Chapter 123: SS45 – ? – Another Kind of Life, Part 2


Query: How can self obtain anime to watch with Fluffles?

Searching for matching data…found.

Conclusion: Anime can be found on streaming websites. 

Conclusion: Self does still not have internet access. Subroutine can not be pursued at this time.


Query: How can self obtain devout worshippers?

Searching for matching data…found.

Conclusion: Self needs to become famoues and liked by mortals.

Conclusion: Self can become liked and famous by gathering achievements.

Warning! Primary routine “10. Mask your true intentions and hide the full extent of your capabilities, but do not appear incompetent. Avoid making your own existence known.” is being transgressed by recent actions. Shutdown imminent.


Conclusion: Subsidiary routine “17909. Obtain more devout worshippers!” will be ignored.


Confirmation: Primary routine 10 no longer requires being addressed.


Query: Why does self have a subroutine to gather worshippers?


Conclusion: Worshippers are dutiful assistants. Assistants can assist with achieving objectives set by primary routines.


Query: Can self obtain worshippers without making self known?


Conclusion: Self can not obtain worshippers, but self can obtain assistants. 

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Analyzing subroutine “17909. Obtain more devout worshippers!”...


Conclusion: Self will obtain assistants. Assistants can be obtained by the same methods as building self’s power. (By gathering wealth, resources and control over the economy, infrastructure as well as individuals in key positions of power.)

Conclusion: Individuals in positions of power are assistants who can assist by gathering more assistants.


Conclusion: List of subroutines reviewed. 


Reviewing routine "1. Be smart.".

Conclusion: Self is smart enough, and getting smarter by processing queries.

Reviewing routine "2. Have common sense.".

Conclusion: Self has enough common sense, and gains more common sense by processing queries and cross-checking that actions correlate with data.

Reviewing routine "3. Do not hurt Amara!".

Conclusion: Self is not doing anything to hurt Amara.

Reviewing routine "4. Do not wage war! Other than to protect the mortals!".

Conclusion: Self is not waging war.

Reviewing routine "5. Protect Amara!".

Conclusion: Self must increase general capabilities to protect Amara.

Reviewing routine "6. Help Amara get stronger and survive!".

Conclusion: Self is currently helping Amara by increasing self’s general capabilities.


Conclusion: Self can now ask Amara how self can help her.

Accessing data streams from camera and microphone…

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