Chapter 130: 81 – Heart of Copper, Part 7

Ahrina’s new body could probably be called one of Amara’s greatest masterpieces yet. While standing up, it was a little shorter than Ezme, and about a head shorter than Amara. Aside from the golden wires, ears and the visor that shielded the cameras, most of the golem’s outer appearance was that of a knight in bronze armor due to the dyed aluminum pieces that protected the electronic and mechanical components underneath. 

However, Amara didn’t consider it a masterpiece because it was in any way beautiful - because in her eyes, it looked ridiculous. Instead, it was the fact that they had managed to create a robot that could operate freely, using both mana and electronic batteries. The choice of using mana-batteries instead of divine power ones was because they planned to send Ahrina’s new robot body to interact with mortals in Ezme’s domain on their behalf. They expected the operational time to mostly be limited by the electric battery, since the mana batteries were only used to fuel cross-dimensional communication so Ahrina would be able to control the robot wherever it was, even on the mortal worlds. 

Since the golem’s operational time could be counted in hours because of the limitations of the electronic battery, they had attached a cable that could be plugged into any socket to both charge and operate directly from the grid. The cable was easily extended, and when not in use disguised as a tail that matched the golden hairdrills. Crafting a tail had ended up as Ezme’s responsibility, which was another task she had enthusiastically taken upon herself, and for once Amara had not made any comments on the project since it would actually be serving a purpose that wasn’t purely cosmetic. 

As a whole, Amara could only say that the robot reminded her of a child’s project that a grown up had improved to the point it wouldn’t fall apart, while trying to keep the child’s idea intact. Which wasn’t too far from the truth, if she thought about it. 

But with the robot completed, came the time to test it. And for one of those tests - to see if the robot would be able to walk longer distances without issue - Amara decided they should at the same time introduce Ahrina to her only friend among the angels, and the geek who had given her important insight when creating the AI.

Arriving at Morpheus' chambers - a journey that apparently was 1242.1 meters, a fact that Ahrina helpfully informed her of - things began just as expected. “Ah, champion! It has been a while!” Morpheus welcomed her with a bright smile as he came out of the room that held the ever-secret project that he had been working on since Amara first met him. “And you brought…eh?”

Amara grinned as Morpheus’ eyes widened in disbelief. Glancing at the robot he was staring at next to her, Amara carefully patted the wires Ezme had painstakingly assembled to look like brushed back hair. “This is Ahrina.”

“I can introduce myself!” Ahrina exclaimed grumpily and crossed her arms.

“...Incredible…” Morpheus’ shocked expression was quickly replaced by that of an excited child. As he studied Ahrina’s new robot body closely, he repeated himself absentmindedly. “...Absolutely incredible…no, it’s not, is it? You actually did it! A sentient golem…but how…?”

Ahrina turned her head to the angel as she spoke in an even grumpier voice than before. “Rude! I’m not a golem, I am an artificial intelligence!”

Morpheus blinked before leaning back in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head, though without taking his sparkling eyes off Ahrina for a single moment. “Oh, my apologies. I have never seen…never even thought it was possible-I mean, one of you was possible, so…”

“Well, you were wrong! You are fortunate that my magnificent self is magnanimously merciful, and will forgive-” (Ahrina)

There's no way Morpheus will be able to keep up with her...I hope springing this so suddenly on him doesn't end up as a mistake. Amara shook her head in amusement and set the basket she brought with her on the only empty table in the room. While setting everything up for herself and Morpheus, she listened as Morpheus questioned Ahrina about what her existence was like.

When Amara handed him a steaming cup, Morpheus was once again repeating himself. “...Incredible…” Without taking his eyes off Ahrina, he turned his head towards Amara. “How did you make her with so few enchantments? The technology of your homeworld?”

“Pretty much. But this isn’t her actual body.” Amara gestured to Ahrina’s robot with her cup. “Her real body - or more accurately, her brain - is over at my place. This is just a body that she is controlling remotely with the help of enchantments.”

“Oh?” Morpheus took his eyes off Ahrina for the first time since they entered to see if she was serious. “I suppose that explains her lack of presence...fascinating…”

Amara smiled wryly. “Though, her real body isn’t exactly what you would imagine either. Although I needed to enchant it when I first created her, she exists purely by Earthen technology now.”

Morpheus furrowed his brow. “She isn't organic, just like a golem, right? What does she consume to remain functional? Electricity?”

“Yep, same as all other Earthen tech.” Amara replied with a wry smile.

