Axion was overcome by bestial instinct due to the toxin of the caged mushroom. Aside from Dink and Lady Estra, he was the closest to the mushroom monster when it released its spores, causing his face to be contorted into a snarl as he advanced on Dink.
Dink covered his face with a corner of his cloak, casting a quick glance around the room before fixing his attention on Axion. The surrounding onlookers appeared to be less affected by the drifting spores, obliviously cheering as the combatants suddenly began their fight. Dink could see the tiny spores spreading through the room to be inhaled by the unsuspecting crowd.
What did those spores do?I can’t let myself inhale them. Axion seems to have lost all reason, while Lady Estra has been overcome by carnal instinct. I can feel it through the contract bond.Shit, here he comes!
Axion roared as he swung a claw downward at Dink’s head. Dink twisted sideways as he stepped back out of the trajectory of the sudden attack. He countered with a sharp hook to the overextended lion-man’s jaw. It felt like hitting an iron helmet. Despite punching as hard as he could, it didn’t so much as move the beastfolk’s chin.
Dink’s eyes narrowed as he realized the limitations of his goblin physique. He unleashed a torrent of hooks and uppercuts into the irrational lion-man’s exposed face. Axion roared his annoyance, swinging a backhanded claw toward Dink’s head. Dink crouched as the wild swing passed above him where his head was a moment before. He didn’t pause in his attacks, buffeting Axion’s midsection with ineffective punches. Dink stepped back and hesitated as he felt his sleeping mana beginning to stir.
Fuck, I breathed in the spores. I dropped the cloak covering my face amid the scuffle. I can feel it affecting me already, this is going to end very badly!
The effect was different than he anticipated. Unlike the wild frenzy of Axion, or the untamed lust of Lady Estra, Dink’s vision was noticeably sharpening. He became overwhelmed as a torrent of new information overwhelmed his senses. He was aware of the surrounding crowd behind him becoming more aggressive.
At the corner of his vision, Dink saw the dejected mage who was the former owner of the Myconid mushroom dive get dragged across the bar by the topless server. She aggressively mounted on top of the surprised man holding a metal flagon above her head. Suddenly, she tore open his shirt with her free hand to expose his skinny chest, before gripping open his jaw. Tipping the contents of the flagon into the bewildered mage’s mouth. There was a clatter as the bar server tossed aside the empty flagon, plunging her lustful lips against the man underneath her. He finally reacted to enwrap the attractive woman’s waist, pulling her in close.
As Dink stood motionless, absorbing similar scenarios happening in the room all around him. Something slammed into him, sending his small frame flying through the air. He could feel a sharp pain across his chest until he was distracted by crashing into a wooden chair, reducing it to splinters. He saw that it was Axion who had ambushed him.
The mindless Axion roared as he charged toward Dink’s prone form from where he stood moments earlier. Dink’s mind detached from the pain when he looked down to investigate his wounds, five deep cuts were slashed across his chest. His stirring mana suddenly reacted, filling his body with power. Axion skidded to a halt, warily retreating backward. He was growling in warning as his oiled mana tattoos flickered with light in an attempt to activate.
Dink felt a surging majesty fill his mind. Pushing himself to his feet amid the wreckage of the wooden chair, his dragon aura radiated outward, interrupting the scenes of lust and surrounding fights as those affected began to tremble in fear. Those with weaker constitutions fainted, unable to endure. While those with cowardly nature began to fight toward the exits scrambling to be the first to escape.
All eyes were locked on Dink as he puffed out his chest with pride. Mana flowed into the exposed wounds on his chest, causing them to disappear at a rate visible to the naked eye. Flames flickered across the slashes as they melted away into black sand which blew away before hitting the floor. His blueish-black skin took on a metallic hue as small scales formed a natural armor on his body. His attention focused on the cautious lion-man, stepping in his direction.
The crowd fled at Dink’s approach, only Axion stood his ground, giving testament to the warrior’s courage. The mana tattoos flickered into life as Axion forced them to activate despite the magebane with a roar of defiance. He overcame the dragon fear to charge recklessly at Dink, who was calmly advancing. The tattoos continued to flicker on and off, with the duration becoming deceptively longer.
The world slowed almost to a stop as Dink’s awareness sharpened, he could hear the slowed heartbeats of every creature inside the building and an unfamiliar rumble in the background. Most of the inhabitants in other parts of the building fled or hid in confusion, but he could hear a steady heartbeat approaching through the maze of passageways. It was traveling at an unnatural speed toward him. He could detect the faint scent of a draconic bloodline coming from their direction.
How dare a mere bastard bloodline dare to challenge me?!
Dink’s mind roared with affront as he shifted his attention away from the almost immobile Axion to look in the direction of the steady heartbeat. The door to the main building on the other side of the gambling area, shattered into a shower of splinters which remained hovering in the air. Standing amid the ruins was a muscular high-elf male. He was shirtless with shoulder-length flowing white hair. Pierced through his pointed left ear were five golden rings glittering in the room's lighting.
Axion had crossed the distance as Dink’s attention was elsewhere. The lion-man’s claw connected in a shower of sparks. They were deflected off the tightly-packed scales protecting Dink. Dink glanced in his direction, suddening realizing that the unfamiliar rumble in the background was the lion-man’s ear-shattering battle roar. Dink distractedly punched outward, keeping his attention on the new arrival. He carefully controlled his strength as he felt the impact shatter Axion’s bones despite the active mana tattoos.
Axion was sent flying at high-speed in the almost motionless world, to land with a crash meters away in an unconscious heap at the catgirl’s feet. Dink watched her face contort in concern as she dropped to her knees beside the lion-man in slow motion. Axion’s mana tattoos flickered out to remain dormant.
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