Chapter 3: Chapter 3


Mana signature

Every living being has a unique mana signature.



“Hey nice change Alyra.”

“Thanks! You better appreciate it!”


Argul skillfully ignored the last part and looked through the changes. He found his age odd, it couldn’t have been that much time since he woke up.


“The heck! Hasn’t it been only like 2 to 3 hours?”

“Nah, it’s been a quarter of your weird days. I would guess your race has the ability to accelerate or slow down its perception of time, but you would have to do a bit of testing. You played with your mana manipulation for a rather long time.”

“Well that’s going to take some time getting used to, but it’s not the weirdest ability for a quasi immortal. Could you maybe tell me after like 2 hours when I’m experimenting with things?”

“ When I have time, you do know that I have a lot of things to do.”

“That’s fine by me.” Argul couldn’t really complain. As long as he had no mortal friends, time only had a small meaning for him.


Now he finally wanted to get to work and look at what he could do with his templates and his floor. The first thing he did was naming the moon Luna, a rather unimpressive choice, but Argul couldn’t care less.

Next he tried to open his template menu, but staring hard at his screen sadly didn’t work. Alyra would have to integrate another menu for him, so that he won’t have to do a special action every time.

When Argul concentrated on the Luna template a few options and some information on atmosphere and the structure of the moon and the composition of the soil. And boy was Luna resource poor. You could enrich it by bleeding a bit over the place. The things he could adjust were temperature, the soil to atmosphere ratio, how much of the day the sun shines - Argul had no idea where the light comes from in his dungeon but it somehow was there - and a few other things. It felt like one of those research trees in real time strategy games, so there were likely more options that Argul didn’t know as of yet.

Sadly he couldn’t adjust gravity for now and the form of his domain would likely stay spherical. Argul played a bit with the options and thought about what he wanted for the first floor. Ultimately he accepted his settings and hoped he could change some things later on. A screen appeared again, detailing all the things he had chosen.


Floor 1

Luna surface

Natural appearance

Night hours 33

Daylight hours 67

Night temperature -2°C to 10°C

Day temperature 10°C to 25°C

Balancing events:


If less than 1km³ of soil matter is on the floor than optimally there would be, a meteorite will descend, returning the missing matter.


Volcanic eruption

If more than 3km³ of soil matter is on the floor than there would optimally be, a regional earthquake is caused, resulting in a volcanic eruption that blasts superfluous matter off of the moon. 


Random events:



There is a 1% chance of a meteorite falling every month.



There is a 1% chance of a comet passing and causing a phenomenal lightshow every 3 months



There is a 1% chance of an earthquake of random strength every 6 months.





Algur proceeded and then felt himself move. It felt like someone was unfolding his innards and folded them back again only to unfold them another time. He did not like this feeling, it was extremely unpleasant.

It took him a few minutes before he settled down again. Now that Argul knew he had a domain he could tell that he could see everything in it at once. It was a nice option to have, but he found it rather distracting. With some success he tried to change his field of view back to something somewhat human that he could move around his domain.

While Argul did this he noticed that soil and rock had started to grow from under his portal. It looked as weird as it sounded and he tried to get a feeling for what his mana did to create the soil. Why his mana was able to do things he could not do, Argul did not know.



You created the skill Sense Mana

You can sense mana!

Normally it would need a lot of proficiency for this skill to be passive, but you seem to be somewhat of a natural.


Argul had anticipated this skill and had thought he would get it before mana manipulation, but it seemed like he had done something different there.

He decided to go back to watching the floor grow. It was fascinating, pleasing and in a weird indescribable way comforting for him. Argul was so caught in the moment that it took until about half of the floor grew, before he stopped watching. He didn’t really want to know how much time he just wasted, because while the floor grows at a visible pace, it still is really slow. Though he didn’t care all that much, knowing that he had no age limitation.


Argul’s floor now had an area of about 5000km² he could fill with flora and fauna. While experimenting with ribm sounded exciting, he would have to be careful to not create some abominations. So he went with something easy and uncomplicated, grass. As Argul thought about this knowledge of what he had to do appeared in his mind. He did as he was told and started to slowly push mana into a small area while focusing on the image of grass. At first Argul took it slow and tried to get a grasp of how much mana he had left based on the feeling he got from mana sense. After spending about half of his mana, Argul got a lot more comfortable and started to accelerate the process. All in all it took maybe 30 minutes until he had spent 100 mana and stopped.

Nothing happened at first and Argul was about to complain to Alyra when silver leaves started to sprout out of the ground. The silver grass grew at an alarming rate until it reached about 40 cm high. Then an extra stalk with some sort of seed pods grew and stopped when it reached a little higher than the beautiful silver grass blades.

