle this poorly, I can lose a valuable ally.

Additional personnel... is limited to one extra because my title level is too low, great. We have too many wounded, so another nurse or doctor is a no-brainer. Other civil servant jobs have to wait until we have less critical needs. There, and done.

Can't order any building constructions, that has to wait until we've driven off the poor from the slums. There are currently no spots in the fortress left where we could build anything.

Upgrades for the fortress don't seem to be in our budget, I have no overview yet of how much we gain or rather have left each month and I want to lower the tax rate first anyway, so any data I have is useless. 70% in taxes is just inhumane. Not that a +0.1% increase in crop output isn't worth any risk.

Speaking of taxes... once I change the rate, I can't change it again for another year, so it has to be right the first time. I need more data on the current financial situation and then suffer through math.

"Hey, Justo, the upkeep without a lord was fifteen percent higher, right?"
The mansion spirit corrects me, "No, the difference is fifty percent."
"Oh, shit, did I misremember it that much..."

But isn't that better? Then I can lower the tax rate even more if I just want to cut even, right?

Let's see... we had 70% in taxes before, so if I remove that markup...

"So if I want to keep the same effective income... 70% divided by one point five... I guess 50% is close enough?"
"That doesn't account for the part of tax money that is just left over each month. That isn't subject to the upkeep penalty for missing a lord."
"Right... are there any other forms of taxes or only on pure income?"
"Only that one. You can try to add other forms of taxation if you feel like it."
"Maybe a tax on sales, properties, luxuries or savings... argh, too many options I don't understand, forget it."
"As you wish. Call me again if you wish for advice or just to talk. That is fine, too."
"Yeah, will do."

They always say that only death and taxes are certain, but if they were why do I have to wreck my head on this?

Urgh, math, I guess that can still wait for another week...

Laws... ah, fuck this, I'm not in the mood for those either.


No, this doesn't work as a distraction. Should I just go now and get it over with?

...but I don't want Lucia around for this. She wanted to try her hand at smithing again tomorrow. I just have to endure until then.

I guess I can just pass time by reading one of the books I borrowed from the library way back when.

But it just shouldn't be. This day just won't let up with meetings, planned or otherwise.

A few uninvited guests arrive.

Maria brings two women in, "My liege, there are two visitors here. They are here to see you about... a blood donation."
"You don't sound too happy about that. Did you already forget that you're a spirit created by a vampire? You have to get used to things like that."
"...yeah, probably. Can I bring them in now?"
"Yes, lead them in. And then fetch Lucia and Carl, they are needed here as well."

Maria brings the visitors in, then goes off as instructed.

One of them introduces herself, "G-greetings, my lord. I'm Alisa."
The other just bows.
"Ah, forgive her, she's mute. This is Naomi."
The mute girl nods.
"Alright.  So, you're here to donate some blood in exchange for a promised tax cut?"
"You two are shaking quite a bit. Are you certain you're okay with this?"

The mute one nods.
"I... to be honest, we don't really want to but we can barely afford to live with our meager means."
"...I understand, I won't pry any further."
"So, uh, when can we start?"
"You'll have to have patience for a few more minutes. My wife needs a portion of the blood as well and I would like to teach my servant a bit about how this should go from now on."

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I write down their name so I can sign them up for the tax cut later.

An awkward silence fills the room.

The mute girl, Naomi, twiddles her thumbs, she doesn't look happy to be here. I hope that isn't this culture's equivalent of flipping the bird.

I'm not good with small talk but just waiting like that is embarrassing.

"Aside from financial issues, do you have any other troubles in my fortress, Alisa?"
"N-no, I... can't complain."
"'Can't' because everything else is fine or because it is I who asks?"
She shyly admits, "...the latter."
"Then please talk freely if you want. No, I'm ordering you to talk. What is going on?"
"I, I don't know. It is just... I never expected the 'Lost One' to be a monster, least of all a scary one..."
"Oh, so you meant it literally..."

Maybe a little lie might help them ease their minds?

Not that it is entirely wrong.

"Okay, listen up you two, I'll let you in on a secret."
"I-I'm listening"
"Your god Jeff has screwed up his paperwork. That's the only reason why I am a vampire instead of a human. Aside from dietary needs, I'm a regular person. Got it?"

The two of them nod in a way that confidently screams 'yeah, I don't get it at all.'

Doesn't seem like they are less afraid now. Well, I tried at least.

The awkward silence returns.

Finally, Maria brings my wife and Carl.

"You called, dear?"
"Yes, Lucia. We have two volunteers for blood donations."
"And what do you want from me?", asks Carl.
"In the future I want you to handle the reception of such volunteers. So I want to take this opportunity to teach you. Alisa, can you assist me for a moment?"
"Uh, sure."

"Having your blood drained by a vampire is quite taxing on the body. So first, you should make sure that donors are healthy. Talk with them, use your intuition. Well, I guess using [Appraisal] is not an option for you. If something looks off, send them to a medic so they can check them properly."
Carl responds, "I guess."
"So, what do you think of the two?"
"They look nervous, but otherwise I think they are fine."
"Good, Carl. Also, don't worry about missing anything, I'll check with [Appraisal] before taking their blood. It is just to make sure they don't waste my time. Alisa, anything to add from your side?"

"Then step two, you need to give them an appointment. We don't know yet how often we'll get donors, so we need to spread them out a bit. If possible, one each for me and Lucia on Tuesday or Wednesday before our weekly dungeon trip and one afterwards on Thursday. But for this time, we'll do it right now since we're all here and haven't had blood in some time."
"Uh-huh. Got it."

"Of course, you need to take their names so I can sign them up for the tax cut."
"Got it. Miss, can I have your names?"
"Alisa and Naomi."
"Uh, got it. Now what, Jared?"
"Well, you would bring them to us when they return on the appointed date. That is all for you. Think you can do that?"
"Y-yeah, I'll manage."
"I guess the final step may be a bit much for you, so I'll let Maria handle it for now. Seeing how a vampire drains their victim is probably disturbing for you, I'll spare you from that until you're older. Aside from that, when we're done with drinking the blood, it is probably necessary for the donor to rest for a while. As I said, it is taxing on them. It may suffice if they just sit down for a while or it may be necessary to stay in a guest room for a while. Maria will handle that."
"Sure, got it."
"With that, you may leave for now."
"I, yeah, I guess I'll leave then, bye."

Lucia steps forward, "I guess, I'm up next?"
"Yeah, you know what to do?"
"Actually... no."
"Really? You just carefully bite into their neck and drink the blood that flows. Your vampire instincts should lead you to the right spot and aid you during the whole process."
"Alright, let me try."

Lucia walks over to Alisa, takes her in her arms, reveals her fangs and... just stops.

"Sorry, it seems the instincts haven't set it."
"Weird, I got all of them with my transformation. Alright, then watch me. Naomi, your turn."

The mute girl steps before me, trembling.

"You shake too much... look me in the eye."

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