Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Distortion

Her surroundings consisted of a grassy plain at the world of a sunset. A red world, no it wasn't a world that was dyed red due the setting sun's rays.
It was a world literally painted in red, from the ground up to the sky, It was painted in red by the death of people, the paint seemed endless until visible puddles could be seen there and there, the grassy field...the battlefield, was dyed in death, the air was filled with death throes by humans, and other bipedal creatures. It was hell in the mortal world, where only death thrived.

A lone figure, a girl by the name of Rei stood silently and spectated the bloody battle from a distant hill. Her mouth agape as she observed every event. Weapons and bodies formed small hills, neither side had any leeway to move their own comrade's bodies away. But even then a war is a war, soldiers fought on the corpses of their own comrades, fighting and dying, adding more corpses to the ever so wide pile.

As Rei watched on, she noticed the affiliation of the people fighting.
The battle was composed of two sides, a side with all kinds of armour, clothes, and racial charesteristics. The first side who was more in number consisted of humans swung their swords valiantly, dwarves who brandished their axes and hammers with strength, elves who shot arrows and a barrage of magical spells, and beastmen who fought with their spears, shields, and even with their fangs and claws when their weapons broke.
And then there was the second side, pale horned humans in black clothing and armour who used every kind of weapon, with their martial prowess surpassing any of the other races present in the battlefield. Even if the horned humans...demons were outnumbered by roughly seven to one. But even then that did not matter much, as for every demon that died, they took 10 of the opposite side with them, even having a smile that seemes plastered with the belief that they accomplished their duty.

At the center of all this were 8 figures who moved at lightning fast speeds. The situation seemed to be a 7 vs. 1 situation, blasting magic and death wherever they stepped on.
Rei glanced at the figure in black, fighting 7 opponents with a sword clad in black smoke. Limbs that seemed to resemble biological weapons swayed from her back and moved like each limb had a mind of their own, deflecting attacks.
The figure clad in black fought with her 7 opponents, but despite having 7 opponents she seemed equally looked like she was playing with them.

"Reina! For all your evils this shall be your end! [Blast Strike]!" A human with red hair said while swinging his sword at Reina.

The red-haired man's sword was covered in a red light before he swung it down with all his strength at where Reina stood.
An explosion with the scale rivalling that of a modern hydrogen bomb arrived next, although the red-haired man's head was plucked off by Reina straight after. She took the head, and the corners of her mouth extended up to her ears, and Reina ate the red-haired man's decapitated head  whole.
Although Rei thought that this was a risky move, further enraging the red-haired man's comrades. Rei was finally able to see a clear image of Reina when she stopped for a moment to eat the man's head.

Her intimidating cold aura was paired with the dark colours of her military uniform, her red cloak was tattered and dusted, obviously because of the battle she's been fighting, although most of her skin was concealed by a black fabric, Rei saw her the stature of her neck up to her head, the skin on her neck and face looked as smooth as porcelain, it had no visible defects, the colour of her skin was a beautifully pale white, it was a different shade of white which rivaled the tranquility of snow.
And her eyes, the sheer image of her eyes depicted a starving animal. Reina's expression eased after she ate a head, however it shortly returned to the gaze of a starving animal which contrasted her other beautiful civilized body features. Even Rei who had a similar beauty was amazed at her appearance.

'Were my eyes always this great?' Rei thought to herself. Rei saw every detail down to the level where she could see the red veins bulging on Reina's black sword, and the white teeth that riddled the edge of her blade.

Reina quickly used one of the black limbs growing out of her back...Aether, to deflect arrows that looked like trandiscient laser beams, and with a bored expression she said--

"--If this goes on, your lives will end y'know? You'll die without having accomplished anything significant...WHICH IS THE WAY ALL HUMANS SHOULD PASS!"

"Dodge her Aether! If you get hit by it you'll die!"

The black limbs potruding from Reina's back...Aether converged at started sweeping the battlefield.
The remaining 6 heroes put in everything they have to dodge the barrages of black, barely avoiding death with each stroke and strike.
Reina was so sure of her victory, the end result was almost sure and certain

However the remaining 6 enemies did not falter.
A sound of a horn was heard near the distance, 6 armies arrived at the plain, they had the same type of uniforms as the demons who are currently crossing swords with the enemy, however their colours were all different. At the next moment they all simultaneously started charging into the fray. Determined to fight until the very end.

