After pulling the thin sword out of the demon's corpse, Aleesha swiped it towards the ground, creating a line of blood over the green moss.
Aleesha took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders. The smell of blood and smoke was mixed with the scent of a dry forest.
Overlooking the aftermath of the small skirmish that had taken place, she saw that they had suffered no losses nor injuries.
As expected of them, I suppose.
Aleesha proceeded to clean her sword to sheathe it as she heard the approaching footsteps of one of the warriors.
“Shau.” The knight-warden said in a reprimanding tone. “You should take more care when we end up in a fight.”
Aleesha sighed as she turned to the voice. “I’ve told you to call me by name, Zanadell.”
The female elf’s rigid expression awaited Aleesha’s gaze. “And I’ve chosen not to abide by you, Shau.”
Aleesha’s eye twitched in annoyance. “In any case, I came here expecting that we would have to fight demons, and I’m not going to sit back and let the rest of you do all the fighting for me.”
Zanadell frowned. “And we can not lose the Shau Thessinda. You persuaded the Vhau to go on this expedition to investigate, not to fight demons.”
Aleesha opened her mouth to protest, but Zanadell held up her hand.
“We’re deep into enemy territory, and as the demons are behaving unnaturally, we have no idea what to expect.” Zanadell explained in a frustrated tone. “And as a Shau, you should restrain yourself from getting in unnecessary danger. You’re making our task of escorting you harder.”
“Tsk.” Aleesha clicked her tongue as the knight-warden turned and walked away to assess the rest of their party.
So they really consider this just the task of babysitting a spoiled child.
Not that I really expected anything different, but I was still hoping for something else.
I want to fight as well, not stand back and watch. But as Zanadell is the commander of this expedition, I’ll have to do what she says.
I suppose I should be grateful that I have a seasoned warden such as her with me. She probably isn't happy though, having to follow along with my antics.
Aleesha sighed and squeezed the staff in her hand as she looked to the east; the direction the demons had come from, and where they were now falling back to.
Why are they retreating all of a sudden?
Aleesha had been on the front lines, doing one of her many tours to hold back the demons’ advance.
The demons had arrived over a dozen seasons ago. Since then, the demons and natives of Whildernae had fought a war where the front went back and forth between the east and west.
Certainly, when there were no demon lords present the natives held the advantage and would manage to press the demons back.
But this time it was different. The demons had simply turned around - and left.
Most of the elves had been ecstatic, and the councillors had proclaimed that the demons had finally realized that the efforts required to conquer Whildernae were too great for them. Her father, the Vhau Thessinda, being one of them.
But Aleesha had disagreed. Somehow, she had a bad feeling. Her father had called her paranoid, and ignored her advice on the basis of her youth.
I’m already past twenty seasons. By all accounts, I’m an adult. And they even call me a Shau, but don’t treat me like one.
Alesha frowned. The demons have always held the long-term advantage. There should be little point for them to turn back now.
I can’t shake this feeling that something’s happening. Something big.
“Shau. We’re ready to continue.” Zanadell's voice came from beside her.
Aleesha sighed. “Let’s go.”
They continued their journey through the forest, which gradually became drier the further they went. Eventually they came to the point where everything was either dead or decaying, a result of the presence of a demon lord.
As all the trees had died long ago, all that remained were stumps on a desolate, grey wasteland that stretched to the horizon.
Which made the lonely figure in the distance easy to spot.
A sapling. What’s it doing here?
Aleesha and her party changed their course to meet with their lonely ally.
Although Aleesha couldn’t know how old the sapling was, they tended to be of darker colours when they were young and became paler with age. This one had a light grey hue, which made Aleesha conclude that it was either old for a sapling, or terminally ill.
Although even if it was considered young, it would still likely be far older than any elf.
Aleesha made her approach and took in the appearance of the sapling. It stood still and stared to the east. It almost had a bipedal, humanoid appearance, with branches as arms and roots as legs. It even had a face, a smooth piece of wood that almost looked like a mask without any deformities other than the two cavities that contained its glowing, yellow eyes.
Centered on where the sapling stood with its roots embedded in the ground, a piece of land was returning to life. Unlike the dead lands around it, grass and moss was already growing again with several small twigs reaching for the sky.
Aleesha bowed her head before the sapling and spoke respectfully. “Well met, wise elder. I am Aleesha Shau Thessinda. Will you speak with me?”
I think that was the correct way to address a sapling.
A silent pause emerged as Aleesha waited for an answer. The glowing lights in the cavity on the saplings face appeared unmoving as they had no pupils. By all appearances, the sapling continued to stare in the distance.
Aleesha was beginning to wonder if the sapling had heard her when the answer came.
[This one will speak. (?)]
A smile spread on Aleesha’s face and she was filled with excitement as she bowed her head again. “Thank you, wise elder! If I may ask, why are you out here all alone?”
