Chapter 63: Chapter 18: Journey

      The woman was on her knees, her lips graciously wrapped around Journey’s immaculate cock like a fiend. Each stroke of her tongue, each gargle of spit, only heightened the pleasure. Journey sat back and watched as the mercenary guzzled her down in thick garbled slurps. 

      It took some time to break her mentally, three weeks of nonstop orgasms, mixed with mind altering procedures, finally brought the burly woman down more to her level. A second pair of glorious breasts had been grown, her torso altered slightly to house them, and Lora moaned desperately when her mouth watering mounds weren’t relieved in regular intervals. Her strength remained, although Journey was happy to provide her with a new set of combat armor. Something far slimmer and open than her previous war-gear.

      Lora’s newly forged manhood was bold and girthy, writhing in thick veins, and pulsating with each heart beat. Journey took her time, with the help of her mistress, in moulding the sacred pearl of Lora’s clitoris into something truly spectacular. Multiple rings ran up the length of Lora’s shaft, keeping her from spurting fresh bouts of cream. It was surprising just how large Lora’s ball sack had grown, it dangled over the narrow seam of her womanhood like a shawl. 

      Journey herself had coated her skin in warm oils. Her breasts tingled in the incense fueled air of the mistress’s main cabin. A giant window in the ceiling allowed a downpour of starlight to bask over her skin; coupled with the candle lit flames decorating the chamber, it created a stiff yet pleasing atmosphere.

      The walls were decorated with former crew mates from the Star of Argon, now chained to the bulkheads with their arms and legs spread wide, or pinned in submissive postures. They had all been given the Pharetra organs, and needed constant stimulation to keep them from going insane. 

      The men had it worse; the added organ did more than promote there libido, it helped to keep there shafts constantly erect. With enhancements to their muscle and circulatory systems, their cocks weren’t overly strained from the constant pressure. Journey did notice the tips of their manhoods were noticeably larger after receiving the new organs, and was happy to see Rise and Rewards cocks growing thicker and more pronounced as well.

      Melie jerked as her shoulder muscles spasmed. Her giant breasts were sagging and grotesque until the slave was brought to Journey’s chambers for additional…flesh wright practice. Pectoral muscles were strengthened, so that Melie’s mounds wouldn’t droop to the floor. They were well rounded now, and like Lora, Journey had given Melie a second pair of complimentary breasts underneath the first. They were much smaller, apple sized mammaries that were developed to produce a higher grade of milk.

      Melie was being fed a mountain of white ooze stuffed through an elongated tube that ran down her throat. She was so dehydrated and malnourished when Journey had gotten her, that she needed many cycles of continued feeding before she could be of any use. Her stomach was started to swell, meanwhile a stimulation instrument was firmly attached to her lower lips. 

      Dithy’s body was held loosely against the bulkhead next to Melie, her arms lifted up so that her gaping nipples were on display. They were leaking a mixture of sustenance, fresh milk and globs of semen, after being used by the mistress for the better part of an hour. Dithy’s moans of pleasure had stirred Journey’s loins, and she felt a pang of jealously not having similar tits. Two tiny orbs were beginning to emerge underneath Dithy’s original pair. Nestled over a new layer of fatty tissue moulded along her rib cage, Dithy’s new breasts were like tiny strawberry’s. The areola’s were brightly lit in the starlight.

      Reward and Rise were laid out on tables on either side of the room, their growing shafts pulsed erratically while being pumped for fresh seed. A constant supply of milk, and hormones were fed intravenously. More than once Journey considered altering their chromosomes, as the mistress had recommended, so that they too could experience the pleasure of womanhood. Esta allowed Journey full authority in there restructuring, and while Journey enjoyed the thought of teaching them the arts of feminine pleasure, she elected to enhance there masculinity instead. 