The grass leaves sometimes reflected the light, making it glitter if you moved around.


Now came the boring part, Argul had to wait and decided to try the time thingy to speed up time for himself.

One of the seed pods exploded and Argul immediately brought his time back to normal. Never having seen something move that fast, he was now sure that he could change his perception of time. If he could slow it down more than what he thought as normal it would be even greater.

Alyra’s chat box appeared before him in gray, not the normal blue. Not the best sign he had ever seen.


“Oh no, now you have done it father!”

“What?” … No answer. “Can you please tell me what is going on?”


Achievement made: The ULTIMATE Weed

It wasn’t enough to create grass able to grow on the moon, no you had to give it the ability to change itself with mana to grow almost everywhere in the universe. You created THE weed. The bane of all farmers and gardeners. It will be revered as god and dominate countless worlds. It will be cursed as demon creation by all who really don’t want to have more work to do on their fields. What comes next? Zombie mushrooms? No, stop, don’t even think about it, for the sake of the universe!

All plants classified as small gain a moderate growth bonus (Skill : accelerated [m] growth (small) ) STR +1


Argul's core moved again, but this time his vision stayed where it was, so it was more manageable. As for the grass, whoopsie? Sorry? Nah, he was definitely not apologizing for accidentally creating the perfect plant for terraforming.


“Hey Aly. it’s not that bad you know.”

“Tell that all the poor souls who will have to root out that weed.”

“Better not, or there is going to be some righteous farmer crusade against my dungeon.” 

Argul shuddered at the thought. Religions? They would send their knights and that was it. Farmers though? They would come all and search for every single leaf and root and then grow a plant or animal specialized in eating the problem.

“Yeah better not.” Alyra agreed.

You are reading story Reincarnated as a mana core at


Argul tried to identify the plant, but, well, as the skill doesn’t exist yet, that didn’t exactly work.

But how would one create identify? He tried to guide his mana to the plant and then back to himself. Nothing happened, so Argul tried to gather his mana and thought of the archive, but it was still not working.

 Next he sent my mana back to the plant and thought really hard of the archive. This time he got some kind of response, a feeling as if something was putting a bit of pressure on his nonexistent skin, but Argul achieved nothing more and so repeated what he had done a few more times with the same result every time. He was obviously going in the right direction, but was missing something.

 Argul tried to visualize what he was doing. A circle for himself, a circle for the plant and a circle for the archive. Every time he thought of the archives there had to be some kind of connection… A connection! Man Argul would slap himself if he could. He had no connection between the plant and himself. Argul tried again, but left a thread of mana between the grass and himself and got some sort of impression of the plant that was whole and hard to describe.



You created the archives restricted skill: Identify (1)

The skill displays everything you know about your target. Even knowledge you forgot may be shown. The skill does not display false knowledge.

You can upgrade the skill through quests.


Plant (unnamed)

A small type of plant that has the ability to change itself, to adapt to new environments. This plant adapted to the environment of the moon Luna and long times without light. It uses the low gravity of Luna to spread its seeds. The seeds are too lightweight to fall to the ground and conjure water around themselves to achieve the required weight to fall, while also providing a source of water for the environment.


Quest completed: It grows! (1)

You created a plant. All plants in your domain receive a small growth bonus (skill: accelerated [s] growth (all) ). Growth boosts do not stack!

WIS +1


New Quest: It grows! (2)

Requirements: It grows! (1)

Create 5 plants!


There we go, identify was a must have. The skill also had some restrictions, so Argul asked Alyra about that.


“What is that restriction about Aly?”

“You tried to connect the skill to the archives. Skills connected to the archives can only be attained through archive quests. You can also upgrade the skill in some small ways through archive quests.”

“Hmm okay, makes sense. Is it possible for me to name something but leave the option open for other sapients to name it?”

“Yup! Though it’s likely that they will just go with your name if it is feasible. The name will get an add on ‘rename?’.”

“Nice, then let’s call this beautie Lunagrass.”

“That one is likely going to stick.”

I used identify again.


Lunagrass (rename?)

Provides water for the environment.



The rest of the plant description got minimized, which Argul appreciated, he could remember everything exactly as it was anyway. He opened his status again.





Argul Agren



Mana core











Structural integrity




Mana regeneration







Knowledge domain


Core regeneration

Mana manipulation

Learning (1)

Magic missile

Sense Mana

Identify (1)

Accelerated [m] growth (small)

Accelerated [s] growth (all)




Size (radius)


Luna (moon)
