Chapter 59: Chapter 16.3: Melie

      Melie’s groggy drug fueled mind was full of fear. Spit dripped out of the holes of the ball gag that was forced into her mouth. There was no end to the kinds of torture, gene therapy’s, or body modifications that could be in store for her. She twisted and turned in her bounds, knowing full well the mistress was disappointed in her. She must’ve been, sicking the lesser flesh wrights to play with her genes, rather than alter her herself.

      Melie was forced into an awkward position, with her legs extended over head. Her wrists were bound to her ankles so that her groin was spread wide. Her eyes were covered, and her mouth was forced open. Restrained like an enslaved toy, Melie was forced to ingest strange liquids, while IV’s were attached to her breasts and thighs. Another cranial injection was feeding the soft tissue of her mind with nano machines, things that were actively reworking her synapses.

      Fragments of her mind remained, enough to know that this style of body alterations was favored by the flesh wrights of deck 8C. She had seen the kinds of women that stumbled out of their holds, and had a vague impression of what was being done to her.

      She couldn’t protest, even as her body was mutated to feed off of semen and milk alone. Her physiology would be enhanced to the point where her body wouldn’t expel any waste, it wouldn’t need too, being able to utilize all the protein and sustenance provided with ease. As such her rectal cavity was being adjusted to act as an even greater source of pleasure than her womanhood. New erogenous zones were harvested and grown within her rectum, and before long the new organs would excrete a lubricant similar to that of her womanhood.

      Her breasts heaved in the air as long thing tubes ran up her milk canals, pumping something strange and foreign into her chest. A shiver echoed across her skin, as her sensitivity was heightened ten fold. Her breasts had become large sacks of flesh, grown to an obscene stature, and something heavy weighed around her areola’s as the tubes continued to shoot her full of body changing chemicals.

      She could feel the eyes of the masters on her naked body. Studying her every inch, and deciding what next to do. She feared for the child growing in her womb, and hoped they would leave it alone. All the while her body seethed as pleasure inducing cocktails took hold.

      Her mind drifted in and out. Sometimes she awoke in similar positions, while at others she was strapped to a gurney with probed injections sticking into her torso. One time she came to while strung up against a wall, and thick coiled tentacles exploring the depths of her rear cavity.

      Time being hard to ascertain since her capture, Melie had no idea if she had been their prisoner for days, or for mere hours. Melie was aware that these changes, while harsh, were just the beginning. There was doubtless more in store for her, unless she could find a way to free herself. It all seemed routine procedure, compared to what horrors they could’ve done, until she next awoke in a pen, all alone, naked, with a large man staring at her from the other side of steel bars. 

      She didn’t recognize the gladiator shaped pit built into the chamber of what was one of the ships many holds. The Daughter of Silesia hid many wonders, and had seemingly endless corridors and chambers to explore. Wherever she was, Melie feared that the mistress had forgotten her. Or worse…that she might’ve discarded her.

      Melie’s body moved on its own, guiding her into a forward arched position. Her rectum clenched as she saw how long his manhood was. She thought she recognized him from before, a pilot, or perhaps a mechanic, that once served on the Star of Argon. His ball sack was heavy with seed, and his broad shoulders tensed upon noticing her. 

      From somewhere up above, a voice called out to begin. A small crowd cheered in approval, and the bars slowly began to lift. But, before the steel bars opened fully, the gravity flipped, sending her up into the air amidst the screaming crowd.

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