      Journey looked over to Rise who was laying in a drug fueled haze. His muscles bulged, and his groin tensed as another orgasm was yoked to the surface. Watching his semen pool through the suction cup to be siphoned through clear pipes into vats alongside the table, Journey couldn’t help but wonder what he would look like if his genes were converted. If he was altered to be a fully fledged woman, with slender limbs and voluptuous curves, would he enjoy it? Journey pictured what he, or she, would look like. A handsome face with a narrow chin, and smoother cheeks. Luscious brown hair and a toned waistline. Rise, under the right conditioning, would make an interesting experiment, to say the least.

      Perhaps another time, Journey thought to herself.

      For now, Lora was the one she spent the most time on. Partly out of necessity, Lora’s previous augmentations made further enhancements challenging. Little by little, Journey’s genetic splicing was taking root, and she was pleased to find that Lora’s metabolism had successfully adopted a steady diet of male seed and mothers milk. 

      Journey groaned as she felt Lora plunging her fingers into her tender folds, all the while gliding up and down her shaft with firm lips. The sprout of her clit was already tense, and Journey could feel her nectar rising to the surface. 

      Since her transformation Journey wore precious little, and what adorned her slender frame was shamelessly revealing. Esta had provided her a clear body-glove made of some kind of enhanced plastic. It was perhaps the only thing she could wear over her sensitive skin, although she neglected to wear it unless specifically requested. The tight fitting outfit came with a collar, one that reminded her of the one that came with her Comfort Liaison uniform, but thinner with star studded gems that sparkled in the light.

      Just as she finally ejaculated in Lora’s mouth, Esta entered the room. Her naked body glistened with perfumed sweat, and her perfectly rounded breasts bounced with each step. She looked over to Journey with a sly smile.

      “I like what you’ve done with her,” Esta’s eyes darted to Lora’s massive form. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to transfer her offspring to a synthetic womb, so hat I could impregnate her myself.” 

      The head of Journey’s sensitive shaft tingled as Lora greedily latched onto her, reluctant to withdraw without suckling another spurt of semen. Journey looked down at the warriors growing belly, Lora’s pregnancy seemed to proceed faster than her own. 

      “What do you think Lora?” Journey asked the mercenary, now her mind altered slave.

      Lora looked up to her. The mercenaries once defiant eyes were much softer now, much more compliant and longing. There was a gleam of desire hidden deep in her gaze, and Lora’s shoulders twitched as she leaned herself up. Her four breasts were full, the lower pair slightly smaller but more firm than the originals. 

      “Give me lots of baby’s. Momma wants to be stuffed with your creamy batter. Please give me more, I’m so hungry.” Lora’s voice quivered as she stared fixated at Journey.

      “Oh my, it seems she’s already spoken for then.” Esta teased. In truth, if the mistress wanted, she could claim whoever she wished. The fact she let Journey have her own harem to nurse her talents was a privilege, one she had grown thankful for. 

      Esta leaned close behind Lora, reaching around to feel up her stuffed up milkers. “I like what you’ve done with these.” Esta addressed Journey while tested each of Lora’s breasts for any sign of abnormalities. “I’m fairly impressed. It seems my lessons were learned well. Although I would’ve touched up her milk ducts a bit more. Poor thing must be in real pain.” 

      She wasn’t wrong, but the look of pain on Lora’s face, and the great sigh of relief that took over once her nipples were pinched, was a joy to watch. Journey thus didn’t alter certain aspects that would allow drawing the former soldiers nourishing fluids to the surface any easier. Whenever she didn’t have time to milk her personally, milk vats were readily available with an assortment of suction cups to do the job.

      “I like her just like this.” Journey stroked a finger along Lora’s sharp jawline, and then cupped the woman’s cheek in the palm of her hand. She could feel the divot of a tiny metal stud embedded just behind Lora’s earlobe. It was a minor cybernetic, one of Esta’s creations.

      “Has there been any glitches?” Esta noticed the way Journey was toying with Lora’s stud.

      Journey shook her head. “No, she hasn’t defaulted to her original personality.”

