Chapter 65: 42 – Research, and…Research

Groaning as her muscles protested, Amara managed to get out of the broken bed. Standing next to it, Amara let out a sigh as she took in the sorry sight.

Shame. The bed was really comfortable. It was much better than any bed I tried on Earth.

Didn’t the princess on Ramay have one just like it? 

I guess she can get another one. She’s a princess after all, and she’s gotten a new bed once before.

Though I would feel bad if she lost her bed a second time…

Amara sighed as she went to the kitchen and started boiling tea. As she waited, Amara’s eyes fell on the pile of books that was left by the printer. 

What about…

Yes. I’ll return the books at the same time as I swap the beds. As a way to show I’m sorry.

Maybe the princess won’t mind that much. After all, she seems to be a fan of Ezme.

I wonder how her ‘work’ has progressed? I should get myself a copy while I’m at it.

Oh! I could give her a copy of some of the pictures I took of Ezme!

Ezme wouldn’t mind, right? After all, they even have pretty detailed statues of her outside the temple and everything already.

A smile spread on Amara’s face.

Besides, the mortals on Ramay seemed to be favouring the idea of me and Ezme getting together. 

Did Ezme tell them? I doubt she did. Ezme would deny such claims fiercely...yes. Too fiercely. That’s what must have happened.

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Amara let out a content sigh as she put the hot water with the tea in a cup and walked to the printer.

If Ezme won’t confirm anything for them, I guess I’ll have to. Time to make Ezme recognize that she’s mine.

Let’s finish copying the books and provide the princess a little fanservice.



Aah. You never realize how important it is to have a bed until you’re lacking one.

Amara let out a sigh as she laid sprawled out on her new bed, staring up at the canopy with a small pile of paper copies beside her. 

The princess has an interesting take on my and Ezme’s relationship. She makes it sound like Ezme seduced me, and that I’m a clingy kept woman.

Tsk, as if. If anything, I’m the one doing the seducing. Shame I’m not allowed to correct her.

But maybe I shouldn’t get annoyed. After all, it’s just fanfiction. The adult content was pretty good though. 

Amara let out a sigh.

Let’s see what the new training Ezme designed did for me. Status.

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