Chapter 39: Chapter 11.3: Rise

      Rise’s home world was sometimes referred to as the ‘World of Dreams’. He was aware of the irony, for almost every night he was plagued with strange dreams. The time and place was always different, but they always brought him home. Sometimes the dreams echoed his last days before leaving for the stars, while others seemed to return him to his youth.

      He dreamed of Cheve’s Landing again last night. The dreams had only grown more transparent since they crossed into uncharted space. This far out, using the new coarse to get to Sinmore, there was an even greater sense of danger. Sleep grew frustratingly hard to find, and when it came it wasn’t pleasant. 

      Cheve’s Landing had been born from a lost colony ship, sometime during the second colonial expansion. It was the prodigy of worthy endeavors, and forgotten dreams. It failed to reach safe harbor, the world it sought turned out to be far too volcanic for human life. The world it settled instead was cold and distant from its parent star. Somehow it was still suitable for life. Its open fields were covered in eerie grasslands, it’s plant life adapting to the strange atmosphere.

      It’s capital city was still sheltered by the massive hull of the void carrier that brought the first colonists. Those that had learned to live out in the wilds were nomadic at best; savages at worst. Rise smuggled his way off world at age twelve, and found himself serving aboard void ships at sixteen. The stars had become his home, but his dreams still clung to the cold earth of Cheve’s Landing. 

      Like a lingering stain, there was something that he started to notice in the dreams. It wasn’t new, this minor detail had always been present. It was, however, a latent element that had only begun to stick out.  

      In the cities of his home world there was a clear difference, culturally speaking, between whore’s and prostitutes. While they may look the same, there was a genuine respect for the later, and an unspoken disdain for the former. 

      Prostitutes applied their trade among many a brothel house, whereas whores were readily available in every street corner. In his dreams, there was sometimes a middle aged woman applying her trade among a small collection of shadowy figures. Each time, the woman in his dream appeared slightly different. Sometimes she was dark haired, with fair skin. At others, she sported copper flesh with a face that reminded him of Dithy. Last night, his subconscious fed him the same dream, this time the woman in the corner was blonde haired, wearing glasses, and well endowed. 

      “Am I not pleasing you master?” Journey’s simple voice stole his attention. They were occupying the main observatory, and Rise had made sure they would have it for themselves. A simple maintenance program sealed the chamber from the rest of the crew, allowing him a full amphitheater of space. It was Journey’s idea to play with him under full view of the cosmos. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone complained about the maintenance. Rise guessed he had about an hour at most to thoroughly enjoy himself. 

      Growing a phallus had given his comfort liaison a whole new perspective on carnal pleasure. After a bit of practice, she had learned just how to rub her hand up and down his own shaft with masterful strokes; from base to the very tip, she drove him to spectacular spasms. She already understood how best to suck on his erection, he got the impression she had an overabundance of skill in that department. The way she salivated over his manhood, and cherished his balls, bordered on cock worship.

      “You’re doing just fine.” In truth, Rise had already spent himself twice. Somehow, this woman was relentless. The way her fingers coiled around his girth, slathered in a warm lubricant, she forced him to explode all over her face and breasts. The glasses over her eyes were smothered in his sauce. Rather than simply removing them, she kept them on. Rise could only imagine how her vision must’ve been a white blur.

      Journey’s fingertips floated up his shaft, and then she firmly planted her opposite palm against his chest. “You’re still so hard master,” she kept calling him that. Rise wasn’t particularly happy about it, but no amount of protest would stop her.

      Despite her beauty, Rise wasn’t comfortable with her clit-dick so close to his skin. Feeling it begin to poke his stomach, he grabbed a fist full of her golden hair and jerked her back. “Turn around, and bend over,” he commanded.

      The girl smirked, although deep down there was a small glint of frustration behind her eyes. She complied willingly, turning around and arching her rear so that her loins were ready to receive him. Her dangling shaft was clearly visible between her legs.

      “That’s a good whore,” the words escaped him as he felt her soaking warmth.

      “I’m so glad you approve!” The comfort liaison chuckled happily.

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      “I never said…” a spasm caught in his throat. He could feel his balls being drained again. It was both amazing, and exhausting at the same time. Never before had he experienced three orgasms in such a short amount of time. There wasn’t much left of him by the time his vision returned, blinding white flashes sizzled over his corneas from the soul sucking climax. His veins bulged in his neck, and a few must’ve burst.

      Journey moaned under a shallow breath as a new figure crawled on the ground beneath her. Somehow, Melie had found her way in. The desperate creature was never out of Journey’s sight for long. By the time he had recovered himself, his heart still bursting in his chest, Rise was able to see Melie sucking on Journey’s own erection while she still cradled his manhood. Her nether lips were swollen as they held onto his twitching cock.

      “I wish Dithy would fuck me as good as this.” Rise wasn’t sure why he felt like saying it. It was the truth though, his girlfriend had never made him cum three times in one night. His eyes looked out to the stars above, it was hard to believe that each speck of light was a world, a sun, or an entire galaxy from far away.

      “Don’t worry master, we already took care of her. Soon she’ll feel even better than me!” Journey looked over her shoulder with a delightful grin.

      Rise’s heart froze. “What?” He asked with a lump in his throat.

      “She tripped and fell,” Journey rolled her eyes and giggled.

      “WHAT!” Rise tried to stand but found his groin locked in place, Journey’s weight pinning him to the seat.

      Melie’s lips made a wet popping noise as she finished sucking Journey’s shaft. “She was working so hard with the hibernation pod. I could tell she was sad, so I thought she needed a little…push.”

      He looked down at Melie with concern. “Rotten B—” he started.

      “Watch it,” Journey shot him a frightful glare. With artful skill, she turned around without lifting herself from his cock. Her sprout laid limply on the base of his stomach, spurting thin trails of white fluids. Soon several ribbons of her seed decorated his skin. 

      Rise squirmed as the hot spools of liquid squirted on him. He found that he didn’t have the strength to resist. 

      “Am I not pleasing you…master?” Journey leaned forward, letting her breasts squeeze against his firm chest. A tear strolled down her cheek, and her lips quivered. “Am I not good enough for you?”

      “Get off me,” Rise groaned.

      “No,” Journey looked down at him. It was impossible to hide the jealous anger etched on her face. “You’ll love me, I’ll fuck you until you love me.”