When Journey woke up, she found herself in an unrecognizable room. The space was cramped, and there was an overwhelming taste of stale sweat lingering in the air. Her tongue was remarkably dry, and her throat was parched. The bitter tang of semen lit up her nostrils, creating a disorienting aroma under the sheets. Journey’s altered senses could pick up the lotion of manly essence dried up on her breasts, and the crusty left overs over her stomach.
Journey struggled to open her eyes, for her eyelids were sealed shut with something sticky. She had to rub them furiously to free her lashes of last nights pleasures. Once her eyes were open, she quickly took in her surroundings. The cramped confines were barely large enough for a twin sized bed, a closet, and a shower head that took up an entire corner. There wasn’t even a porthole to gaze out into the sunless void. The room was little better than a closet, Journey wasn’t even sure she could stand up without bumping her head against the ceiling.
“Hmm,” a groan seized her attention. Journey froze where she lay. It was then that she noticed the warmth that squished alongside her. Someone was pressing against her under the thin bed sheets, and a slight breath brushed against Journey’s back. Journey rolled over to find a tiny shape buried beneath the mound of blankets. A small puff of brown hair poked out from the lip of the comforter.
Last night was a blistering haze of awkward memories. She recollected the important bits, but there were vast gaps of time that were missing. Journey lifted herself up, and planted her elbow into the hard mattress. Her breasts were swollen, laden with milk, and pained her dearly. Gravity wanted to drag her back down into the firm mattress.
“Morning,” The server girl groaned from under the sheets. Journey watched the woman get up. Now that she was sober, Journey couldn’t help be admire the view. “I see you’re awake, and at attention.”
Journey glanced down. Underneath the sheets, a tent had been pitched. Her sprout of womanhood was fully erect, and its tip was gushing with pre-seminal fluids. It was a new sensation, experiencing morning wood.
For the longest time Journey believed morning wood to be a myth, or an excuse for men who couldn’t help themselves from feeling horny in the morning. She understood their plight now, and regretted how quickly she judged some of her previous boyfriends. There was no arousal involved, her manhood simply rose up from the sudden rush of blood flow after a long night of lust fueled ecstasy. It throbbed against the thin linen fabric, and grew even more still when Journey looked over at the woman alongside her.
“I can take care of that…if you ask me politely.” The woman leaned over, brushing her hand against Journey’s soft breast and pinning her to the bed. She then strobed a finger down the center of Journey’s body, traveling along the supple cleavage, and exploring the soft curvatures of her stomach.
“Who are you?” Journey asked as she felt a firm hand take hold of her shaft.
“You can call me Chloe, although I would prefer it if you addressed me as Mistress,” Chloe tightened her grip. The sudden jolt of pleasure sent shockwaves across her body. Journey’s fingers dug into the sheets as a thin spurt of fluids leaked down her breasts. “Oooh, I was hoping you’d serve me breakfast.”
“Please…” Journey’s pleasure bordered on pain, which only translated into more pleasure. Her synapses were on fire, as her stomach rolled with anxiety. The puffy folds of her lower lips throbbed, she was already soaking wet with anticipation. It was her breasts, however, that suffered the most. Her mounds felt like bowling balls weighing down into her chest.
“I need help,” Journey pleaded.
With her opposite hand, Chloe placed a firm grip onto Journey’s throat. “You liked to play dominant last night, but I could tell you’re a submissive at heart. Allow me to indulge your poor bodies urges. After all, it wouldn’t be fair to have you start your next shift so pent up. Also, I really love your breastmilk.”
Journey’s eyes rolled into the back of her skull as her Mistress guided the shaft in between her legs. She then took the full girth of Journey’s manhood into herself. The sudden warmth, and loving tension, drowned Journey’s senses.
“You want me to go faster?” Chloe asked sarcastically as she slid her hips forward. “Too bad, I…need…to enjoy this first.”
Journey’s gasps and moans echoed in the tight confines of Chloe’s room. As she rocked her hips up and down, Chloe took short pauses to suckle upon each of Journey’s gushing mounds. It surprised both of them, just how much bountiful nutrition their was to enjoy.
Journey wanted to scream. Her overly sensitive aureoles tensed with each draw from Chloe’s lips. The feeling of a tongue playing with her buds was almost as satisfying as her rod twitching inside Chloe’s warmth. It took everything Journey had to keep herself from unleashing another potent load before Chloe was fully satisfied.
Somehow Journey lasted thirty minutes. After that, Chloe massaged her back, while continuing to drain her breasts dry until they were finally relieved.
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