Chapter 11: 08 – (Im)mortal Enemies

Amara stepped out of the rift, her leather boots bringing her into the waist high wild grass still holding onto the gleaming morning dew drops.

Although Amara could sense the temperature would have made her feel chilly had it been on Earth, the coolness was kept at bay by her high body temperature. Likely a result of her ascension. As such, the cool morning air only felt fresh and comfortable.

The sun had already risen over the horizon to her left. Amara instinctively knew it had to be morning, as with a clear blue sky, the moisture would have long evaporated had it rather been evening. The sun’s position, combined with the fact that it was morning, told her she was facing south; easily determined with one of the many right-hand-rule conventions from Earth. Whether this world’s inhabitants used similar rules, if any, she didn’t know however.

Another world huh.

As she looked around, Amara saw she stood on a vast grassland that stretched to the horizon, with the occasional cluster of trees or larger forests in the distance. Behind her to the north, she could see a mountain range in the distance; it stretched out towards the north-northwest, with the first peak a couple hours walk away.

Ahead of her, the grassland continued for a while, but the grass and trees looked drier; as if they were suffering from some kind of disease, causing them to wither. And she felt an ominous presence to the south, like a foul stench was being carried with the wind; although very different from what she knew, Amara knew it was some kind of divine power.

Demon lord.

Amara spotted the demon lord in the distance, slowly making its approach in the distance. 

Amara could already tell that she was far outclassed in strength. Although it wasn’t the mind shattering presence of a god, it was leagues above the angel she knew. Amara was almost certain that in a one-on-one fight between Ezme and the Demon Lord, the latter would win.

Calm down Amara. You can despair later. Never show weakness.

Once Amara could classify the stream of foreign divine power, she noticed a weaker, strange pressure was all around her. Like stepping out from an airconditioned airport in a country with exceptionally high humidity, the pressure enveloped her. Except it wasn’t exactly in the air - it was everywhere around her, the ground as well.

It was more accurate to say that the pressure existed in the space around her, in a different dimension, unaffected by the natural makings of the physical world. Amara felt a tingling run up her spine as she felt the pressure seep into her body.


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