Chapter 569: Chapter 536 Ugly Truth

GOR Chapter 536 Ugly Truth

Man, living creatures, plants, organics, or even other objects…

Most of the existences within this world have their own ‘properties’.

These properties could come from the way they exist, or maybe it is the way they function from a fundamental perspective, or maybe it is the way their instincts work.

For example, the main property for most green plants is their photosynthesis process, the absorption of carbon dioxide and the production of oxygen – at night, that process occurs in reverse.

That is the basic property of plants and also the fundamental way that plants could exist – or perhaps we could say this is the ‘function’ of the plants.

Naturally, some plants could come with some extra properties in addition to their ‘fundamental property’.

For example, some plants would be placed around for appreciation purposes, to beautify the environment.

Some plants could be used to reduce the rate of erosion.

Some plants could also be used as materials in the production of drugs or medicine.

To be frank however, these ‘additional properties’ could be done without.

The ‘fundamental property’ on the other hand, is a must. It is a necessity.

If so, what about humans?

Let us set aside emotions and look at mankind from a neutral, objective and logical perspective.

How do humans treat the other creatures of this world?

What is the most fundamental property within their perspective toward the other creatures?

Without a question, it is…


Humans are omnivores.

Be it wheat or rice… … both of them are plants.

Chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, poultry, livestock… … those are all animals.

What is the fundamental property of those plants and animals in the eyes of humankind?

The highest one is without question: Edibility!

In other words, the fundamental relationship between humans and animals as well as plants is: Eat or be eaten.

Of course, plants also serve other purposes. For example, they could be used for timber, materials for construction…

Some would even keep plants for décor.

Still others would raise animals as pets, caring for them, protecting them, and treating them like family.

Some would raise cats, some would raise dogs, some would raise birds or chickens, some would raise turtles, some would raise snakes… … there are a variety of them to choose from.

However, the first and foremost relationship between humanity and the other creatures in this world, the most basic relationship, the ‘initial setting’ is a cruel thing.

It is… … to eat or be eaten!

The same applies to vegetarians and avid animal lovers.

Although a vegetarian may not eat other animals, that person would still need to eat plants, wheat, rice, etc.

An avid dog lover may still eat cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, etc.

In other words, it doesn’t matter how much ‘additional properties’ appear within humanity’s view toward the other living creatures, be it love, care, shelter or whatnot…

In the end, the most fundamental setting for how humanity views the other creatures of this world, the one in the first place is still…


This is the truth, an ugly and cruel truth.

Ugly truth.

This is something determined by the fundamental characteristic of evolution and the primal forces of nature.

Well, let us look at this from a different perspective.

Let us use this analogy…

Assume ‘humanity’ is the system, the main system of this world. Or Zero City’s system – theoretically speaking, the two of them are the same. They are the same type of existences.

Now assume ‘humanity’ is the system.

Then… … those plants, wheat, rice, fruits, chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats…

What would those things be?


Chen Xiaolian suddenly let out a gentle sigh and spoke out that word.

Are the same.

Zero City’s system and the world’s main system are fundamentally the same. They are the same type of existence. Completely so.

Assuming the main system is an able-bodied adult, then Zero City’s system is the equivalent of a small child.

Although their size differs, they are essentially the same.

If so… … their ‘initial setting’ and ‘fundamental property’ must naturally be the same!

What is the property of the world’s main system?

In Chen Xiaolian’s mind, there is only one word for it.


Indeed, that is Chen Xiaolian’s view on the main system.

The system enslaves everything. Be it the ordinary humans in the world, the NPCs or the Awakened ones…

In fact… … Chen Xiaolian had occasionally contemplated this: What are the Players?

From a fundamental perspective, are they any different from Awakened ones?

Like Awakened ones, they have to go through instance dungeons, risk their lives to struggle and kill… …

The system would send them both into instance dungeons time and again and make them battle each other, just like…

A coliseum.

A gladiator?

This… … is this the ‘fundamental property’ of the world’s main system?

If so… … what about Zero City?

