Chapter 69: Ch. 67 – Smith Art

POV: Lucia

I've tried a few times to create a weapon for Iris. I made a dagger of each sub-type I'm able to but so far I haven't produced one I'm fully satisfied with. I only have these six failures to show.

And now it is almost evening.

Guess I should close the shop soon. Maybe I can try again tomorrow.

How many materials do I have left? ...doesn't look too good. Damn.

I wish Jared would've kept more materials for me.


I check again what I've created so far and I must admit my smithing skills have actually improved - to my dismay a lot even.

I hate it.

I worked my ass off all those years and made barely any progress. Then... that event happened and now... I guess I made some things even the master would've trouble creating.

I should be happy making such progress but it feels hollow...


Ok, that was the last of the materials I had for a dagger for Iris. Now, which one is most suited for her...

Ring Ring

Huh? A customer arrived at this time?

A familiar voice shouts, "Hey, Lucia? Are you there?"

Think of the devil...

"Hey, Iris. I'm in the back. Feel free to come here."

"Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

Just as she said, Iris enters the forging room.

"Kinda hot in here."

"What did you expect, Iris? It is a forge after all."

"True... Doesn't the heat bother you now that you're undead? You know, because of the fire weakness."

"You would think so but for some reason, it just doesn't."

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"Alright. May I ask what you're working on?"

"Actually... I wanted to gift you a better dagger since you'll be accompanying us but... I tried a few times and now I'm out of materials. And honestly? I'm not really satisfied with any of the results."

"Can I see them anyway?"

"Knock yourself out, it was for you anyway. They are in that barrel over there. Just take the one that speaks to you the most."

"And the rest?"

"The other five will get sent to the military. There may not be many dagger users but they want all the weapons they can get anyway. A contract is a contract after all..."

"Sure, let me check."

Iris goes over the indicated barrel and takes out one of the daggers.

She looks at it for a moment, then puts it back and takes the next.

"I've... no idea what exactly I should look for. I may have the dagger skill but I've never used one. Any suggestions?"

"Can't help you there. Most of it is just experience or instinct. Just take a dagger and check how it feels in your hand. Take a few swings. If it doesn't 'click' with you try the next. I'd say, in the end, most of it is down to personal preference which dagger would be the best for you."


She tries a few daggers as instructed but isn't satisfied with any of them.

"I don't know, Lucia... what is with that greatsword? Did you sort it in the wrong barrel?"

"Believe it or not, that one is still a dagger... Supposedly it is a style that was popular with a few 'Lost Ones' in the past. Called it an 'ahnimay' class weapon, or something like that. Hmm, maybe Jared knows the proper name?"

"You're pulling my leg. This so-called dagger is almost as tall as I am."

Despite her objections to accepting it as a dagger - and I don't blame her for that - she tries a few swings with it.

"It is kinda heavy..."

"Given its size, what did you expect?"

"I guess you're right... say what, I'll take it. I don't have much STR to speak of so its special property is perfect for me. And I won't say no to extra reach."

"Which property was that again?"

"Here, that one."

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