"See, my reinforcements have already arrived, you can't hope to stop me now! How are you supposed to defeat all the Demon Lords...if you can't defeat just one!?"

"Fufufufufufu..." A man with dark blue hair had started laughing...his name was Seo Yoon-hwa and one of the 7 heroes.

"What's so funny? Ah it must be one of those situations where humans lose their sanity upon being near-death, Isn't it Yoon-hwa?" Reina carelessly said.

From the tone of Reina when speaking to the human called Seo Yoon-hwa, Rei deduced that this was hardly the first time they met, or fought with their lives on the line for that matter.

"Hahahaha! No no that's wrong Reina...has the Demon Lord of Gluttony become senile?"

"...what are you on about?" Reina asked back.

"Well it's unfortunate that Apollus died, but he achieved his duty nonetheless."

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"Don't you get it Reina? Our goal was to buy time...time to turn the tables around!!"

"What are you even saying, there's nobody who could help you now, all of your military forces are right here!"

"Yes yes...all of our military forces...but what about yours?"

At that moment, Reina knew what the dark blue-haired man was talking about, the newly arrived 'reinforcements' started attacking the demons in black...Reina's army from one side while the other side was being attacked by the enemy. The demons in black clothes were thrown into disarray and confusion, wondering what was happening.

'Betrayal' Rei muttered under her breath.
'Was it because she was too weak?' Rei pondered, but then quickly discarded that absurd thought.
'She was betrayed simply because she was too strong.' Rei thought as she watched the situation unfold.

6 other prominent figures...the remaing Demon Lords rushed to the center of the battlefield, making it a 12 on 1 situation for Reina.
As strong and fas Reina might be she couldn't face against 12 opponents that were close to her amount of skills.

Reina swung her sword at the hero of Beastmen who lost his balance after being startled by Reina's scream but it was repelled by a thick armour almost impenetrable, it was her friend, the Demon Lord of Wrath, Grido.

"Grido get out of the way! Can't you see that--" Reina tried to tell off Grido however she was quickly cut off.

A lightning spear narrowly missed her head, instead it punctured a hole on one of her Aethers...It was the Demon Lord of Sloth, Grani was ome of the most fastest known beings on the planet only being second to Reina at the time.

"You!" Just from Reina's spiteful expression when looking towards the lightning-covered youth, Rei could tell that Reina didn't quite like him, and as to serve as evidence she adjusted her posture and began to charge towards Grani, However...

A morning star was flung from a great distance, while her legs were bound in vines...It was the Demon Lord of Lust Prent's morning star and the Demon Lord of Greed Alrus' Spirit Magic which made use of spirits instead of the conventional use of mana which relied on one's mana capacity.

Reina regenerated her Aether but was quickly sliced off by a sword, it was the Demon Lord of Pride, Meridus. She tried to retaliate by using magic spears but they were dispelled by Erei, the Demon Lord of Envy.

'The 6 of them had truly gathered...just to kill me.' At this point, Rei had comprehended her dire situation.
Reina had sliced off the vines with her sword, and deflected the morning star with her Aether.
Reina understood the situation by then, her closest friends, who she had promised to make a kingdom and unite the continent with, had now turned on her and were trying to kill her.
A hail of attacks were released only having one intention, and that is to end the Demon Lord Reina.

"I'll fucking kill you all!" Reina shouted out, and her beautiful red eyes turned dark, with visible veins connected to her red cornea, not only that but the whites of her eyes had also turned dark, making her face look something more horrifying...It was known as her Alter Ego, a state where Demons push their physical and magical capabilities to their utmost limits, like this Reina could fight against 12 of the most powerful beings in the world however it was then that the other 6 Demon Lords had also released their Alter Egos and quickly caught up the difference of speed and power.

Alter Ego

A Demon Lord's Essence clouds their judgement when taken inside the host, however this is just beyond that. Ignoring most, if not all rationality as the host indulges itself in its most primal sin in exchange for a spike of power.

Effects: For ignoring the structural intergrity of a body, Raises stats from 200-1000% depending on one's control over their Sin Essence.

MP required: N/A

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