The lich Basluth waits patiently for me to make the next move.
"So, what even is in it for me? What exactly does your help entail?"
"Oh, right, haven't told you yet. Well, I tried to present you a custom-made class through the Joker Core but as you, no doubt, noticed you couldn't take the Brightflame Sorcerer."
"That was your work?"
"Indeed. I... wasn't aware of the new restriction that prevents the undead from gaining light magic. So before I waste even more DP on another failure... what kind of power are you looking for? What do you think you need the most to succeed with the task I have presented you? I'll do what I can to create a fitting class for the Joker Core and do my best to give you the best Demon Lord class possible."
"You'll create that class? I thought this Amon guy from the Creed of Mutters or whatever would work on that."
"Yes, I'll be taking over the design job for that. The Creed is not someone you should meddle with, they are just trouble. Apart from those custom-created classes, I can give you training and knowledge. About your divine class in specific, divine classes in general, DP, a few tricks for governing your territories and more. Feel free to come up with questions on your own until then. Hmm... what else... Well, I'm bound to this boss room and you would basically enter this place from the back, so we can't open the next boss door which prevents me from power-leveling you by clearing the dungeon... but I could at least purge the monsters on the nine floors in front of me. Seeing as they are level two-ninety-plus this should make some dent into your exp needs."
Wait... we're on floor three-hundred!? And here I thought our dungeon was insurmountable...
"To be honest, that sounds like a very one-sided deal to my benefit. I would've tried to take care of the artifact anyway and given how suspicious the whole deva situation was - is - I would've probably gotten into trouble with them anyway."
"That may be so, but I have no other option. I'm tired of this state. I've even considered the coward's way out but ultimately decided against it. Gyev must pay for what he has done to Yulia. Nothing else matters to me."
Yeah, I noticed that. I just hope the feelings were truly mutual and it wasn't just a one-sided crush...
Basluth sounds impatient, "So, tell me. What do you need the most?"
"That's a whole laundry list... no idea how to narrow that down."
"Jared, I may be able to do miracles but there's a limit even to that... well, I'll see what I can do. So go on, please."
"Right, let me think for a moment."
"Sure, take your time."
What are the most important things I'm missing?
I can earn flight just from Aerial Mage or something similar, I only need a Class Core, so that can wait.
A buff for familiars or summons is definitely up there. Again, need more cores but also a ton of MP.
Defense is clearly an issue, HP and VIT are low, I'm a caster after all. Well, I'm not even up to a glass cannon, right now I'm just glass.
More spells? Eh, not really important. Maybe if it had hitscan or something that prevents friendly fire but I mostly need better stats there.
"I certainly need more and stronger summons. I tried earlier to tame a monster as a spirit but that obviously failed. Also, I need much more MP to keep them summoned... Do you have an infinite MP cheat in there?"
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"Not really but give it a thousand levels and you won't care much about MP anymore. What else?"
A thousand... even a hundred levels may take longer than I have...
"Maybe a way to massively raise the limit of how many spirits I can have? I may not be able to field them at the same time, but one after another when they run out of SP or get hurt too much."
"You just need to dump more levels into the classes that give you [Summon Spirit]. Not worth wasting a custom-designed skill on."
"That's easy to say if you have dozens of classes with levels beyond eighty. I'm not even sure if I'll ever have a class with level thirty..."
"Eh, give it time and commit a genocide or two, preferably in the dungeons."
"You wouldn't happen to have a way to force all dungeon monsters to spawn as swarms? They are much easier to deal with but the exp per monster doesn't take that big a hit."
"Nah, you can't influence these spawns. They just are the way they are."
No exp cheats, no MP hacks... I know!
"Oh, can you enable me to have a spirit that can use spells? That would help a ton."
"That's deep in the realm of divine skills, though it would be on the more expensive side. Not sure I could fit it in, my DP are limited, I'll have to check."
"Speaking of, what exactly counts as a 'spell' for the restriction on summoned spirits? What exactly can't they use?"
"Any skill that has 'magic', 'arcane' or 'spell' in its name or description is out, as well as any skill that has a cost expressed in MP."
"What? So even something like a 'Spell Parry' would be out?"
"You got it."
Well, so much for that. Given that checklist, their MP stat is just dead. Maybe if we tried our luck with finding non-magic area damage skills? Maybe there is a Mana Drain skill I could obtain? Spirits have a 30% penalty to MP, not a 100% penalty, their MP has to be useful for something... Well, that's a problem for later, need more Class Cores first.
"How about something to strengthen my party members? I've taken most of them as familiars and I can share a few skills with them, is there a way to expand on that? Maybe share a whole class with them?"
"Hmm... I'm afraid that is in the realm of divine skills as well, so not an immediate option. But I'll keep it in mind."
"I guess my defense is also lacking, being a caster and all. Also, need to get rid of the [Undead] weaknesses. Not that I can do much with an enemy in my face, either way, spells are too slow to cast."
"Gotcha. For the latter, ask your little navi friend to search for a class with [Spell Mastery]. Check that out when you're on your own, there are too many classes that come with it. Choose one that comes with other benefits that suit you."
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