Chapter 9: 08 | child; a lost innocence

 [He dreams of the lost days]


Lucas picked up a phone off the ground that had been abandoned when the delinquents ran off. He turned it on, the battery full, and a picture of a huge, fat cat greeted him.


He slid his finger past the screen, and it unlocked. There was no password, and he decided that the delinquents from earlier truly were stupid.

Please, for privacy reasons and personal safety, put a password on your phone! Otherwise, terrible and moral-lacking men could easily sneak into it.

For example, a certain gangster who smoothly found the iMessage app.

His fingers danced across the screen, typing in a familiar string of numbers he remembered, before he pressed on the chat box. After a moment of contemplation, he begun to type.

[???: Ahhh, I'm so scared! T^T I also just died, and I don't know what to do! Please say you're alive, I have nobody right now. They all died.]

An emoticon made him sound more approachable, right? He couldn't text under his own number in case of being caught, as he decided to investigate his brother's location through a false identity.

He realized something absently, staring at the screen in a daze.

Neither of them changed their numbers. In a decade, this number still worked. His too, was never deactivated.

[unknown: I apologize, but it seems like you have gotten the wrong number.]

Lucas felt his heart stop, swallowing.

Was this really him? Or was it somebody else? His fingers trembled slightly, displaying a rare moment of weakness. He changed the contact name before replying.

At some point, the ignored child from earlier had quietly shuffled closer, curling up beside Lucas who sat with his back pressed against the wall.

[???: Really? I don't have anybody else... I wasn't close to the person I was trying to reach either, so I don't have another way of contacting. I'm so worried...]

[Kane: I am sorry to hear that. If you need any assistance, I can try to provide you some.]

[???: Really, really?? No way! Please, please, I'm so scared! Thank you, lifesaver!! Can... I have your location? I don't want to be alone, please.]

The little boy peeked up at the indifferent and handsome face that directly contrasted the sweet, pitiful words. Was this how adults behaved? He felt as if they were in truly different worlds.

The typing bubble popped up and then disappeared several times.

[Kane: Unfortunately, that is not convenient.]

[???: I see.]

Lucas belatedly realized he sounded too cold (like how he usually was) and added an emoticon on the end, and another flurry of text. He was disappointed, but also glad that his brother wasn't stupid enough to give out information that easily.

[???: That's too bad! T^T Am I allowed to call you, or text you when I'm scared?]

[Kane: Feel free to do so.]

[???: Thank youu!!]

The little boy dared to speak at that moment. "...mister, why are you texting like that?"

Lucas only now noticed the child, glancing back at the phone. "My brother's lacking love, so I'm giving it to him. Is there a problem, kid?"

"No, I think you're very, very skilled."

"....." It wasn't an insult, staring into those pure, glittering eyes, but he also didn't know how to feel about being complimented for texting in this energetic way. "Thank you?"

On the other side of the country, a handsome man draped in a long white coat stared at his phone from a soft chair. His head was bent low, dark eyes fixated on the screen. The surrounding was a mess of scattered paper and needles, various medicines spilled on the floor from the earthquake.

He scrolled up and down the chat several times, a little dazed. Then, his lips slowly curled on the impassive face, eyes softening into warm delight.

Of course, he couldn't be completely certain of the other's identity, and had to be cautious.

But in that old phone he continued to carry around even after buying a replacement, there was only one person who still knew that number.

Lucas had no way of knowing the reaction of the person at the other side of the screen and fumbled with the phone nervously. 

For now, he would gain his brother's trust and try to find the location again at a later time. He wasn't sure if there was enough time to simply wait, so he'd actively keep an eye out.

He turned to face the little problem beside him. "Kid, do you have anywhere to go?"

The boy shook his head, not displaying the usual anxiety of somebody his age. He didn't cry, kick or scream. "My parents died a long time ago. My auntie was killed during the Cinderella Story."

"How did you survive?"

"I don't know how it was cleared..." The child pursed his lips, thinking. "I was the shoemaker's son, and hid in the house the entire time."

"Didn't you want to survive? Did you try to collect shoes?"

"Nope. I can't fight against the adults. Auntie tried, and she ended up dead."

Lucas realized off-handedly that the boy who spoke of his Aunt's death so confidently must've witnessed the gruesome murder in person. Yet aside from an uncomfortable frown, there were no fluctuations in his soft tone.

"...what's your name?

The little boy straightened his back slightly. "Rome Alistair."

Lucas nodded, introducing himself briefly, before standing up. "What do you want to do?"

"Can I..." Hesitation and uncertainty crossed the soft features. Lucas wasn't cruel, and wouldn't reject the child's request so easily, waiting patiently. "Can I go with you?"


The bright beam of a smile displayed over the originally calm face truly radiated the innocence of youth. Lucas ruffled the fluffy mound of hair in response. His gaze from distracted, thinking of what his next plan was. There were a few places likely for Kane to have moved to within the country that he'd take a look into.