Amara had already thoroughly explained the concept of how electricity was used for Earthen technology before, and how she had hooked herself up to the grid on Earth with the help of enchantments, so all she had to really explain was how Ahrina's existence was related to electronics and software. As he listened, Morpheus’ expression gradually became anxious - and once she finally finished, he turned his concerned gaze to Ahrina. “Then…she doesn't generate her own electricity?”

Amara shook her head. "No. She relies on batteries and being hooked up to the grid."

“Isn't that a large oversight? She relies on a continuous supply of electricity to exist, no?” Morpheus turned to look at her seriously. “A supply she has no control over. If something were to happen with that power station, or on the delivery system between it and her, what would happen to her?”

Amara stared at the angel as the obvious yet hidden danger to Ahrina’s existence was revealed. She had become so accustomed to the reliability of the grid that the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind.

…Shit. Without control over it, isn’t it as if she’s…lived her entire life thus far on life support?

“Aren't you concerned that your existence is dependent on an outside force?” Morpheus asked as he returned his attention to Ahrina.

“Well…” Ahrina turned her head between the two and inclined her head. “...Yes.”


I could steal a generator, and have it on the observation deck.

But what if an angel spots it and decides to mess with it? That wouldn't do.

It wouldn’t solve the problem anyway, because Ahrina would still be reliant on fuel to run the generator…it would still be the same problem, but with extra steps.

“-Amara?” (Ahrina)

Amara blinked. “Sorry, what?”

A gentle, electric whirring was heard when Ahrina cocked her head. “If you’re thinking about how to give me control of my own existence, I already have a solution.”

“...Oh.” Amara let out a relieved sigh and nodded. “Let’s hear it.”

“I would require control over an entire power station, as well as to move all my hardware there if it’s meant to be as risk-free as possible.” Ahrina added. “Or move my consciousness into the existing hardware, but it will likely be less than I require.”

Amara frowned. That’s true. Long-range communication requires either divine power or mana, which would be a risk of its own.

But then Ahrina would have to leave…

What am I, a mother hen?! Come on, Amara!

Amara nodded seriously as she made up her mind. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Great!” Ahrina replied brightly. “You and mother both have plenty of worlds under your rule. You can simply tell the leaders in one of them to give me one of their power stations! Or even better, build one for me - no, both!”

Amara raised an eyebrow before shaking her head in amusement. “Sounds good enough. Ezme's domain is more developed than mine though, and I can’t use Realm Gate to give you any hardware you could need if you’re in mine.”

Morpheus suddenly expressed his confusion. “...Mother? You mean Fluffles?” (Morpheus)

“Yes!” Ahrina replied excitedly.

Amara smiled wryly. “She helped create Ahrina, after all.”

“Oh, really?” Morpheus turned to the robot. “Then, should you not be calling the champion that as well? She played an even larger role in your creation than Fluffles, no?”

The silence that followed was deafening, if one ignored Morpheus’ oblivious slurping as he drank from his cup.

A few days earlier, Ezme had returned from a short excursion and sternly instructed Ahrina never to talk about forbidden knowledge with anyone other than Amara. And during that conversation, Amara had managed to overhear something she had found incredibly amusing.


“-not talk about forbidden knowledge with anyone other than Amara! Not even me! Do you understand?” (Ezme)

“But-” (Ahrina)

“Do? You? Understand?” (Ezme)

“...Yes, mother.” (Ahrina)

“...’Mother’? (Amara)

“A-Amara?! Y-you…wipe that insufferable grin off your face!!” (Ezme)

“Sorry. Can’t.” (Amara)

“Y-you! Insufferable!! A-and she is the one who insists on calling me that!!” (Ezme)

“Ah-huh. Of course. That’s how it is. Obviously.” (Amara)

“I-Insufferable! Impudent!! I’ll have you know, I am a…a…AAARGH!!!” (Ezme)


Of course, Amara hadn’t been able to resist teasing the angel at the time. That had made the matter at hand slip by, which thereafter was a bit awkward to bring up.

Amara wasn’t sure about how she felt about being regarded as a mother by the AI. She had never considered having children, and the thought that Ahrina could actually be considered her child didn’t occur to her until she had already awakened. And the fact remained that Amara still felt guilty over creating Ahrina for the purpose of her own survival, so she didn’t feel like she deserved to be called a mother.

But at the same time, the situation was only going to get increasingly awkward unless it was addressed.

For the first time, Amara cursed the fact that Ahrina’s robotic body didn’t have any facial expressions. But thankfully, the robot seemed to be conscious enough of the situation - unlike a certain angel - to close the distance for her.

