It was misleading to think of open space as a void. The cosmos was pregnant with celestial matter, all of which circled the uncountable gravity wells throughout creation. Like the seas of old earth, there was an endless saturation of particles ranging from space dust to black holes. The fabric of reality was strained under the weight of infinity. And like all seas, it was filled with creatures.
Mankind's great migration to the stars opened pandora’s box. Like a drunken fiend, they drank their fill of discovery with reckless abandon. Never once asking how far was too far?
There were no boundaries beyond its reach, no walls able to contain them. The endless expanse of starlight beckoned them, and they found it too tempting to resist. Little did they know what lurked in the dark, tucked away in the shadows of ancient stars. Had they known, they might’ve buried their heads in the sand and stayed on their gentle blue world.
The Daughter of Silesia wasn’t always a slaver ship. There was a time where it served mankinds better interests, and more decent nature. Built in the forges of Sihnon Ariel before the rise of their Technocracy, the Daughter of Silesia was constructed as a Grand Colossus. Only seventeen were ever built long before the downfall, and each were unique.
They were made in a kinder era, during the first colony rush. The Grand Colossus was built to lead entire fleets into the unknown reaches. They were part exploratory vessel, part war machine. It’s hull was sleek and rectangular, with two sets of broadsides along its port and starboard sides. The forward bow was shaped like a trident, bearing ion batteries, and hanger bays. From stem to stern, it reached just over 2 kilometers in length. Built into the back of its spine, toward the stern of its construction, the Silesia’s bridge overlooked the stars like an overseer, or silent judge.
The Daughter of Silesia sailed the uncharted zones as a dominant predator, hunting in new systems and star clusters with ease. As it jumped from one zone to the next, it picked up its share of slaves on the way.
Hundreds of thousands of vessels risked unknown deaths by traveling into the darkness. Some sought new worlds, others for profitable trade routes. There were a fair share of mercenary companies as well; ripe from the Great War, they enlisted themselves to serve as bodyguards, or soldiers for private armies on newborn colonies. With human civilization comes dark hearted agenda’s, black market smugglers exported new and exotic alien speices to be sold at high auction. These illicit traders rarely travelled with escort, instead they relying on stealth and intrigue for their own survival. Yet, even they could not escape the Silesia’s attention.
The Daughter of Silesia found easy prey wherever she roamed, for there were few that could take on a Grand Colossus. Since its transformation, there were even fewer who would try.
Locked in the vice grip of its talons, a Victory Class Heavy Cruiser was squeezed against the Silesia’s hull. Boarding spikes had penetrated it in five places, and its armor was leaking ozone from dozens of impact wounds. Despite its battered, and bruised condition, it was still void worthy. Meaning, it could be sold for a substantial profit.
The real prize wasn’t the colony ship, but the colonists themselves. In the uncharted zone, there were over a dozen brand new colonies struggling to survive on alien worlds. Each of them were in need of slave labor, or indentured soldiers. It was a market that Esta Stonewall was eager to supply.
Forty thousand colonists were dragged into the holds of the Silesia stripped of their clothes. The adult women were pulled in a long line by iron collars around their necks. Alongside them, a long line of men were heaved in a drunken stupor. All of them had gone through the initial round of processing. The water hoses on the walls sprayed them with a special bio-chemical, intensifying their skin sensitivity tenfold. None of them would ever comfortably wear clothes again.
But that was fine, Esta smirked thinking about it. They would never want to wear clothes again.
In addition, all female’s of fitting age were injected with ovulation inducing cocktails, and the men with hyper-libido stimulants.
Towards the end of the collection chamber, the breeding stations were already in full service. A long series of bound men moaned with pleasure as women were forced to sit on their laps. Esta had created an assembly line of copulation, and with machine like efficiency, all the adult captives would have been cycled through by nights end.
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“Why force them to be impregnated?” Esta’s servant, Serena, stood behind her. They both stood on the podium overlooking the vast chamber from above. Lines of women pleaded as they were pulled towards their intended breeding stations. Esta just watched for a moment longer, enjoying their cries.
When she spoke next, there wan’t a hint of remorse in her tone. “By increasing the number of human stock by 30%, I’ll drive up the profit value.”
“But this is…” Esta knew her concubine was about to say the word ‘wrong’.
Esta turned around and gripped Serena by the chin. The servants dark hair was recently trimmed, and her crystal blue eyes glowed in the light. Esta then forced the concubine’s gown to part open down the center, causing Serena’s massive breasts to spill out. There were additional lumps of flesh as well. New fully functioning mammary organs bulged down the sides of her abdomen. All six of Serena’s breasts were soiling her stomach and thighs with fresh milk. Meanwhile, the pearl between her lower lips was swollen, and gushing with delight.
“Don’t tell me you feel sympathy for these poor creatures.” Esta glared at her concubine with sharp eyes.
“No, my lady.” Serena looked down, her limbs shaking.
There was a short pause, the sounds of the breeding pit echoed from behind them.
“Interesting,” Esta sighed. “Maybe you could use a few adjustments?”
“No!” Serena’s outburst caught her master by surprise.
With the back of her hand, Esta slapped her slave on the cheek, forcing her to fall backward onto the ground. Esta bit her lip as she stepped over Serena, brimming with power and dominance.
“You ask me why I do this?” Esta began, “it’s simple. Men no longer recognize the rules of conduct, or acts of piety. They revel in the lessens of the only god left to them. Desire, lust, and control are the only good gods remaining among mankind; the others have abandoned us in our depravity. Restraint has gone, leaving only…this.”
Esta spread her arms in declaration, “Now, service me little pet…before I lose my temper again.”
Unable to refuse her masters command. Serena got back on her knees, spread her legs wide, and leaned her face forward in submission.