Chapter 20: Chapter 7.1: Melie

      The inability to wear clothes no longer bothered her. Instead it was far more suitable to the more grotesque alterations many others endured. Melie was a witness to countless acts of barbarity among the enslaved aboard the Daughter of Silesia. She saw men transformed into hulking brutes, with all personality reduced to primal instincts alone. 

      She watched as virgin maids became multi breasted fiends, intent on inflicted pain on their lessers. Melie even watched as her best friend was augmented before her very eyes, all memories erased, and her personality replaced with a desperate sexual instinct forever in heat and made to breed. 

      In her previous life, Melie had been a painter. Her hands were skilled with a brush and pen stroke, and part of her missed the smell of fresh canvas. She had been on her way to the small colony of New Dreesha, to commission a series of artworks on behalf of the worlds governor, when her transport was captured by this haunting ship. 

      The Daughter of Silesia was unlike any vessel she had ever seen. Its mass and template wasn’t common design, in fact it seemed an entirely unique structure. There was nothing that hinted of Sihnonian architecture, or Tyrian design. From stem to stern, the cruiser seemed like a spear cast into the night, decorated with broadside cannons and gothic temples along its spine. 

      Inside, the Daughter of Silesia offered nothing but transformation for its occupants. The moment she had been goaded from her transport ship, Melie was forced to reconcile with the fact that she was now a slave. 

      Stripped of her clothing, and led through the isle of tears, her skin crawled whenever she tried to wear anything at all. Her loins were constantly on fire, and her lust couldn’t be contained. She had been chained to the wall, amidst thousands of others, and forced to stand on her two feet for hours on end without anyone allowed to touch her. On the few instances she was allowed to sit, it was to feed from bowls made up of thick sloppy fluids.

      For a year, Melie had been subjected to one humiliation after another, yet she had yet to be properly inseminated. Instead, the woman was slowly broken down into a simple plaything. She served in the breeding pens, watching as her friends were mindlessly ravished in jubilant fashion. 

      Many disappeared over time, but Melie was always left behind. She wasn’t a fool, she knew many were sold throughout criminal space. Part of her wished to be among them. At the very least, it would offer a way off the ship…at least for a while. 

      Melie’s day began like so many others. She awoke in her damp quarters, and showered with the other menials. Her copper skin was coated in goosebumps as warm water draped her skin. Just as she was on her way to report to the pens, she had been approached by one of the lesser overseers. They brought her a message that she wasn’t expecting. It wasn’t like them to deviate from their daily rituals, and thus when Melie broke from the normal routine she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. 

      She had been summoned to the Martial Chamber, which was highly unusual. She had never been within a hundred yards of that section of the ship, and she found the temperature colder underneath the grand temple. The air itself was cleaner, devoid of the usual narcotics that laced the atmosphere of the slave pens. For the first time in months, Melie’s mind was clear. It almost made her panic, being able to rationalize her surroundings with startling clarity. Her nipples felt ticklish in the cool air, and Melie felt a surge of shame for being so naked. Her loins dripped sexual lust down her thighs, and her stomach growled.  

      Once she passed through the grand archway leading to the Martial Chamber, Melie kept her eyes to the floor. Her breasts bounced with each step, making it hard for the many armed guards not to notice her. This was a place of martial training, and disciplinary review. Few slaves were ever allowed to venture into its halls, and Melie couldn’t help but feel completely out of place. 

      There were statues carved out of obsidian decorating the walls, each bearing the likeness of the ships matriarch. Overhead, the ceiling was massive, reaching several stories into the sky. At the very top, Melie spared only the briefest glimpse to witness a grand work of art. A thick glass mosaic gleamed overhead, showing the entire chamber with rich amber light. It bore a likeness to some grand hero fighting what looked to be a serpent. What fascinated Melie, was that this ceiling was the floor to one of the many temples decorating the ship’s spine up above.

      Melie swallowed, and did her best to keep her head down. She followed the markers leading to her intended destination. She knew where to go, the overseers orders were clear, even if she had never been to this part of the ship before. 

      It was painfully obvious where she was supposed to go. At the very end of the Martial Chamber, sat a strikingly tall figure. Melie was surprised to see her matriarch sitting on the back of a transformed male, her feet resting on a woman with multiple breasts. Flanking her, stood other slaves ready to serve their matriarchs wishes.

      “Well hello little thing,” Esta’s voice was like music to Melie’s ears. It was every bit as flirtatious as it was frightening. It froze Melie in her step, and caused her stomach to drop. Her fingers curled, and her toes twitched from the sudden tension. Even Melie’s nipples perked up, as if the matriarch’s voice, alone, was enough to capture their attention.

      “My Mistress,” Melie had only ever seen the matriarch, in person, once before. She remembered how frightened she had been, and how truly terrible her circumstances had felt. It was the day she had been captured, and led through the isle of tears. Her body was stained with the chemical mixture that made it so her flesh yearned to be free of any article of clothing. Melie remembered looking up into the alcoves, as her skin was drenched in the pungent fluids from head to toe. The matriarch looked down upon them with piercing eyes, and a supple smirk. 

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      Over the course of her imprisonment, and subsequent promotion to the worker class, Melie had developed a fascination with the ships queen. Whether it had anything to do with the constant stream of propaganda, or was a by product of the toxic atmosphere, remained to be seen. There was still a layer of fear in her heart, but Melie was strong enough to suppress it…for now.

      Esta rested her cheek in the palm of her hand, as one of the slaves delivered a goblet of wine. When the matriarch spoke, Melie couldn’t help but feel her heart race. “You may rise peon, I have a…special task for you.” 

      “Whatever you wish mistress,” Melie’s answer was swift. She knew better than to question her queen, or show any sign of reluctance to hear her words. 

      Esta took a long, drown out, sip of her wine. Her armor clung to her exquisite form, giving her an aspiring visage. “If you serve me well, I’ll reward you handsomely.”

      “Mistress?” Melie dared look up at her mistress’s face with surprise. She didn’t know what to expect from the summons. Melie’s worst fears were that she would be sold to some overbearing noble on a forgotten world, or to a pirate lord in the outskirts of mapped space. She doubted she would survive long in either one’s hands. To be offered a reward for some sort of task, however, stunned her in disbelief.

      “You were an artist in your…previous life?” Esta’s question seemed more like a statement of fact. 

      “Yes.” Melie responded with a quiver in her voice.

      “Then,” Esta motioned for a holographic display to appear to her left. “If you deliver to me this vessel, I will grant you the right to design me a mosaic, and you may have your pick of all the men aboard as your personal breeding partner. You may adjust him however you wish.”

      The offer was intriguing. Melie studied the craft in the holographic image quickly. She didn’t understand much about void ships, but she couldn’t help but recognize it was a similar model to the one she had been captured on. To be able to wield a paint brush in her hand again, and have a man to herself, greatly excited her. 

      “Mistress, you are far too benevolent.” Melie’s words were sincere as she spoke. 

      “Oh, am I?” Esta smirked. She handed the goblet of wine to her nearest slave so that it could be refilled. “Of course I understand it’ll be difficult in your current conditions.” She clearly was referring to Melie’s naked body.  

      Esta then swiped her hand, so that the holographic image changed to show a list of medical procedures currently available. “Which is why I will help you re-adjust to fit into basic garments. You will have to look the part for the role I want you to play.”

      “Yes mistress, I look forward to pleasing you.” Melie suppressed her joy. She felt giddy knowing that she would be able to wear clothes again. 

      “Disable this ship for me, and you will do just that.” Esta looked down at her, and offered the very same smile that Melie had seen when she marched through the isle of tears.