Chapter 67: Chapter 66 Kiss Of Death

The rubble shifted, allowing Axion to break free. He tossed aside a piece of debris as he climbed to his feet. He looked gravely injured as he limped toward Dink, glancing down at the severed head of the corrupted avatar with the small Myconid happily drinking.


“I see you had fun without me. So, you’re the Sword Saint then?” Axion asked, leaning over to spit yet he caught himself and stopped.


“I never attempted to hide that fact. How else would you explain my unrivalled skill with a blade?” Dink replied in a teasing tone, his smile a little too forced.


“Mhm, nothing changes. It’s still an honour to battle alongside you, Dink old boy. The quest to destroy the Expanding Woods suddenly makes more sense. I’ll stand with you to clear your name,” Axion solemnly promised, limping over to place a hand on Dink’s shoulder.


You kept your word, Sword Saint. As repayment, your lover will be completely healed and shall never become one of my brides lest she requests it. A new avatar shall need to be conceived from among my true adherents. I have one last request, I leave it to you to implement it as you see fit. Get rid of the succubus. She is all that remains,” the voice of Mercy appeared inside his mind.


As his words faded, the divine sword in Dink’s hand disappeared in a shimmer of golden light. Atop the dais, the true sisters of Mercy milled around in confusion. They noticed their corrupted sisters looking at them with pleading expressions and turned away in scorn. 


The rejection caused some with a weaker mental fortitude to burst into tears. While others chose to wordlessly depart the inner sanctum without a fuss. Sister Eos was one such person. The half Wood-elf paused as she made eye contact with Dink before turning away and climbing the stairs. The beautiful bison Beastfolk saw Axion wounded and sauntered over to make a fuss over him. 


Dink ignored Axion exaggerating the severity of his injuries to look into the air. Jiltia hovered above waiting for his next move. He stared at her incredible breasts jiggling from the movement of her pumping wings and grinned.


“It’s time for your reckoning, Jiltia. I challenge you to a duel. You have the honour of choosing the field of battle,” Dink said, issuing his summons to contest. He stood naked confronting the equally naked succubus above.


“In that case, we shall compete in lust. As for I field of battle, I choose amid a horde of demons. Hahaha,” Jiltia playfully replied with a seductive smile while gesturing toward Mercy’s throne.


The throne exploded with a tear in reality appearing in its place. The edges of the hole shimmered with prismatic light as it expanded. The true sisters of Mercy cried out in alarm and retrieved Estra from the altar before fleeing down the stairs. Dink hesitated, reaching out toward Estra as she passed before deciding against it.


“Axion, take the avatar’s sword. I’m going to need to fend off that horde gathering on the other side of the Hellgate when they come through. I have a job to do, can I rely on you?” Dink asked, rolling his shoulders in anticipation. 


“I can handle it. Show her how it’s done,” Axion replied with a battle-hungry grin. 


He stooped down to pick up the giant sword. The gorgeous Beastfolk woman pressed her generous breasts against his back as he straightened. He hefted the blade to test the weight before taking up a position at the base of the stairs. 


Dink nodded in satisfaction before turning to ascend the stairs toward the altar. Jiltia flew down to land on the dais. Demons streamed through the Hellgate, dividing to pass the altar on both sides. The horde ignored Dink as they passed him climbing the stairs, barely sparing him a glance as they rushed headlong at Axion. He reached the dais where Jiltia waited to meet him. 

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“You made it. Shall we get started?” Jiltia asked with an alluring smile, gesturing invitingly to the altar.


“There’s no need to be so polite. We know what we’re here for,” Dink replied, backing up to the altar and hauling himself on backward.


Jiltia launched forward and pinned him to the makeshift bed while kissing him deeply. He could detect her hungrily consuming his vast lifeforce. Feeling her flinch in surprise, he mischievously grinned. The sounds of battle blended into the background.



[Explicit content Chapter 66.1 Lust Incarnate found at]



Mana filled the draconic tattoos across Dink’s spine, changing into light spreading through his veins. A latticework of azure light slowly crisscrossed his body toward Jiltia kneeling on all fours in front of him. The moment it crawled from his body into hers, she stiffened in pleasure. That pleasure quickly turned to panic.


“No more, I yield!” Jiltia exclaimed.


“You wanted a taste of my life force, why not take it all?” Dink playfully suggested.


“How is this possible for a Goblin to have so much? I can’t handle it,” Jiltia said, crawling away across the altar in panic. Azure light continued to spread across her exposed skin.


“You should’ve thought about that before you thought to challenge me. It’s outside of my control. I have no sympathy for you after what you’ve done. Consider it up to fate, if you live then come find me for revenge. I’m always willing to ‘battle’ you again,” Dink teased, lightly leaping from the altar.


He paused to glance over his shoulder before descending the stairs. Jiltia ignored his provocation to crawl toward the Hellgate. She crossed the threshold past the flood of demons with light engulfing her alluring figure. Dink drank in the sight of her enticing ass before he was forced to dodge a claw swiping from the side. 


When he looked again, the Hellgate was gone. Shifting his attention to the horde of demons crowding the inner sanctum, shadow obscured Dink’s face as he tilted his face forward with a maniacal grin. 


“Playtime never ends, does it?” Dink rhetorically said to the demon positioned in front of him. The creature’s appearance was grotesque, the opposite of the alluring figure of Jiltia. It didn’t resemble anything remotely Human.