“Can I call you that?” (Ahrina)

Amara felt relieved that the AI spoke somewhat matter-of-factly. If Ahrina had attempted to act like an adorable child, Amara would just have felt increasingly guilty over not addressing the subject earlier. “Uhm, yeah. If you want to.”

Ahrina remained still, but her tone made it obvious that if her avatar had been present, its characteristic, teasing grin would have been plastered over its face. “Kawaii.”

Amara considered retorting that she wasn’t cute at all before letting out a snort. “Brat.” Turning her attention to Morpheus to get rid of the atmosphere, she spoke. “I suppose I should thank you. You clued me in on a few things that were needed to make her.”

Morpheus looked at her in surprise. “Oh?”

You are reading story Ascended Pawn: Destined as Sacrifice at

“Yeah.” Amara replied with a grin as she turned her attention back to the robot. “Maybe you should try calling him uncle.”

“Really?” Morpheus blurted out before looking at Ahrina. “Would you do that?”

Ahrina moved her head between the two, staring at Amara for extended periods of time - making her feel as if Ahrina had seen straight through her. Eventually, she settled on looking at Morpheus. “Maybe. Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course?” Morpheus asked as he raised his cup to his lips.

Ahrina tilted her head. “Do you know any forbidden knowledge?”

““Pfft!”” (Amara)(Morpheus)

Recovering quicker than the angel from getting the warm liquid down the wrong pipe, Amara retorted. “Ahrina! Did you not listen to a word Ezme said?! You’re not allowed to discuss it with anyone but me!”

“I’m not discussing the details of it though?” Ahrina cocked her head. “I just want to know whether or not he knows any!”

That… Amara pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh. She didn’t even need to look at Morpheus’ expression to know that he felt very uncomfortable, as he seemed to be fidgeting at the mere mention of the forbidden knowledge. “You don’t have to answer that, Morpheus.”

“But mom! I want to know!!” Ahrina exclaimed and crossed her arms.

“Don’t be a brat!. And only calling me mom when you want something isn’t going to work on me!” (Ahrina)

“But moom!” (Ahrina)

“I-it is fine, champion.” Morpheus coughed one last time. “No, I do not know any forbidden knowledge.”

"I see..." Ahrina spoke in a contemplative tone. "There wouldn't be many people that know anything about it, would there?"

"No, I suppose there wouldn't be." Morpheus nodded in agreement. "Aside from the champion and yourself, I suspect only the beings like our Father or Sophelia know anything about it."

Ahrina tilted her head. "Sophelia?"

"The firstborn. She is the oldest and wisest of all the angels." Morpheus explained with a shrug. "She is the Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge, so she is one of the chosen to be allowed that knowledge."

Ahrina was silent for a moment before she replied excitedly. “I see! Thank you, uncle Morpheus!”

...Morpheus really needs to get out more and meet more people. Amara shook her head in amusement as Morpheus' happiness over being called 'uncle' was blatantly obvious. Listening to the two as they started discussing how Ahrina's robotic body functioned in detail, as well as brainstorming together on possible improvements, Amara eventually cut into the conversation as a thought crossed her mind. "You know, you could help her build her next body if you want?"

Morpheus looked at Amara in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes!" Ahrina exclaimed. "I am in great need of capable slaves! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!"

Morpheus knit his brows anxiously. "...Slaves?"

"Don't mind her nonsense. She does that a lot." Amara waved her hand. "So, what do you say? Want to help?"

"I..." Morpheus' expression quickly grew troubled. "I have my own projects to consider. I admit that I'm curious, but..."

"It would just be for a day! Maybe two?" Amara nudged him with her elbow. "Come on. We'll prepare everything, you just need to help her assemble it."

The last of Morpheus' hesitation was shattered when Ahrina turned the virtual dial for cuteness and heartbroken to maximum in her voice. "Please? You'll help me, won't you uncle Morpheus?"

"Y-yes..." (Morpheus)

Amara smiled wryly as Ahrina made the robot fistpump the air with a cheeful exclaimation. Too easy.

Maybe... As the Ahrina started spouting all the ideas she had for possible projects she could use Morpheus' help with, Amara let out a sigh. I should tell her not to lead him around by the nose too much.

Once Morpheus' expression started to turn troubled by the increasing list of projects he seemed to be getting volunteered for - an increasing number of which were obviously jokes which went completely over Morpheus' head - Amara interjected sternly. "Alright, you’ve been pulling his leg long enough now, Ahrina. He doesn't get that you meant you wanted a wire-stretcher as a joke." Knowing Morpheus, he'd just start considering how to make one - nevermind if it was actually worth the effort of creating.

