After the general agreement stood we started to decide on the fictional prices for the wares we're about to introduce to the human society.
The base is mostly Olira's rough estimation about similar cases when novel products were brought on the maket.
It's kinda weird to make up such things and to decide if something is going to get sold as an expensive luxury or should be a product for the general populace.
It feels like we are kids who make this up while playing shopping at the store.
Especially as we're talking about so many things no one knows yet.
So it takes a while till we are all done and have agreed on what we'll give for the first delivery of tools.
"So, four amphoras of nectar, a barrel of the binding agent, a generous amount of the food mushroom, and several hides of creatures one can only encounter in the underworld. Is that it?" (E)
While most of this is no problem to provide, the nectar was an issue.
Formicea and like this Liseti are a bit picky about their food supply and value it very much.
So giving away this much nectar is a thing.
"Perfect. For those I'll send metal tools with which you should be able to extract the ore." (O)
<For the future, I hope that the goods are adjusted to be used by our workers. As a natural expansion of their abilities.> (L)
"You mean something like metal claws?" (O)
<Ah, that sounds promising. Metal claws. Yes.> (L)
"Ehm, as I said, those would have to be specifically crafted first. For now, I need to ask you to make do with the usual mining tools." (O)
<I see.> (L)
"Could I ask, why do you want such things? As payment I am sure gold and silver ore would have sufficed." (E)
At this on her face again grows what I suspect is her merchant smile.
It honestly puts me off.
"Advertisement, my dearest. It's far easier to convince people to accept one's presence if you provide something they want. They just don't know yet that they'll love it. If I become the only merchant who can deliver such things I will be in an advantageous position. And your kind as the producers will as well raise in their esteem." (O)
I need to say, her way of thinking is interesting.
Her argument makes sense.
A noble who develops a liking for sweets made with nectar might not vote against further trade when the time comes.
And the starving populace will certainly not sabotage their next food delivery.
It's interesting to learn about this kind of diplomatic trading.
But I am sure the one who learned the most here is Liseti.
She barely blinked throughout the entire negotiation, always highly attentive.
<I think your terms are acceptable. However, there'd be one last thing.> (L)
Olira looks back at her with slight worry.
"Ehm, what is it?" (O)
<You want to pass our world unhindered and supposedly wish for our cooperation to be exclusive. I have one more condition before I'll grant you this.> (L)
"I would first need to know what it is." (O)
<I want you to take some of our subjects with you and teach them about your market prices and trade. In the end, I want that our new base below your human settlement will have regular exchange of this kind. For this reason, it's essential that our drones know how to lead such negotiations. I am not as incompetent to make myself and my whole kind completely dependent on your insight on that matter. It's essential that we as well learn about your ways so we can partake on equal terms.> (L)
"So I have to train some of your drones to become merchants if I want to do any business down here." (O)
<Exactly. You're already receiving preferred treatment and influence for your early cooperation. You shouldn't believe it's a simple matter to meet a princess. The fact that you're here is because Erys favors you. Now you have to convince me. It shouldn't be asked too much to help us negotiate as equals.> (L)
Liseti is certainly right.
It's a gamble, as we could lose our only cooperative trading partner.
But staying forever ignorant will put us at a disadvantage in the long run.
And I doubt that Olira would at this point chicken out.
Also, it's almost impossible that she simply won't show them anything as we aren't so stupid that we wouldn't realize if those we sent are still ignorant when they return.
At least learning how much we are worth is the foundation of any kind of trade.
"Okay... about what exactly are we talking here? I cannot educate too many individuals. My business has its limits" (O)
<Only a small number. There should be no problem regarding education. Scholars are thought to learn fast.> (L)
"Oh, scholars?" (O)
There's slight distress coming from Olira.
Probably, because one of them kinda molested her.
They're not too sociable.
<Is there a problem? Scholars are the logical solution. Gathering information is their role after all.> (L)
I think I should now help Olira out here.
<I think the issue is, that for human standards scholars are quite creepy. It's difficult to let them roam the surface. At least to have them present in negotiations would put off the other party and lower the chances of a successful trade. Even if they'll learn everything, it would be a disadvantage to have them perform our trades if people refrain from interacting with us for that reason.> (E)
We could still insist on that, but I would like to make a more hospitable impression on anyone who's willing to interact with us in the beginning.
<Your point is valid. Then what would you suggest?> (L)
My solution is the same I already used before, regarding interaction with humans.
The most pleasant presence the swarm can offer.
<I think nurses would be suitable. They are unoffensive and very friendly. They are easier to have around and won't raise as much hostility.> (E)
<Nurses you say. Fine, I trust your judgment. But I still deem it essential that scholars assemble the required knowledge. I insist that one at least has to be taught the raw knowledge. Practice won't be necessary. For the rest, four nurses should be possible to handle for this merchant if she has any structure to support what she claims to be capable of.> (L)
"Uh, five individuals. That's quite a lot. But fine. As long as you provide for their subsistence. Food is expensive right now." (O)
<I'll send more than enough with you. And more, for your cooperation.> (L)
I'm kinda glad this could be solved.