      Esta had partitioned the mercenaries mind, locking away much of her discipline and more rebellious nature away deep down in latent synapses. In the active nerve clusters of Lora’s brain, her psyche had been reprogrammed, although the partitioned sections could be restored at a moments notice. Journey couldn’t help but wonder what her slave would think, should her original personality come back online. Perhaps after enough time, the dormant receptors in her brain would fully meld with the new pleasures being carved into her mind.

      One could hope, Journey smiled at the thought.

      Esta sighed, then walked over to a private terminal on the wall. “This one did quite a lot of damage. I’ve captured her accomplices, and they’re being punished as we speak. I already have a few ideas in mind.”

      Journey’s eyes grew wide in thought. “What are you thinking?”

      “Doesn’t matter,” Esta brushed the question aside with a wave of a finger. “Believe it or not, I have more important things to worry about at the moment than a small band of failed slaves, soon to be moulded into a minor harem.”

      Journey looked down, not wanting to stroke the mistress’s frustration.

      For a few minutes, Esta looked over the data stream of information on her personal console. She paused after noticing a single instance on the screen, then looked over to Melie who’s body tensed from the constant orgasmic strain.

      “Oh little Melie, poor little Melie.” She bent over to look the girl in the eye. “It appears your still hungry, why don’t we let one of these strapping large men help appease your appetite. Would you like that? Would you like some fresh sauce?”

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      Melie couldn’t speak, but the slight nod of her chin was enough to answer the mistress’s question.

      “Good.” Esta was about to unstrap the larger man so that she could guide him over to Melie, but she hesitated for a moment. “Journey, if you’re currently sated, I would like you to clean yourself up a bit, and meet me in the prow hanger.”

      “I’m never sated,” It was a bad attempt at humor. Journey’s banter aside, she was still quite horny. Lora’s gorgeous body, complete with an extra pair of jugs, remained seated between Journey’s legs. She could barely keep still, hoping to be allowed to suck on Journey’s shaft a while longer. “Thanks to your changes, my cravings are never relieved…at least…not for long.”

      “That better not be a complaint.” Esta towered over her as she spoke.

      “Not at all mistress,” Journey teased. Her legs were nearly asleep after sitting back for so long, but as she stood up, Journey couldn’t help but feel a sense of elation as all six of her nipples began leaking freely. 

      Lora opened her mouth, and with her eyes wide open she let the fountains of milk rain over her face. Journey pressed her arms against her mounds, hoping to direct some of it squarely into her slaves mouth. Even when Lora’s cheeks was filled to the brim, there was plenty of milk stored in Journey’s breasts, yearning to be free. So much so that it took several minutes before Journey’s mammaries were spent.

      Esta watched quietly, and only repeated her request once Journey was finished covering Lora’s body, from head to toe, with her warm silky white fluids. Journey happily obeyed, curiously wondering what the mistress had in store for her in the hanger bay. Lora followed her out of the room, each footstep a wet slap against the cold metal floor. A trail of lust and bountiful sustenance trailed the floor behind them.

      Hormones ran wildly out of sync in Journey’s body, causing her nipples to darken and become receptive to the slightest touch. All six of them throbbed with motherly fluids, and her loins were gushing wet. The massive erection, grown from the pearl of her clit, had become a behemoth sized phallus. Its mushroom crowned head was coated with pre-seminal fluids that contained flesh altering chemicals. Once forcibly inserted into another woman’s slit, the liquids moulded the inner walls to fit her incredible girth with ease. Thick veins covered the tower of flesh, and her ball sack was swollen with highly potent seed.

      The Daughter of Silesia had several hanger bays, and dockyards, containing transport vessels. One of them, a lean light cruiser, was currently being outfitted with enhanced engine blocks, and internal energy fields. The reactor was based on a custom design template, while the accompanying gravity drive was being installed in the confines of the cruisers central guts. 

