Chapter 88: Chapter 83


<So, I got you sparkly clean. Now I think it's time to give me your thanks.> (F)


For a moment her pheromones perk up but she quickly recovers.


<Oh yes. And I perfectly know how to show you my opinion about you.> (H)


Yep, she's clearly ominous here but I won't give in on this.


<I think I'll reward you with another adjustment. One that will hopefully help you to perform even better.> (H)

<Ehk. What is this about? Another adjustment? Where's that coming from?> (F)

<I will adjust your eyes so you can check your own work.> (H)

<My eyes!?> (F)


This sounds bad.
The ability to see is the most fundamental one I have.
To think that someone else could influence this.
What would this even entail?


<I've noticed. You're almost blind. This won't do for my personal nurse. So we have to change this.> (H)

<What do you mean? My eyes work fine. It's just dark down here.> (F)

<So you're even aware of the issue. As this condition won't change in your favor, it's right to say that you're basically disabled. So we're going to change this and adjust you to have the same vision all our kind possesses. As it's a purely positive change it certainly won't be considered as harming you.> (H)


While I believe her that she won't mess this up, it sounds still quite frightening.
To believe that they could even change this.


<I, I'm not too sure about this. I like my eye color and for humans, their appearance is quite important. Especially the eyes hold special significance.> (F)


Yes, I know there are other places men stare at but the eyes are the places where I want to have their attention.
And so I don't want to feel uncomfortable about them while talking.


<You're making this difficult! Why would you care about what is important to humans while being within the hive?> (H)

<It could be that in the future humans come more frequently to this place and I don't want them to stare weirdly at me. Also, it's very important that I feel content with my own looks. I like my eye color and how they appear in a mirror.> (F)


While mirrors aren't too common, there were some occasions when I could look into one.
Also, the lake close to our home was sometimes still enough.


<Mirror?> (H)

<Oh, that's a special item one can use to see their own image. It perfectly reflects your appearance on a flat surface. But it's quite difficult to create them, so they're quite rare.> (F)

<Such a thing. But still, as a nurse, it should be most important for you to be able to perform well. That I'm willing to spend my very own resources on you should be considered an honor.> (H)

<But I really don't want them to look differently. My husband loves them and I have no wish to change my style. I'm too old for this and it would just put everyone off.> (F)

<So I understand this right, the problem is purely the outer appearance?> (H)

<Uh, maybe?> (F)


I mean, if there's nothing visible... Purely coming from the purpose, it might be quite convenient to see better in the dark.


<Hmm, the receptors have to be Formicean... but what if I avoid changing the rest? Could I adjust the target area on the inside? What about a special modification, like a royal guard's? Could I combine? No, no, no. But knowing the pattern... If I modify the receptors and spread the area only slightly, then the inner parcels should still be sufficiently supplied...> (H)


She's mumbling on and on, continuing to say things I can't comprehend in the slightest.
Which might make me feel a little inept.
Then this slightly crazy princess abruptly throws her head in my direction.


<I have figured it out.> (H)


Her black eyes are wide-open, which makes me a bit anxious about the idea of eye modifications, now that I see how disturbing they can look.


<A-are you really sure?> (F)


I am certainly not.


<Absolutely. As requested, there will be almost no distinction from a human one's.> (H)

<Almost?> (F)

<I need to concentrate a part of the adjustment on the black center of the eye. And also slightly widen it. It won't be a very distinguishable difference, but it will still be present, yes.> (H)


Okay, only a slightly widened center.
This doesn't sound too bad.
If I'm being honest, I guess the advantage should outweigh this.
I'm naturally a bit scared about directly going through a second modification on the same day, but on the other side, I feel now a bit pressured to do this after she finished all those preparations.
It would be a bit of a let-down.


<Will, will this hurt?> (F)

<A bit.> (H)


Urgh, why can't they for once lie?


<But you won't pierce them with your stinger, right?> (H)


God, I don't even want to imagine this.


<No. The eyes are partially open. I only need to apply the liquid to them.> (H)


So an eye rinsing.
I went through worse before.


<Okay... Okay. Just make quick, before I change my mind.> (F)

<As you wish. Please lie down.> (H)


She points to the bench where she's usually found leaning on.
I do what she says, albeit a bit reluctantly.
Then she moves next to me.


<Don't move.> (H)


Before I can really contemplate what happens she lets her ovipositor pierce out and lets it hover over her claws, in which she once more gathers this liquid that caused all this.
She moves them towards my face, which I guess makes sense if it's for my eyes.
Yet instinctively I close them, as everything I know about this procedure points out to me that this won't be pleasant.
However, different from me she has four arms.
The upper, without the liquid, she uses to pinch my eyes open, before pouring and rubbing this substance with the lower ones in.




So much for "a bit"!

This feels like acid in my eyes!!!

Make it stop! Make it stop!

It hurts!!

I throw myself left and right, subsequently falling from the bench.
Yet naturally, that won't help my burning eyes.
However, this excruciating pain subsides rather quickly.
Leaving an almost charred feeling behind.

With slight unease I open them, dreading that they truly might be injured and I am blinded now.
At first, my vision is blurry but soon I realize that my eyes seem to be okay.
At least not nearly as bad as this charred feeling indicated and they get progressively better.
Uncanny much better, as I notice.

At one point, I believe that this is it, as I can see as well as before the acid attack, but it doesn't stop there.
The room which was before quite dark is now... Well, not exactly well-lit but considerably brighter.
At least, I can see the walls on the other side without issues now.

Nothing seems different, if not for the comparatively brighter world and a slight lingering prickling feeling in my eyes, which slowly gets better.
Just then I manage to assess the most urgent issue.