Otherwise, if the man left America on that fateful night ten years ago, Lucas would need to start digging through his past in order to find the possible locations.

No, it was likely that he remained in America—the battle between Kane and Lucas' boss would occur in the first ranking.

Then, should he seek that mysterious figure that none knew the name of, only referring to him as 'Boss'? 

For some reason, the idea of that made him feel somewhat disgusted.

"Mister, isn't this cute?"

Lucas turned his head to see the boy holding up a tender plush; a pure white beluga. There was a strange air to it, not to mention the lack of stains or dirt, despite having been on the ground moments earlier. The man gradually frowned, narrowing his eyes.


The sound of crinkling paper.

He jerked his head down, gripping onto the plush tightly as the ground begun to blur into layers of smooth paper, and the entire scenery started to fade.

"Damn! Move!" Yanking the startled boy back, he flung the child a few meters away.

Rome groaned pitifully as he skidded across the pavement, curling up into himself to prevent any serious injuries. When he landed, he scrambled forward and watched as the papers grew larger and larger, eventually curling around Lucas and swallowing him whole.

His knees were bleeding, skin battered and scarred—but whatever waited beneath the fluster of pages was likely to be much worse.

The mournful boy didn't know why he decided to pick up the abandoned toy on impulse, but it was his fault that this happened. Silently, he curled up near the area Lucas disappeared and lowered his head, long eyelashes trembling in wait.

Lucas, while falling, crossed his arms and legs with a dead expression.

It'd been less than a day since the Cinderella Story... what kind of luck was this?? He held no blame for the boy—there was something strange about the toy regardless, likely affected by charm to lure in an unsuspecting victim.

Blue light cascaded down from the sky, mirages of ocean colours decorating his tired sight.

Just like the last time, several corners sliced through his skin and he was deposited roughly on cold metal, slamming against the ground. His entire body protested, and he cursed in his mind.

 Did the Stories purposely injure them in order to make them fail later on?

He remained spread on the floor like butter, lazily lifting his head to peer around. Rows of glass surrounded him, a dim light from the water's reflection and the vibrant colour of fish filling the room.

An aquarium?

Childish laughter rung down the passage, and he pushed himself to his feet. It echoed all around the glass hallways that twisted and turned every few meters. 

The giggle was innocent but continuous, giving the emptiness an eerie feel.

When he took a step on the metal floor, a harsh ringing erupted from his feet, and Lucas scowled. Eventually, the sound faded and he continued walking. The lights were dim, a glow of blue bouncing off the black metal walls. 

Through the glass, the aquarium felt rather sparse, containing various creatures that moved mechanically, but no plants of anything else.

It lacked a substance of life.

A chill ran up his spine, and he stopped in the middle of a turn. Lucas stiffly turned his head, seeing a small child staring up at him with impossibly big, black eyes. 

Unblinking. Smiling.

A pale, sickly face that made whoever saw it uncomfortable, as the tender red lips were twisted into a smile. The beluga from before was stuffed under tiny arms, stitched up and fraying at the edges.

Neither moved.

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Eventually, Lucas grew irritated. "What do you want?"

The child didn't respond, but instead spread his arms wide, still smiling creepily. Lucas felt somewhat disgusted, thinking over what to do. There were no rules given to him this time, so it was likely he had to discover them on his own.

The objective and the method of clearance.

"Want me to carry you?"

Seeing that there was still no response, Lucas sighed and crouched down to swing the boy over onto his back, where ice-cold hands clung to his neck. 

Refusing the child's request might lead to his death, and accepting it could too. Regardless, he just wanted the kid to stop standing in his way.

There were short breaths fanning his neck, the slight vibrations of silent giggling making his shoulders tense.

'Damn, this kid's creepy.'

It wasn't long before another voice echoed all around him. This time, it was a mature, elegant woman's voice, devoid of emotion. "Danny, where are you?"

The hands around Lucas' neck tightened, painfully squeezing.

"Danny, come out."

"Danny, I see you."

"Where are you?"

Obsession seeped from the monotone voice, hiding heavy resentment and threats, seeming to scratch at the back of their throat. It continued endlessly, until the boy on his back begun to tremble. 

Lucas tilted his chin to glance back, only to witness the horrible sight of two beady eyes right before his own, wriggling with unshed tears as the child continued to smile.

His eyes were warped and sobbing, while his lips were stitched into a unwilling smile.

"Don't look at me." Lucas turned his head away. "You're too creepy."

The body on his back shuddered once more, seeming to release more silent, sorrowful cries. The man sighed, turning at a corner to get further away from the woman's calls.

It was likely that he would fail to complete this Story if the woman caught the annoying thing on his back, so he could only keep moving. 

The more he walked, the more lost he got. It was like a maze, a complicated and incredibly curse-worthy one.

When he wandered around the next aimless corner, a long shadow stretched before him. At the end stood a slender and tall man, knocking lightly on the glass. A curious expression rested on his relaxed features, a natural arrogance displayed in his leisure disposition.

