Chapter 67: Ch. 65 – Poor Life Choices?

POV: Elly

"Now that you know about me, Jared, what do you intend to do with that knowledge?"

"Well, for one, I have to punish you for holding out on me. Between getting your own body by abusing poor Maria and now even your own room you've gotten away with too much."

"Please no..."

"So as punishment...", he hands me a big book, "...I'll have you crack this book's language."

"Where did you even get this thing? I've... never seen a book written in glitch characters."

"We found it in the vault."

"Huh? Normally you find this kind of stuff in the attic."

"So, can you work on that, Elly?"

"Sorry, no chance. I've no knowledge about this language. I couldn't even start to guess what this thing is about."

"Damn, was worth a shot."

"Well, doesn't matter. The second thing I wanted from you... is there another method for us vampires to gain protection from sunlight? Just the 'Daywalker' title alone doesn't cut it, and Lucia and I don't have enough items that we can stay outside together for a relevant amount of time."

"There... is a way. And honestly, I wanted to keep it a secret from you because I don't fully trust you with that kind of power."

"And I guess for the same reason you wouldn't tell me how to delete the annoying 'World Resident' title?"

"No, there is no way to delete a title. Titles, like classes and skills, are part of your very soul. You can't get rid of them without the same month-long ceremony that is performed when a soul is recycled."


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"Yeah, you were in that capsule for quite some time before Eva let you out. Anyway, you can't get rid of titles, not without destroying your soul and starting over from scratch. And that option is not on the table. Because your soul is not part of the cycle of death and rebirth anymore it is impossible to perform that cleaning. You would just disappear."

"Got it... Not keen on that happening. So about that sun protection trick?"

"Oh, right. Given what you said earlier, you would have figured it out soon anyway. You first need the 'Variant' title. I still don't understand why you had that option already. Just as with Demon Lord, you don't meet the conditions, it makes no sense."

"Well, there's a lot of other garbage in the title menu now as well."

"Huh? Let me check."

There really are. A lot of glitched titles, most without a readable effect... I will have to dig through them soon, won't I?

Most have no effect as far as I can read, so it really is just a pile of garbage.

Uh, where is the 'Ruler of Familiars' he has seen? I can't find it...

"Okay, holy hell, how did this happen? What have you done, Jared?"

"I've no idea. They were just suddenly there. I think it was after toying with the glitched items at the trader."

"Of course, it would... you really should be more careful with those trash items. One day you may just accidentally end up deleting the universe if you continue like that."

"Spoilsport. Back to the plan for sunlight resistance, how would that go?"

"Alright... so first you would have taken the 'Variant' title. Just read its description. It isn't without a cost, though."

"Okay, give me a sec."

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