Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – The Second Time

A human is what stands on top of the Earth's ecosystems.

Humans have started from hunting with sticks up to threatening each other with nuclear weapons.

Humans have easily flooded the Earth and have ruled it since the age of Dinosaurs.They have conquered the seas, the land, and the skies. And even the skies aren't enough already.

The humans stand on top of all that there is on Earth, but what stands on top of humans?


Humans who are better than others, Humans who have more talent in a specific, if not multiple fields than the average.

Geniueses rule the world. Everybody is born equal? Such naive thinking. Everybody has the same rights you say? You could write a book filled with jokes based on that silly ideology.

Geniuses are what made the world what it is today, if you place an incompetent person like **** up on top of the human society's ladder there would no doubt be a catastrophic result.

I believe that the statement that 'Everybody has a talent' is false, it's as false as the saying if you work hard enough, you'll definitely reach the top someday.



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