What caught Lucas' eye, however, was a striking tattooed ring around his finger—a delicate, wild crown interlocked with the letter 'A', connected by curling thorns, wrapped in a viscous hold.

Lucas himself had several tattoos on his body, including a rather similar one on his ankle that symbolized the gang he was a part of. But it simply contained a fancy 'A', and does not seem to hold the same weight that the ring tattoo does.

Rich blue eyes flickered to meet his own.

"It looks like I'm not the only one here?"

The sly curve of a careless smile. Lucas recalled a certain person he met in the previous story, immediately frowning with evident dislike. The man simply dripped with deceptive charm, and Lucas despise those like that. 

Always annoying, always sneaky.

Without a word, he turned around to leave.

"Aren't you rude?" called out the other with a short laugh. "I think we might be required to work together. Considering the aim of this Story is to exit the maze—and I doubt you're having much success."

Lucas paused. "I don't need your help."

"Then do you know where the exit is?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Out of good will, of course."

"I have no good will." stated Lucas bluntly, cocking his head. "But if you pay me, I can tell you what I know." He glanced at the expensive watch adorning the other's defined wrists, and the smooth clothes that seemed to be made of fine material.

The man raised an eyebrow. "How much?"

Lucas thought about it for a moment. "$50 per information."

"So expensive."

"If you're poor, leave me alone."

Before he could turn to leave again, having said what he did more as a passing remark to stop the man from speaking, the other smoothly pulled out a wallet and started to rummage through a thick pile of bills. 

He slid a $50 note between two slender fingers, handing it out.

Lucas stared at it before walking closer to grab it. After pocketing the money, under the child on his back's watchful eyes, Lucas kindly fulfilled his side of the deal. "I don't know anything."

"I think you're breaking the rules."

"I said I'd tell you what I know."

The man nodded, leaning against the railing. The light enveloped him softly, seeming to beat with life against his muscular frame. "You're right."

A scraping sound of nail scratching glass interrupts their conversation, and both heads snapped towards the direction.


It was an angry screech now, splintering through their eardrums. Both men winced, while the child's shaking grew more violent, almost like an out of control massage roller on Lucas' back.

He really did not want a massage right now.

He doesn't say anything else before turning and breaking into a run, leaving the man in the dust. The other stared at him before running after. His physical ability was excellent, and he soon caught up to Lucas.

"Stop following me!" hissed Lucas, already tired with the weight constantly pressing on him.

"I don't have many options, unfortunately!"

"Then take the kid!"

His attempt at passing responsibility failed. "I don't want your kid!"

They almost slammed into the glass, feet sliding across the floor as they took another sharp turn. No matter how fast they left, the scraping nail followed, as if right behind them.

Lucas could hear a low muttering escaping the child. "I just want to play. I want to play. Play, play, play, play."

He didn't want to turn around to see what sort of warped expression was on the child's face but cursed when the tiny, grubby hands started to tug on his hair. 

Those soulless black eyes certainly did not make him want to keep carrying this troublemaker.

Then, when hot tears started to stream into his shirt, dampening his entire back with an amount of water that a human shouldn't be capable of producing, he threw the child to the man still following behind.

It was a capable and careful throw, the boy landing perfectly in an open pair of arms.

"...don't pass your responsibility onto me!"

With the burden lifted off his shoulders, Lucas' speed increased. "You accepted it!"

"Was I supposed to let the child fall?"


Actually, if he assumed that the man wouldn't catch the child, then he wouldn't have considered tossing the kid away. After all, to fling a child went against too many morals, and he wouldn't do it.

"Play, play, play, play." chanted the small boy in a dull voice. 

The stranger thing was that it wasn't a childish, high-pitched sound but instead the low voice of an adult that escaped his lips.

The man paused, squinting at the expansive eyes only inches away from him. "What do you want to play?"

"I want to play. Play. Play anything. No working! I don't wanna to be good. Don't wanna wake up. Hummmm....."

"Does your mother want you to do work?"

"Mommy won't let me play."

The child was sobbing now through his eerie smile, and the man quickly understood. If all the strange 'instances' or such were called 'Stories' in this apocalypse, then this was likely the story of a boy forced to grow up too soon. 

The aquarium represented the lost childhood, while whatever chased them was the shackles that prevented him from living.

Lucas also came to this assumption, and tactically shared a look with the other. "If this is a maze, then do we have to help the boy escape from his mother in order to complete the objective?"

"There's only thing to do in a maze—find the exit." agreed the man.

But they'd been running around for a while now in this distorted time, and there were no signs or hints of an exit. 

The sorrowful cries were just behind them now, the woman's scarily long and slender shadow creeping closer and closer. It was as if somebody had pulled and stretched her out, making the movement unstable.

Lucas narrowed his eyes, a thought flickering in his head. The other stared at him questioningly when he stopped, glancing at the wriggling darkness that slowly approached.

And without another word, he lunged at the man.