Chapter 19: The Tank Pt.2

"Oracle, get these people airborne, now! Forger, start teleporting civilians as far away from here as possible in groups, then have Sorceress clear off the ooze with her constructs. Start with the head first. Keep their airways clear. And work quickly!”

That was right, Noir could only absorb living things that were covered in ooze, linked to his pool at a close range. He’d draw them in, but he couldn’t do that if they weren’t close. The worst that could happen was asphyxiation after hardening, but I believed in my team, and I trust they could get the rest of these people out of harm’s way.

As for The Tank…

He completely ignored the fact that his team needed help. They were on their own, and luckily for them, Poppi used her nature’s touch to get the grass underneath her comrades moving to help clear the ooze.

As for me, I was tired of him running his mouth. And if he wanted a piece of me, I was more than delighted to give him some.

I got up on my feet with my back straight and my eyes locked on him. I felt the hardening start to solidify around my feet, Noir standing there frozen, initiating the process. The closer you were to him, the faster the hardening would reach you. Which was fine with me, because I shook off most of the gunk that was on me, where only my legs were locked in place.

Not for long though.

The tar that had solidified about four inches above my ankles wouldn’t stay on me for long. I snapped them off the pool, disconnecting me from Noir. The Tank had already levitated a few feet above, with that shit eating grin still on his face. If he wanted to play dirty, so be it. I yanked him out of the air by his ankle, slamming him down into the hardened wave, breaking Noir’s effect into rubble.

The Tank shot right up on his feet with a mean glare in his heated eyes. He roared and charged my way, and I countered him, making good use out of that thick skull of his. I chucked my foot against the side of his head, and when he slouched down toward the left, I brought another kick with my other foot to scoop him straight up again.

I was now free from the rock solid tar, and I could tell The Tank wasn’t expecting me to actually put a scratch on that metallic skin of his. “Maybe I could knock some fucking sense into that hollow head of yours.”

I’d make it a quick match, because there was no telling how long Noir would stay in this absorption state. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure my team made it out there with those civilians, and they had. Great, less pressure for me, where I could commit my attention on beating the living shit out of this prick.

He underestimated my power; I bet this would be his last time. He came at me again after I’d landed two kicks at each side of his head. He was a little wobbly, which made finishing him off easier. All The Tank had for him was flight and brute strength, and some invulnerability to matter. What he wasn’t immune to was me, the original source of super human strength.

I gave him an impression he would never forget. A wave of punches came right at him; I was too quick for the brute. He couldn’t lay a hand on me, and had to resort to covering himself rather than trying to counter. He started to bleed, then panic, realizing I was no easy target. He backed off, but I brought him back down again, levitating his height up, only to swing another kick at him to send the prick diving. He landed and cracked more hardened tar gunk. I rushed to him with a stomp, but he rolled over, following it with a sweet kick I saw coming. I dodged it and rammed the tip of my shoe under his chin, which sent him gliding across the ground.

“You’re no hero,” I retorted, standing over him, landing a punch dead center in his smug face. “You’re just a selfish prick who wants nothing more than to be worshiped and praised!” I gave him another punch, the bastard flinging his hand over his broken nose. “You don’t even give two shits about your own team! And what’s worse than that, you are a terrible fighter!” I walloped, The Tank practically wailing beneath me. “Your team must have climbed the ranks, because you sure as hell couldn’t have gotten far without them! You disgraceful piece of shit!”

“I surrender!” he cried out gargling, his mouth filled with blood. “No more!”

I stopped, the state I left him in satisfying to watch. But before I could enjoy my win, I felt my core heating up, realizing I was going nuclear.

“Warhead!” I heard Dessi crying out from a distance, my pink-haired teammate flying to my aid. But I couldn’t let her try and save me. She had no idea how to contain my detonation. Instead, I thought of an idea to put it to good use, noticing that Noir was wrapping up his absorption phase. It was a risky shot but I had to take it.

I flew right toward Noir, planning on detonating inside him. Once inside, I stopped fighting the explosion, lodging myself just underneath his chest, breaching his mucky guts. And then the finish, the final blow. There was no telling if this would actually work, but it was worth trying. I lifted the both of us up as I ascended, keeping the blast as far away from the surface as possible. Chunks of Noir started flying everywhere, and I finally dismantled the behemoth.

Not two seconds after the impact did Zero, the gravity girl, rush toward the eye of the blast. “I got this!” she cried, but the side effects of my blast started trickling through, leaving me woozy and my vision clouded. I fought the unconsciousness. I wanted to see what Zero had planned. She lifted her arm way up, with her hand stretched out, the particles of Noir instantly ascending. Every bit and every piece—she was like an ultra-janitor, cleaning up my widespread mess. “You made this way easier for me! With him less condensed, I can bring his big butt to space!”

He went up as far as the clouds allowed me to see. And then I felt Dessi’s arms wrapped around me and my nakedness. “I got you, Liam,” she whispered, my head slouched over her shoulder. She brought me to the ground safely, where I noticed Aster and Rynn waiting for me.

“Whoops! Can’t have those tasty bits out in the open like that,” Aster said in a sultry voice, summoning a construct to shield my indecency.

“You better keep your touchy powers friendly,” I warned Aster playfully.

“Are you all right?” Rynn asked me, visibly concerned.

You are reading story Warhead: A Superhero Harem Adventure Warhead: A Superhero Harem Adventure at

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just trying not to pass out.” I grinned, holding my head up to my amazing team. “You girls did great. I’m proud of you.”

“You did great as well, Warhead!” Dessi beamed. “You might have detonated, but no one got hurt.”

“We owe Zero and the other girls for helping out.”

“We were the help, Warhead,” Rynn said coldly, practically cursing The Tank’s incompetence under her breath.

“Either way, this was a successful mission.”

“I’d say,” Zero said, approaching me and my team. “A bit over the top, but very necessary.” She winked.

“What did you do to him?” Rynn asked.

“See, I needed him to break off into more pieces, making it easier for me to reduce his gravity. He was too dense for me to lift, until Warhead blew him into tiny pieces.”

“Isn’t he going to eventually come crashing down?” I asked.

“Not unless I allow him to. He’s a space drifter now.”

I gave her a nod and a smile. “Thanks for the assist.”

“We should be thanking you. As hard as it is for me to say.” She gave me a cute pout and battered her lashes at me.

“Yes, thank you! You guys are pretty awesome!” Invisible Girl said, rushing her way to us with Poppi. Poppi used the grass, fallen branches and leaves to weave me a loin cloth around my waist, behind the construct Aster was blocking my groin with.

“Here, that should feel better,” Poppi said, Aster taking down her construct.

“Mmm, hello sexy Tarzan,” Aster cooed, wrapping herself on me. “All you need is your Jane.”

“You four make a great team. I’m surprised that you aren’t patrolling hot zones like us,” Poppi complimented, just when The Tank decided to join the party.

He had his raged piercing eyes hot on me, with his chest heavy and his fists curled. He provoked Dessi to move, the girl stepping in between us.

“Fall back!” she ordered him as she protected her captain.

“Or what?” he growled.

“Or I’ll make you,” Dessi boldly asserted. “Unless you want your mind scrambled, I suggest you keep your dirty hands to yourself.”

“Come on, this place is a hot zone. We should be helping out, not getting at each other’s necks,” I said, even though every part of me wanted to KO this guy. I knew I could, despite my current state. But I wanted to set an example in front of his team, to show them what a real captain looked like.