After Amara stepped through the portal to go to the meeting with the demon lord and the overseer, Ezme went through the set of bronze doors in Amara’s chambers that led out onto the crescent shaped balcony. She unfurled her wings into its full six meter wingspan, and with the sound of rushing wind disappeared from sight.
As she returned with a smoothie in each hand, she sat down on the ledge and kicked the air with her bare feet. The angel began drinking through the straw on one of them and set the other one down next to her.
Ezme seemed to be looking at the clouds, but was looking through them; somewhere far away. The overseer had just arrived at the meeting place in the mortal world, conversing with Amara.
She’s brave. The angel thought. I wonder how she’s feeling. Probably not too good. I hope the smoothie will help settle her down a little when she gets back.
Another whooshing sound of wind came from Ezme’s side, followed by a cold voice. “Ezme.”(????)
Taken by surprise, Ezme’s hair swung in the air as she snapped her head to the person who uttered her name. “S-sister…”
Cold blue eyes met her gaze as Ezme looked up at the angel she had always admired, yet never gained approval from.
Ezme hadn’t expected to meet her here. After all, Alarice was well known to treat mortals - in Ezme’s opinion - quite poorly, and this was where Amara was going to live. To Alarice mortals seemed, at best, a means to an end. At worst - a hindrance. The only reason she tolerated them at all was because of the divine power they could offer her.
Which from the stories Ezme had heard, she would go to great lengths to obtain. If the mortals in one of her realms gave less divine power than she required, Alarice would reprimand them harshly.
Should the mortals fail to heed her command, they would come to regret it. They always had thus far.
From the stories, in the case the world was considered a safe one, Alarice would order the religious leaders to call for a crusade. If the situation remained unrectified long enough, she would make an appearance herself. More often than not with severe consequences, as Alarice hated wasting time on mortals in the middle of a war. Which left the surviving mortals praying to her; not out of gratitude, but in hope of her not returning.
If the realm was in closer proximity to the wars, Alarice would purposefully lower the defenses on that realm, allowing an invading force from another god to wreak havoc upon the mortals.
Ezme had shuddered when she heard the rumours. Alarice’s attitude towards mortals was the only part about her that Ezme couldn’t understand, nor agree with.
And that was the cause Alarice would often scold her.
“What are you doing?” Alarice’s voice sounded, her tone indicating that she considered Ezme to be hopeless.
“I-I’m waiting for Am-A-...the mortal, to bring her back after the armistice has been declared.” Ezme responded anxiously.
“I see. I suppose that duty would fall onto you after Father named you for the task of selecting it.” Alarice’s voice carried with understanding.
Phew. I didn’t get scolded this time.
“What is that in your hand?” Alarice asked.
“T-this is something mortals call a smoothie in the world the mortal came from.” Ezme explained.
Alarice frowned.
Oh no. She’s disappointed.
Things really weren't going as Ezme had planned. She picked up the smoothie next to her and held it out to Alarice. “Want to try it?”
Alarice’s hand slowly stretched out and received the cup. She looked down at the human concoction in her hand, before her cold eyes met Ezme’s hopeful gaze. While keeping Ezme’s gaze she threw her hand out; the smoothie flying over the ledge and falling down out of sight.
Ezme wanted to rush after and catch it, but she restrained herself as the young angel knew that it would only make her situation worse.
“You are wasting time and effort. The mortal’s comfort is not your concern. Instead, you should be preparing yourself. Biradol’s realms are falling, one after the other; you know what that means, do you not?” Alarice’s hard voice reached her.
Ezme nodded slowly. That means my domain is next.
“Good. Then you know how pointless it is to care about a mortal, who will die in the end regardless.”
Ezme bit her lip.
You are reading story Ascended Pawn: Destined as Sacrifice at
“My, oh my. How the noble have fallen. Littering are we, sister?”(?????)
Ezme looked up at the angel who appeared behind Alarice, and saw an angel smiling gently at them. The angel who was oldest of them all, whom none dared disrespect. Not even Alarice.
For Sophelia had seen it all. All the current battles, even the wars, were merely repetitions to the serene big sister. Although she rarely spoke during the debates and war councils in heaven, her wisdom went unquestioned. A single sentence from her could unite the public opinion amongst the angels to a single cause. Only their Father outmatched her.
On the few events someone had spoken up against her - which became famous enough to enter legends in heaven - Sophelia would merely smile serenely. Never in heaven's history had another angel managed to break the gentle smile with a taunt; like throwing a pebble in a calm ocean, it went unnoticed.
As such, she had fallen back to the role of keeping the order during the often heated debates, and guided the conversation to its goal only when needed. Whether she did it because she truly cared, or simply became bored, only their Father knew.
And now that mighty angel stood before the two who were younger than her, exuding her calm and dignified presence.
Except her golden hair was wet, and her beautifully white garments stained.
Ezme and Alarice both stiffened at the sight. This was a first for the both of them, never had she been seen in such an imperfect state. Even if Sophelia's beauty only became more prominent.
“I apologize, sister. I was informing our sister of recent events, and reminding her of her priorities.” Alarice explained calmly.
“I see.” Sophelia glanced at the smoothie in Ezme’s hand before she looked at Alarice, raising her hand up, gesturing towards her wet hair. “Then I take it that these priorities you speak of have something to do with the mortal.”
“You are right, sister. Caring for a mortal is an unending task with no benefits.”(Alarice)
“Hmm. I see.” Sophelia flicked outwards with her wrist as she lowered her hand, her hair drying and stains vanishing from her once again perfectly white dress. “That is all well and good, but you must not let your temper cloud your judgement Alarice.”
Alarice frowned. “How would my judgement be clouded?”
“It is well known that mortals at war fight better, and rise above expectations when motivated. But that motivation needs to come from external sources.” Sophelia smiled as she turned her eyes towards the clouds of light, looking far away as she tilted her head. “The number of mortals who would fight for the mere sensation - nay, hope - of a beautiful female's lips upon their own is staggering.”
Ezme’s cheeks flushed slightly at the thought, but her change went completely unnoticed by the two angels.
Alarice’s brow creased. “Are you suggesting something, sister?”
“Not at all. Merely stating facts.” Sophelia sighed pleasantly as she turned her gaze to Alarice again. “If Ezme’s actions does not stop her from fulfilling her duties, there is no need for concern, is there?”
“I agree, but once they do it’s already too late.” Alarice replied. “Furthermore, by getting close to those destined to die will merely bring suffering.”
“We all face the end eventually, do we not, Alarice?” Sophelia eyelids opened and closed slowly as she tilted her head. “The question is, whether you face your end with regrets in your heart.”
“What matters is whether you fulfilled your duty or not before the end.” Alarice retorted.
“Naturally. But the two are not mutually exclusive.” Sophelia’s
[Come on Ezme, don’t leave me hanging.]
The familiar woman’s voice reached Ezme, who had completely been forgotten by the two elder angels’ discussion. Ezme turned to look through the clouds - Amara had already finished her meeting, striding through the grass with confident strides; the golden barrier rising behind her, indicating the armistice was in effect.
Eeh! She looks so cool! Ezme squealed in her mind.
With a sappy smile, Ezme quickly stood up and stepped back, opening the gate from the mortal world.
“Wipe that grin off your face. You look undignified.” Alarice’s voice came, making Ezme turn her head to the voice and remember her sisters’ presence. The two had ceased their conversation as they noticed Ezme’s withdrawn figure move into action.
[Good teamwork, feathers.]
Realizing the impending meeting about to take place, Ezme grew anxious.
I hope things go well.
“Let us see the mortal you chose.” Sophelia’s voice came.