A light tremor could be felt along the walls of the ship. The cycles of energy fluctuations had soothed Rise’s dreams, and calmed his nightmares. The rampant heat of the engine turbines kept him warm and sweaty. Until Dithy learned of what Journey had done to him, he had been shackled to Journey’s bed post and used as a stud for her cravings. Dithy came to his rescue, and not a moment too soon.
For the past three days Dithy had been nursing him back to health. Her domineering attitude was surprisingly sophisticated, given how she used to behave. The engineer had long forgone her jumpsuit, instead adorning a modified comfort liaison uniform. That was of course when she felt like wearing anything at all.
Since she took over control, Dithy had both comfort liaisons wrapped around her fingers. As Rise slowly regained self-awareness he started to feel the growing tension on board the ship. Dithy filled him in on everything over the past three days. The captain wanted to lock everything down, following a sudden pregnancy boom. Impregnation complaints ran rampant. It didn’t take long to ascertain where the source of the epidemic originated.
Journey’s, and Melie’s, seed was potent enough to overcome the contraceptives given to all the passengers before coming aboard. The captain quickly tried to quarantine them, barring them from the rest of the ship. His efforts were quickly dashed, as none of them were on C-deck.
They had all taken refuge in the engineering section, and expanded Dithy’s secret quarters to better fit all of them. To bribe the other engineer’s, Dithy offered Melie to comfort them, both the men and women. She didn’t protest, in fact Melie’s irrationally charged libido drove her insane whenever she wasn’t being touched.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Rise felt some strength beginning to return. Color had returned to his lips, cheeks, and forehead. His palor improved, Rise found himself nursing from his lovers breasts in between proper meals. Dithy’s transformation had given her exquisite curves, with such delectable sustenance that tasted of silky whipped cream.
His mind was still a whirlpool of chemical intoxicants, making it difficult to salvage his memory. The past few days were little more than a blur. Pleasure, and lust coated everything he could see. It was difficult to break through the malaise, but he was getting stronger every day.
No longer bound, he had his body washed under the care of tender hands. Rise leaned his head back, letting his hair brush against Dithy’s thighs. Gently she leaned over, letting him suckle on the buds of her swollen nipples. Meanwhile, Journey was busy applying ointment to his phallus and massaging his balls. It felt good to have his chaffed and irritated skin being smothered in ointment. Often, Journey would slather her own breasts with the slick balm and press him between her flesh. Whether he could get hard or not, he never protested.
After tending to his lower regions, Journey kissed the stubble of his recently trimmed pubic hair, and then rested her chest against his stomach.
Rise looked up at Dithy, her gaze was fierce. She looked over to Journey with a grotesque smile. “Settle down girl, you can’t have him until I say so.”
Journey lifted herself up, pressing her hands against the firm cot. “But I need him!” Her plea was met by deaf ears.
“I said settle down…” There was a subtle hint of malice in Dithy’s tone. It was enough to make her collapse back onto Rise’s stomach. The sudden shift in weight caused him to groan.
“Yes,” Rise could hear the disappointment in Journey’s voice.
“Yes, what…” Dithy remained focused on the anxious woman pressed against Rise’s flat stomach.
“Yes mistress,” Journey’s sweet voice was partially muffled. Evidently she wanted to lick his skin, as if the taste of his sweat was somehow refreshing.
You are reading story Journey Is A Comfort Liaison at novel35.com
“Good,” Dithy brushed her hair back. “Now get your tits off of him, and bring me a drink.”
Reluctantly, Journey obeyed. Rise watched as she slid off of him, and retrieved a small bottle of water from a container in the corner. She almost tripped over Melie who was on all fours in the center of the room.
Melie positioned herself like a dog in heat, her own girthy flesh pressing against the floor like obscene water balloons. Her manhood dragged on the floor between her legs, although it was obscured from view by her voluptuous endowments. Melie’s limbs were shaking from the strain of her anatomy, which was crying for release.
“So, the mercenary girl is pregnant. I wonder who the baby daddy is,” Dithy looked over to Journey, and then Melie. “Is it your bastard Journey?” The question lingered in the air like a grim omen.
Journey handed her the cup of cool water, and then sat down next to the bed. Evidently, the question didn’t phase her, in fact she seemed not to register it at all. Rise couldn’t help but feel blood rushing to his loins, just looking at her naked body. The smell of her alone caused his mouth to water.
“Or is it your offspring, little spy?” Dithy motioned toward Melie who seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Her legs were quivering, as if experiencing a mild seizure. “Then again,” Dithy continued. “It could be that pilot she’s seeing all the time.” Dithy shrugged, as if the topic no longer interested her.
Rise felt a wayward hand strobe up his leg, getting terribly close to his nether regions. A single finger touched the base of his manhood, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want more.
“Journey,” Dithy glared over to her. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I want his baby’s.” That made Rise jump in surprise. Before he could lean forward, Dithy placed a hand on his chest and kept him down.
Dithy then grabbed hold of Journey’s chin, and forced the comfort liaison to look her squarely in the eye. “You can have mine, but only if you ask nicely.”
“Yes…Mistress,” Journey’s manhood was growing hard as she let Dithy place a finger in her mouth.
Dear god, she’s actually getting turned on from this? Rise couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was like living in a bizarre nightmare, a sexy yet nerve wracking nightmare.
“Now be a good girl, and take care of the little spy, she’s starting to piss the carpet.” Dithy’s commands rang true, and slowly Journey crawled over to the other girls spasming body.
Before he could watch, Rise felt a hand against his cheek. Dithy turned his face so that she could press him against her soft flesh. He couldn’t resist her charms, although he started to wonder if things could ever be normal again.