<How are my eyes?! Do they look any different?!> (F)

<Not by much. Do they work as intended?> (H)


We really have very different priorities.


You are reading story Formicea at

<Do you have water here?> (F)

<Somewhere in my district should some be stored. For what reason you'd require it?> (H)

<I want to see my reflection. So I can at least check a little bit how it looks.> (F)


Without wasting any time, Honiu calls out an order to bring the requested water.
Coming from her pheromones I'd say she wasn't in the mood for a discussion.
In a display of prowess, it takes mere moments till some workers are carrying a large bowl into the chamber.

I waste no time and go looking, to soothe my troubled mind.
Naturally, even if the bowl is quite still, the image is too blurry to be sure, but focusing my eyes, I can still see the colors which should be present.
I sigh in relief.


<According to your just evaporated pheromones you are content. If I am right, would you now finally please resume your duties?> (H)


Oh, yes. Sometimes I forget that I also work here.


<Well, I'm not sure if being content is the right way to describe this. Anyway, was there anything urgent I'd have to take care of?> (F)

<I held in, to conclude this situation. After this, I will require your cleaning.> (H)

<Held in?> (F)




Seems like I have again to deal with all this weirdness.
And I guess this won't change anytime soon.
After all, I am her personal nurse.
So it is my job that she can lay those eggs without any obtrusions.




- Erys -


God, whenever my mother goes to this mad princess my worries threaten to overwhelm me.
I can't help but think about all the things which might go wrong.
Or Honiu might intentionally do something to her.
And that she said she might even permit her to do something to her body isn't making things the slightest bit better.
God, this is bad, this is really bad!


"My princess, if you remain in this stressed state this won't be good for your production." (K)


Some time ago I would've said I don't care, but I was now so many times in the nursery.
I don't wish for those little things there to have to deal with deformations and such just because of me.
However, this isn't decreasing my anxiety.


"But what if something happens?" (E)

"I'm sure your mother is perfectly fine. There have so many measures been taken to keep her safe. And she's a capable human." (K)


I don't feel very assured, but she's right that worrying won't help me.
So all I can do is handle my anxiety as best as I can and wait for mum.

Fortunately, she returns today on time.
It might be, that I assigned some messengers to inform as soon as she leaves Honiu's district.
So it comes that I, completely by chance, wait at the entrance when she arrives


"Mum! Are you fine? Did anything happen? Are you hurt?" (E)

"Do wee have to gEt through thies every siengle tieme?" (F)

"Your workplace isn't the safest!" (E)

"YEs, yes. Ie'm mostly fine. Most iemportantly, how do mye Eyes look?" (F)

"Your eyes? As beautiful as always. That turquoise is quite a nice color. Wait, are they bigger than usual?" (E)


I'm not sure, but the colored part might take up a bit more of the white than usual.


"Scruh, that's relieeving. I was actuallye a bit concErned about thies change." (F)

"Change!? Wait! You let her do something to your eyes?!" (E)


Naturally, I focus on them more intensely.
And promptly I notice countless segments within the black part.



"Ouch! Before you freeak out more than thies, do I neeed to remind you that your phEromone shouts hurt others?" (F)

"S-sorry, b-but." (E)




Before I can say anything coherent, my mum throws some liquid into my face.


"Don't look at mee like thies. It's just clEansing fluid. I alrEady told you about thies, rieght?" (F)


<Screech!/Your shouts still hurt!> (F)

"S-sorry. But this, this is just too much." (E)


That I can hear my mum in my head makes her statements much more intense.
I'm quite glad I haven't had a longer scolding from her yet.


"Farrah?" (R)


Oh, seems like we were loud or at least intense enough for dad to notice.


"Dad! Mum had even her eyes changed in addition to the liquid thing!" (E)

"Farrah!" (R)

"Erys!" (F)


So it takes a small while till everyone calms down enough for a proper discussion.


"Okay, I can't completely understand your decision, but can you at least remotely explain to me why you did that?" (R)

"Iet helps mee seee down here. Ie thienk that'z prEtty conveenient." (F)


Okay, I can understand that point.
I mean, my own eyes are adjusted.
On the surface, the brightness can be quite searing and hurts if you're not prepared for it, but down here it's the opposite.
My eyes can see quite well in the darkness.
There are still dark spots, but I guess without this adjustment I would be quite troubled.

Actually, I might have even ignored that problem a bit, as I... well, I judged everything from my perspective, quite literally that is.
While I was somewhat aware of it and requested many more light stones for my district and also some for the parts of the hive where the rest of the human delegation was accommodated, I simply am not able to see things as they do.

Now my mother wants to establish our family in this world.
Like this, it's completely understandable that she wants to be able to see here.

And about the cleansing fluid, she talked before.
Even if I don't understand why she would want that and now actually followed through with it.
Seriously, letting her body get adjusted, so she can serve better.
That's a really disturbing thought.


"Are you really fine with that, Farrah?" (R)

"Mye eyes don't look differeent. And for mye haends, this ies a biet like swEating. Just thaet I can now hEal wounds wieth it. I don't see manye downsides." (F)

"But please mum. Can you stop now for the close future with modifications? I don't want that you do too much." (E)


I don't even want to imagine her with more drastic adjustments.
Like an extra pair of arms, which would probably be convenient in some way.
Or wings, which are really bothersome in daily life.
Or even such a tube tongue for feeding.
Oh god, please not!


"Do you thienk I'm addiected?" (F)

"Not necessarily. But I worry that you might lose your sense of the severity of such changes if you do so much in quick succession. This isn't revokable, and you should think about such stuff for a long time before you actually do it." (E)

"Fiene. For now I'll leeave it at thies." (F)

"That relieves me as well, honey." (R)


And now they start kissing! Bah!
Just why did I have to imagine that tongue?!