After Take-Down training, Dessi and I walked back to our ward. I washed up before digging into her delicious cookies, but I had to reject her offer for brunch. I wasn’t hungry, not in the way she wanted, anyway. I still couldn’t get Fire Ant out of my head, so once I left Aster napping and Dessi doing house chores, I decided to do a little snooping around this fine mid-afternoon.
I wanted answers. Down in my bones, I knew these questions in my head wouldn’t quit unless I found them. And after what Draco had said, it made me skeptical about The Brother’s Code even more. Despite that, I didn’t have complete coverage. Rynn wasn’t home before I left. Even if I wanted to use her as an alibi just in case, I had no way of reaching her to ask her for that favor.
Granted, there was no guarantee she’d be willing to lie for me. I dismissed the idea before it had time to marinate in my head. Fuck it, just don’t get caught. That way I wouldn’t need an alibi.
Into the sub levels I went, sneaking down with my limited stealthy prowess. I admit, I had no idea what the hell I was looking for down here, before I reached a dead end, a secure area with a restricted access label on the huge steel door.
“Cameras, covering all angles. That shouldn’t be a problem,” I whispered to myself. There was wiring in the walls; all I had to do was find the right energy source and absorb the current going through the right wires. I went for the weakest route and got lucky, disabling the cameras and keeping my six protected.
I tucked along the walls and stuck to them like glue, bouncing back and forth beyond the seemingly empty corridors. Once I reached another door of interest, I cleared the cameras again and noticed someone close by quickly scanning his hand on the door pad before entering a code.
Charlie Gunwin?
I thought he was just an engineering tech working in the higher floors. What the hell was he doing down here?
He looked over his shoulder and clenched the books he had in his arms before the white door slid open, a cool frosty air pouring out when he walked in. I heard churning from within, the familiar noise of bio-tech instruments roaring in the back noise. The inside was bright, but not bright enough for me to take a glimpse of what was inside. I just struck a road block, but this side quest wasn’t all for nothing. I now knew if I could work up Charlie, I may be able to coax him into leading me here.
“Huge stretch, but I’m dying to figure out what The Brother’s Code is doing with supe rejects.”
I was thinking about exploring some more first—maybe I could get lucky and slip past one of these not so heavily secured doors, but the feeling of someone peering over my shoulder snuck up on me, jumping my adrenaline.
I pivoted around with a hushed gasp, expecting to be exposed, but there was no one behind me. I stayed incredibly still, paying close attention to my footsteps before I heard heels clashing against the white marble floors. That was my cue to book it, leaving this endeavor for another day.
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