Another long pause ensued, but Aleesha was more patient this time, as she suspected it took a long time for the sapling to answer.
[This one is regrowing and observing. (?)]
Aleesha smiled. “What are you observing? And why are you alone, are you not afraid of coming across demons?”
This is a great opportunity, the saplings are few and rarely speak with anyone. Often completely immersed with growing the life around them, forgetting their surroundings.
It’s a great tragedy that so many were lost because they were unaware of the demons, even as they were being cut down.
[This one is observing a change that has never come before. (?)]
Is that about the demons retreating?
[This one is not afraid of demons, and those who have crossed me are resting under your feet. (?)]
Aleesha swallowed and looked at the newly grown grass under her feet. She couldn’t tell at all that there were demons buried here. I suppose the rumors might be true that the saplings are such strong warriors that they can only be stopped by high-class demons or demon lords.
“When you speak of a change...are you talking about the demons retreating?” Aleesha asked.
[This one confirms. (?)]
“Many of our people think the demons have given up. What do you believe is the reason for their retreat, wise elder?” Aleesha inquired.
Aleesha thought she heard a deep growl inside her mind as the sapling answered.
[This one knows that demons never give up. (?)]
Aleesha wasn’t sure if that was all the sapling was going to say on the matter, and was about to repeat the question to find out its beliefs when the sapling continued.
[This one knows that only the gods can bring about this change. (?)]
Aleesha’s eyes widened. Aleesha heard a gasp from one of the elves behind her as well.
Aleesha was aware that the centauri were strong believers in the gods, but she had heard nothing about the saplings being the same.
“The elves don’t believe the gods exist.” Aleesha hesitantly stated.
[This one knows your belief is unnecessary for their existence. (?)]
[This one knows the existence of demons confirms the existence of gods. This one knows the demons’ retreat means a change in the gods’ intent. This one knows their intent to conquer life will remain unchanged, however. (?)]
Aleesha sank into contemplation. Do the gods really exist? “Have you ever seen a god, wise elder?”
[This one confirms. (?)]
Aleesha heard quiet murmurs among the elves that stood behind her. She understood their surprise.
Saplings have never been known to lie. All they care about is the life around them, they really don’t care for schemes or anything else.
“When, or where did you see the gods, wise elder?” Aleesha asked.
[This one saw them long before your race arrived in this world. (?)]
Aleesha furrowed her brow. Before we arrived in this world? “What do you mean?”
You are reading story Ascended Pawn: Destined as Sacrifice at
There was a long pause before the sapling answered.
[This one believes your race has forgotten its origins. This one remembers your race coming to this world as refugees, after being abandoned by the gods you scorned, your world overrun by demons without their protection. (?)]
What does it all mean?
Aleesha’s thoughts were in turmoil, just like the rest of the elves that were with her. They continued across the wasteland with caution. Just as they could spot demons far away, the demons would be able to spot them. As such they carefully climbed every high point to get a view of the lands, so they wouldn’t end up surrounded.
On one such occasion, Aleesha stood at the foot of a hill as she waited with the rest of the team. Meanwhile, a spotter was climbing the hill to scout the area for them. As the elf didn’t wave them up, but instead returned to the group, Aleesha concluded he must have seen something.
The scout looked at Zanadell when he arrived with a serious expression. “Demons in large numbers in the distance. It looks like they are using magic. A lot of it.”
Zanadell frowned. “Any idea what they’re doing?”
“Not without getting a look somewhere closer.” (?)
Zanadell turned to Aleesha and asked. “What do you want to do, Shau?”
Aleesha inclined her head as she thought. If we get closer, we’re more likely to be spotted. But we need to find out what they’re doing.
Aleesha looked up again as she answered. “We continue on.”
Zanadell nodded as if expecting the answer, although with a concerned look in her eyes before she turned back to the scout. “Find the safest path for us.”
Their advance slowed significantly as they approached the demons, that numbered enough to be counted as a large army. They silently crawled up the hill, from which they should get a clear view of what the demons were doing.
As they crested the hill, Aleesha saw the figures of the demons standing in groups. They appeared to be doing nothing, simply waiting.
What are they doing?
Aleesha heard the whisper from the scout. “There were far more of them before. There’s only a few thousand of them now.”
Aleesha’s attention was drawn by the rustle of Zanadell’s armor next to her, as the knight-warden turned around and observed the surroundings behind them.
Where did the rest of them go then?
A flash of light in the valley below them drew Aleesha’s gaze back to the demons. What she saw shocked her.
A portal!
The elves watched as one of the groups ran into the portal that appeared before them. After the demons were through, the portal disappeared.
That was when they noticed the lonely, staff wielding figure that was left behind from the group, that began moving towards the next group.
A chill ran down Aleesha’s spine as she realized who - or what - the figure likely was.
Demon lord.