      “Sinmore is such a cold and desolate world. Nothing but warring factions competing over nameless mining tunnels. It isn’t a place for you.” Esta stood next to Journey while watching the cruiser being outfitted. “Regardless, you’re welcome to claim it as your own if you wish. But, if I were you, I would leave it behind.”

      She’s giving me a ship! Journey realized with wonder.

      “Why are you giving me a ship?” A tingle ran up Journey’s spine. A rush of excitement, anticipation, and a little fear coursed through her veins.

      “Your genome has proven the most…interesting to work with.” Esta looked over her shoulder, and stared into Journey’s eyes. “I want you to sow your wild oats across every outpost, colony, and pioneering clan you can find in these forgotten regions of space. I think it’ll be fun, seeing what comes of it.”

      Journey imagined plunging her shaft, going balls deep, into every maiden that space had to offer. To be filled to the brim with scorching hot cream, fertilizing her womb whenever available, also brushed her thoughts. The endless freedom of space seemed alien to her, and somehow fascinating.

      Esta noticed her confusion, and answered the question lingering in the air. Esta answered why she wanted to give this task to Journey independently, rather than simply letting her linger on the massive Shadow Class Dreadnaught that was her capital ship. “I have other things to take care of, so I trust you can manage this task by yourself. Of course I’ll let you keep some of your playthings, as long as you remember to return to me when I call.” Esta had a hand on her hip, and she withdrew a beautiful sidearm from her belt. 

      Handing it to Journey, it felt warm in her grasp. The sidearm was of unknown design, with a narrow, but comfortable, grip. Its metal frame was gilded in silver and gold etchings, and the groove of its trigger was smooth against her finger. Journey wasn’t an expert in firearms, but she couldn’t help but fall in love with the weapon. It looked akin to a work of art, rather than an instrument of death.

      Journey bowed, her breasts bouncing from the sudden shift of movement, and held the pistol tight to her chest. “Thank you, my mistress.”

      The shift of mechanical instruments echoed around them, filling the vast chamber with the noise of power drills, and clanking gears. The light cruiser lit up as its main power was brought online. 

      “It’ll need a name.” Esta brushed her hair back, while looking at the ship. There were several like it also stored nearby, but this one already seemed unique. 

      Journey thought about it for a moment. Not sure what to think at first, but slowly letting her imagine run wild. An idea slowly ebbed its way to the surface. “How about…the Bountiful Thrust?”

      “That’s really dumb,” Esta remarked quickly.

      “Or Journey’s End?” Journey motioned with her finger in the air, playfully noting it as her second idea.

      Esta sighed defeated. “That kind of sounds contrived, don’t you think?”

      “Oooh,” Journey practically hopped in the air. “How about the Fertile Spear?”

      “That’s not much better.”

      Another surge of power rattled the chamber, as the cruisers engines came online for testing. It broke Journey’s train of thought, but she was starting to like Fertile Spear. “Oh well, I’ll think of something.”

      “You better, you’re leaving tonight.” Esta grumbled. “You can take Melie with you, and one of the males. Of course you can bring the soldier and the milking girl. I’ll let you choose a handful of others as well. Just remember, when I call for you, you come. No questions asked.”

      Esta twirled around, then stepped forward to put a hand on Journey’s shoulder. Gently, she kissed her on the cheek, and the smell of perfume caused Journey’s loins to melt. “There are precious few I promote to this level of leadership. I’ve given you a new body, a stronger mind, and a brand new ship for you to spread your seed in revelry wherever you want to go. All I demand in return, is your humble obedience.” 

      With a gentle tap on the ass, Esta withdrew, but not before offering Journey one last piece of sage advice. “Go have fun now, and do bring me a present when you return home.” 

      Journey sighed, then humbly nodded in supplication. She placed a hand on her stomach, hoping the ship came with a nursery. A large one would be needed, given the state of her companions.

      For the first time in her life, Journey had complete control of her path forward. It was disorienting, just thinking of the mass of endless stars before her. Regardless, she already had her first destination in mind.

To Be Continued...