Chapter 3: Lost

yesterday at Watch Square…



I kept telling myself that it was all just a bad dream while I tried to gather the little feeling I had at the tips of my tingling fingers. I finally had enough strength to open my heavy eyelids, noticing a thick red fog, with little specks of white gliding about. When my vision adjusted, I soon realized that those specks were men in hazmat suits, in a scene that looked like a shot from a science fiction horror show.

I sucked my teeth, fighting the toxic air from filling my lungs as I laid on the pavement in the middle of Watch Square. It was pointless, and I knew it, trying to protect myself anyway. I had been knocked out for god knows how long, already having had breathed in a load of this shit, only now waking up to the realest nightmare of my life.

One by one, the people in those hazmat suits were plucking up motionless victims of the devastating blast, and carrying them into black armored vans. I dropped my elbows on the sidewalk to arch my top half up to get a better view, but I slipped, catching my arm falling into the cement. I gasped, realizing my body was sinking into the ground, my eyes scanning my lower half to catch a phantom-like change to my legs.

What the hell?!

Was I dead?!

I was hyperventilating, everything suddenly hitting me at once. I looked around, panicking, realizing I was in deeper trouble than I thought. Bodies, everywhere, the smell of blood, the taste of death. Holy fuck, I was one of them who hadn’t made it, wasn’t I? That explosion had killed me!

But I couldn’t understand—Liam, he was blocking me from the blast with his body. He protected me!

Where was he?

Why wasn’t he with me!

The more I freaked out, the deeper my body plunged. If I kept at this hysteria, my entire body would sink into the sewers. I made the connection that my emotions had a part in how far I’d drop, so I tried picking myself up, enough to have my composure in a placid place.

For all of five seconds…

If I didn’t want to freak out, I honestly couldn’t open my eyes, the view shattering me into pieces. I slipped my hand over my lip as I gradually controlled my levitation, bringing my feet flat on the ground. “Please… Liam,” I mumbled, bringing myself to look around for him in the wreckage scattered about.

Straight carnage.

I felt sick to my non-existent stomach.

I should have been more worried about myself, but I had to look for Liam. I had to make sure he’d survived this! The last few seconds before that bright white light fell from the sky played in my head, my mind trying to give me hints and clues of where I’d last seen him. But everything was left in ruin, and I couldn’t make out landmarks no matter how hard I tried.

“Liam! Liam, where are you?” I cried, but I doubt anyone could hear a ghost.

Wait, could they?

Okay, what the hell was actually going on right now? Why did those men look around when I’d called out Liam’s name?

Was I dead or not?

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I needed to know!

One of the creepy looking guys started marching my way, with a type of gun that I’d never seen before. The closer he crept up from the fog, the more worried I got, and for the life of me, I couldn’t find any strength to buck it out of there. I was frozen in place, feeling myself sinking into the ground again the more I panicked, until I escaped, just when he couldn’t get any closer to me.

I found cover, but it didn’t look like I needed it. I’d been right in front of the guy and he didn’t even see me through his visor.

“I am so confused…” I whimpered softly under my quivering breath, tears streaming down my face. I crouched behind the shattered masonry building behind me, the cluster of molten steel beams blocking me from seeing more of that horrific scene. I then thought about going home, where I could be safe, where maybe… I could make sense out of all of this. But Liam, I couldn’t leave him. I wanted closure, at the very least, if he’d died from that explosion. Or he might have been carried away—how would I know?

How would I know…

I couldn’t even be sure if mom and dad didn’t get caught in this mayhem. I wasn’t sure how far this thing had spread. As I sniffled to myself and weighed out my options, thoughts of Liam fought to give me the strength and willpower I needed to pick myself up—especially seeing as I was sinking again. And the more I thought about him, the more real I started to become…

“What?” I gasped, my eyes growing crazy wide. I was materializing flesh and blood over my phantom fingers, the color of my skin reaching down to my elbows.

Hell, even my clothes were coming back, the fabric of my sleeves, my bracelet, spreading up to the hoodie over my shoulder blades…

“Looks like you found your anchor, lovely.”

And just like that, I went ghost again.

I jumped, realizing I had company. To my right, a smooth sultry voice called out to me, and when I looked over, I noticed his seven foot frame. His appearance made me hold my breath, because he looked like someone straight out of a cosplay contest—long straight black hair, silver eyes, a pale creamy complexion. His sharp outfit resembled that of gothic visual kei with a Victorian era flair; from the diamond studded cravat to those buttoned leather knee-high boots.

He reeked of elegance and aristocratic charm, the vibes I was getting from him telling me I could trust him.

“W-who are you?” I said with a jagged voice. “And… how can you see me?”

“I think the question is, how can I not see you?” he sang, flashing me a raunchy look. “The ability to phase between an apparition and a living, breathing, delicate teenage girl. I am sure you’re begging to know how your powers work, and I am most eager to show you.”

I held my breath. “Powers?”

“Yes. As in, superhuman powers.”

“Stop messing with me!” I retorted. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t have super powers!”

“Then how do you explain this?” he said, reaching his hand into my chest. I felt violated, noticing his gloved wrist disappearing inside me, before he lifted his finger up, stroking the back of it along my chin. “And this…” he purred, and I felt him, the touch of his finger along my skin, making my face materialize again. “Such an interesting power I’d love to tell you more about.”

“How do you know so much about me?” I asked the man obviously trying to use his sinful charm to lure me into something.

“Follow me, and you will soon find out.”