Almost instinctively Aleesha began cowering behind the hill, and crawling back. Although she had never met a demon lord herself, she had heard enough tales to know they were not to be underestimated.
And as they didn’t even number two dozen, they stood no chance if they were spotted.
Aleesha saw the rest of the elves slowly and silently doing the same as her, fear in their eyes. A few were even shaking, and Aleesha suspected that those that did likely were the ones who had seen demons lords before with their own eyes.
Please, let us not have been spotted.
They silently made their way back the way they came. On occasion they would see a flash happen in the distance, which likely was a new portal being made.
Once they passed the hill the scout had climbed alone earlier, they all let out a sigh of relief. Aleesha felt like she had been holding her breath the entire way back.
I wonder where the demons are going that requires magic. Moving all their forces using magic should be incredibly time consuming.
A thought crossed Aleesha’s mind. We didn’t know another demon lord had appeared. But the demons have been retreating for almost half a season already, has the demon lord only arrived to relocate the demons? Are they going to attack us from elsewhere?
Aleesha heard whispers between the elves before Zanadell hissed at them.
“Stay sharp. We’re not out of dan-”(Zanadell)
Aleesha didn’t see what happened directly. But she saw the flash of orange light illuminate Zanadell’s face the moment before the heated shockwave sent Aleesha flying forward.
Aleesha rolled on the ground, the side of her neck that had been facing the explosion stinging with pain as the fire had burned her exposed skin. Using the momentum from her roll she pushed herself up onto her feet and faced the opponent, drawing her sword while she knew they stood no chance against what they faced.
Aleesha heard the agonized screams and wails of her kin - of those that were still alive at least - as she noticed the figure standing at the top of the hill they had just passed.
An eerie, spiteful female laughter was what reached Aleesha’s ears.
Zanadell was immediately next to her, followed by a few other elves. Aleesha noticed Zanadell had severe burns over her face, but the knight-warden showed no signs of being in pain. Only her eyes showed a different expression from usual - anger, and fear.
“Shau.” Zanadell simply said. “Run.”
Aleesha kept her eyes on the demon lord as she smiled weakly. “There’s no running away from a demon lord.”
Zanadell responded with a snort. “Maybe not, but the chances are higher than victory.”
Aleesha watched as one by one, her fellow elves pushed themselves off the ground with agonized expressions. Some of them were far too injured to fight, but they got up and made their way towards Aleesha and Zanadell all the same.
While Aleesha felt her heart waver at the sight of their determination, the demon lord’s laughter stopped.
“I thought being sent here would be boring. But perhaps you can entertain me before I take my leave.” (?)
Aleesha felt a chill run down her spine as the demon lord began laughing again.
I need to buy time. Maybe Zanadell can come up with a strategy.
Aleesha shouted to the demon lord. “Where are you demons going? Why are you leaving? We’re getting lonely without you!”
The demon lord’s laugther gained intensity before it abruptly stopped as she cocked her head.
“Because our victory is already assured. Your souls are as good as ours.” (?)
“What do you mean? How can you win by running away?” Aleesha shouted.
Aleesha noticed Zanadell was gesturing hand signals to the other elves.
Split up. Hold your ground, escort.
Aleesha grit her teeth. No, Zanadell, it’s pointless. Our only chance is to wear the demon lord down together, and then run when it’s exhausted.
“Well, I would tell you that you will find out soon enough, but I suppose you won’t live that long.” (?)
Aleesha heard how the demon lord began smiling towards the end and an orange fireball appeared in her hand.
“DISPERSE!” Zanadell commanded. Everyone had already begun moving into action as the demon lord pointed the fireball in its palm towards them.
But before the fireball was sent towards them, it all happened in an instant. The ground underneath the demon lord erupted as an enormous amount of water enveloped her, and immediately froze, encasing the demon lord in a point block of ice.
A flash of blue light appeared in front of them by one of the elves that was too injured to move, and the figure that had appeared shouted to them as a large, blue magic circle began appearing underneath his feet.
“TO ME!” (??)
Aleesha and the other elves spent no time thinking about what to do, they all instinctively knew what his behaviour and the size of that magic circle entailed.
Within moments they had all gathered inside the magic circle that was being drawn. Aleesha wanted to bring more of the injured and the dead with them, but she knew they didn’t have the time for it.
For Aleesha already heard the ice cracking up on the hill as she was halfway to reaching the mage, and once inside she looked up at the demon lord and saw the orange fireball flying towards them.
Just as Aleesha thought that they were doomed when she felt the heat of the fireball that was closing in, a flash of blue light covered her vision and she felt weightlessness for an instant before her feet contacted the uneven ground. The sudden change made her lose her balance and fall on her back on the wet moss. Aleesha noticed she wasn’t the only one who fell.
Looking up at the sky, she saw the branches of the world tree far up above them beyond the neraby tree crowns that surrounded them.
Aleesha let out a sigh of relief.
We’re safe.