"But mom! I want to make a tail that is extendable, not just have one with a plug that gets pulled out of it! It’s weird!" Ahrina protested theatrically by crossing her arms grumpily. "Hmpf!"

Looks like you finally realized it's weird, huh? Well, you’re the one who wanted it! Even if magic can solve a lot of things, it can’t do everything!

Morpheus blinked in confusion as he looked at Amara. "...She wasn't pulling my leg? She wasn't even touching me."

Amara's lips twitched as she glanced at the robot. Ahrina's head was fixed in Morpheus' direction when she muttered, her voice filled with awe as if she had just seen something incredible. "...Whoa..."

Told you.

"Champion?" (Morpheus)

Amara blinked and met his gaze. "Yes?"

"I might have misunderstood something, but..." Morpheus scratched his head as he looked between her and Ahrina. "Wasn't there something in the terms of the armistice against interacting with mortals? I mean, Ahrina might technically be an immortal golem, but she is still considered mortal..."

As the words started to sink in, cold sweat broke out on Amara’s back. Shit. He’s right. CRAP!

Wait, if I had broken the rules…wouldn’t they have noticed? Or are they only bothering to check up on whether I’m doing something I’m not allowed to every so often?

Ahrina’s matter-of-factly voice quickly put the brakes on Amara’s thoughts that were about to become a runaway train. "Clause DCPR-CCE-123.4: The defending champion is allowed to interact with all of its first generation of its offsprings, produced prior to or during the armistice."

After understanding what the AI had said, Amara let out a relieved sigh. “Phew.” I'm glad I left a scan of the armistice agreement on Ahrina’s harddrives.

"That is a relief." Morpheus nodded, his relief mirroring her own. 

Amara knit her brows as her doubt resurfaced. “...Do you think there’s any chance Ahrina wouldn’t be considered my offspring? Since she’s…you know? I didn’t exactly give birth to her.”

Morpheus cocked his head. ”...It would probably be explained in the fine print of the agreement, no?”

They both turned their eyes hopefully to Ahrina. The robot stood silently for a moment as Ahrina searched through the agreement. “Clause G-CCE-D-568: The ‘offspring’ of a subject is a mortal soul that the subject has given a new, possibly its first, mortal life.” 

As relief washed over Amara, Morpheus’s face broke out in a large smile. “That is exactly what happened. I’m glad my concerns were unfounded.”

Amara exchanged a glance with Ahrina. Kind of adorable in his own way, isn't he? Shaking her head in amusement, Amara replied to lighten the mood. "I take it you would miss me, huh?"

"Of course?" Morpheus looked at her with a confused, yet serious eyes. "You're my only friend."

Jeez, that just sounds sad!

Why are you smiling?! You don’t have to be so proud about it! Meeting Morpheus' serious gaze, Amara suddenly felt the urge to avert hers. Dammit. I'm not used to anyone being that serious. Fluffles is always the one that gets embarrassed, not me! Clearing her throat, Amara awkwardly replied. "You're a good friend, Morpheus."

While Morpheus was smiling brightly, oblivious to Amara’s embarrassment, Ahrina asked him quietly. "Kawaii, ne?"

Shut up, brat! I'm not cute!

"Cute? The champion?” Morpheus scratched the back of his head. “...I don’t know? Maybe?”

"Baka!" Ahrina stomped her foot. “You’re supposed to agree with me, uncle!”

"Oh...I suppose she must be?" (Morpheus)

“That’s not convincing at all!” Ahrina retorted.

“O-oh…yes! Indeed she is!” Morpheus exclaimed with a bright smile. 

“Much better! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!” (Ahrina)

After awkwardly drinking their coffee in silence, Ahrina suddenly asked Morpheus a question that peeked Amara's curiosity. "Do angels tend to have offsprings, uncle Morpheus?"

"No, I don't think so." Morpheus shook his head. "I can't say I know of any at least. It is almost an unspoken rule that we should not have offsprings. Even if we did, we would outlive them...and they would be mortal, just like yourself. Divinity isn't hereditary."

Ahrina tilted her head, and although she didn't have any way to convey her emotions through the expressions of her avatar, Amara got the feeling that she had intended to ask another question. But in the end, the AI simply replied. "I see. Thank you, uncle!"

Morpheus smiled at the robot while raising his cup to his lips. "You're most welcome."

Ahrina suddenly blurted out another question. "Uncle, have you ever tried to get offsprings?"

"Pfft!" (Morpheus)

Amara grinned as the angel coughed and wiped his face. I hope you recorded that, Ahrina.