The idea of insect trainees in Olira's business is funny if one thinks about it.
At least a little bit outrageous.
<Okay. This makes one scholar and four nurses we will send with Olira.> (E)
<Yes. I ask you to choose the right ones.> (L)
<Skri-skria, creek!/E-excuse me? I am not sure if I understood this right.> (E)
<While I'm aware that you have no scholar yet it should be appropriate for you to send half of the nurses. After all, this is your endeavor in the first place.> (L)
<But, but they're still kids!> (E)
You are reading story Formicea at
Two weeks is no age to send your children out into the world.
Olira meanwhile is terribly amused.
I guess you don't see every day a human-insect mix screaking in panic.
<They had more than enough time to mature. I will send senior nurses. Those should be able to assure their professional behavior. Naturally, only such who can understand humans.> (L)
The thing is, Liseti feels extremely stern about this.
Her pheromones clearly say that she won't allow any backtalk here.
I give in.
Mostly because I'm intimidated by her.
<I... I will see what I can do.> (E)
<Perfect. Then this is almost concluded. One last thing is necessary.> (L)
At this Olira groans.
"What else is left? I thought I've agreed to anything you wanted?" (O)
<Quiet human. I need to concentrate.> (L)
She stands up, moves away from the table, and circles it in Olira's direction.
A small distance away from her she stops.
Then her ovipositor rushes out from behind her, extending into a long tail spear that hovers over her.
Naturally, Olira and I are worried about this development.
There's a pheromone signal I can't really discern and promptly one of her nurses enters.
She hands her some kind of batch.
Looking close I see that it's just hardened earth, coated in the applicant.
However, her symbol is on it.
This weird double trident.
Liseti extends both her upper claws in front of her, palms upward.
Then her stinger first moves over the one with the symbol.
And some translucent liquid escapes and dribs on it.
After this, she moves the stinger to her empty claw and soaks it the same.
The moment she seems to be done she abruptly advances on Olira.
And rubs her face and hair with the soaked claw.
"Wha-" (O)
<I, Liseti, bestow upon you my symbol. It will represent my very self and serve as a message to all my subordinates that you were permitted unhindered access. No harm will befall you from my brood as long I won't decide differently.> (L)
"Urgh, what is it with you folk that makes all of you strobing my face?" (O)
I... notice now.
This liquid.
It smells a bit like Liseti.
Not quite the same, but I'm reminded of her alone by inhaling this scent.
If it works like I think it does, every drone will now know that they're associated.
Then Liseti suddenly moves to me.
<And now you.> (L)
<This venture is your and my doing. We have an alliance, so your partition is demanded.> (L)
<I don't even know what exactly you did just now!> (E)
<I created a special pheromone imprint. Usually, it's thought to designate our own brood to allocate them special roles. This time it's a bit different. It will allow even our simpler drones to understand that this one is allowed to exist here. You wouldn't want your hunters to misunderstand and attack.> (L)
I just have never done this before.
What could go wrong aside from me having no idea what I'm even doing and messing up big time?
<So do it the same as I did, Erys. You hopefully remember your symbol.> (L)
She turns the batch around, and yes, it's my symbol.
<What is this thing?> (E)
<She probably cannot always come herself. So this is for a representative to carry if she has to send one without former notification.> (L)
It seems I won't get out of this.
At least a tip would be nice.
<What exactly do I need to do to make this happen?> (E)
<Extend your ovipositor and concentrate deeply on your symbol, your identity as a princess, and how you want to mark this individual in the intended way. Then you have to condense it into a single order while willing the production of the pheromone. You have to make sure to differentiate between her and the "batch". The order has to be specific for the respective recipient.> (L)
Damn, this couldn't have been more abstract, huh?
The first point is extending my ovipositor.
While I know how to do it by now I certainly have my issues to display my private parts in front of a business partner.
And if the thing I'm squeezing brood out isn't private I don't know.
Nonetheless, I have to do it.
Alone this ability seems to be important for my future if I want to prevent that someone I like gets ripped apart by my subordinates.
So I extend it, ignoring any outer reactions, and move it a bit clumsy to the batch.
Creating this pheromone is much more tricky.
I have to concentrate really hard on everything Liseti mentioned.
Especially differentiating between Olira and this clump of earth is difficult, as it's so abstract.
The moment I think I've got it for the batch I suddenly feel some kind of switch.
And promptly release the same liquid.
After this "leak" I feel bad.
But still, now that I know how, I can repeat the thing Liseti did with her empty hand and move to Olira.
"I-I'm not sure if this is necessary." (O)
"Please, don't make this harder for me than it is." (E)
We both grumble and I proceed with swift movements to stroke it over her head as Liseti indicated me to do.
We both don't like it and I hurry to get done.
"Was this it?" (O)
"I think so." (E)
"God, finally. Seriously, I'm beat. And this "odor" is far too intense. Let's call it a day." (O)
<Is this okay, Liseti?> (E)
<Sure. There are no further issues.> (L)
It's over.
I need a break.
Yet before this, I have to look for two nurses I can send with Olira.
Just then my mother walks in.
<Oh, you're done. Great. Then it's time for your bath.> (F)