Appearance wise, Zero City appears to be displaying a different ‘property’.

Zero City is ‘protecting’ the Awakened ones. It is a safe harbour, a sanctuary.


Is that true?

The people inside Zero City, are they not another form of captives?

Zero City’s system will create small resource worlds and have the few resident guilds fight against each other, compete and snatch…

Essentially speaking, is there any difference?

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Externally, it might seem as though Zero City has been protecting those residing within Zero City. It would protect them from the outside world’s main system and the Player forces.

Could this be considered ‘protection’?

Chen Xiaolian did not know.

Perhaps that is ‘protection’.

However, humans too, keep and protect pets.

Yet those actions fall under the ‘additional properties’ category.

The fundamental property of humanity’s view toward animals is still to eat the animals.

Additional properties would always remain as additional, a plus.

The fundamental property is the most important one.

It is a very simplistic logic.

Since the fundamental property of the world’s main system has been revealed to be enslavement…

Then… … Zero City’s system, an existence that is essentially of the same type as the main system…

Could its property be simply to ‘protect’?

Stop joking!

At that very moment, Chen Xiaolian suddenly gained a certain clarity.

He sensed that he might have made contact with one of the truths of this world.

Due to that, his body trembled.

It was trembling due to excitement, but also… … from the depths of his heart, he felt… … …


And terror.

Zero City’s system was the same existence like the main system in the outside world.

There was no difference between them both.

From the Awakened ones’ perspective… … it would appear that their enemies were the Players.

However, the Awakened ones’ true enemy was never the Players.


The system.

That was why the outside world’s main system would never utilize its omnipotent powers to instantly exterminate all the Awakened ones when instance dungeons were in progress.

That was also why Zero City’s system would never kill the Players who were invading Zero City now.

Although the two of them were fully capable of such a feat…

It was as Zero City had just said…


“I have to warn you. Due to my actions of controlling you to utilize the irregular power earlier, you are now being locked down by the main system. I am presently calculating the duration of this locked state. Although the result is not out yet, I believe there is certainly a time limit for this locked state. I will do my best to disrupt your locked state. However, before the disruption succeeds, the main system will make you a primary objective for its attacks.”

Zero City’s wooden voice intoned inside Chen Xiaolian’s mind.


“Yes,” Zero City replied coolly. “This is due to your earlier usage of irregular power. According to the system’s directives, this irregular power meets the criteria to be classified as an irregularity that must be exterminated. Thus, from this moment onward, the main system will most certainly turn you into a primary objective and attack you.”

Chen Xiaolian suddenly sneered and said, “I used an irregular power? Wrong! Back then, it was obviously you who controlled me to utilize that power… … is it wrong for me to say, the one who actually attracted the main system’s killing intent is not me, but you? It would be more accurate to say that the one the main system wants to kill is not me. Rather, it is… … you!”

“… … not exactly true. However, from certain points of view, it is also true.” Zero City did not attempt to shy away from the subject.

As Chen Xiaolian was about to ask something else, Zero City quickly interrupted, “There is already an abnormal reading in the energy fluctuations coming from the Electronic Guardians. I can sense that it is locking down on you… … I would suggest that you move to a different location. You would only be besieged if you stay here.”

Countless thoughts flashed through Chen Xiaolian’s mind. At that moment, the epiphany he just had, the shock and various other emotions flashed through him.

The present moment however, gave him no time to digest any of them.

He abruptly raised his brows and said, “What should I do?”

“As you are presently my highest authority holder, it is my highest responsibility to ensure your survival. Thus… … you must quickly leave this location. I will calculate the attack power, speed and various other factors from the Electronic Guardians and Player forces. At the same time, I will calculate out the best path to avoid them. Follow my lead and leave this place at once.”

Chen Xiaolian raised his head and looked at the temporary teleportation portal that was up in the sky.

“What would happen if I fly up and leave Zero City now through the portal?”

“You will most certainly die,” Zero City replied coolly. “As you are currently inside Zero City, the lock down efforts by the main system are being disrupted and blocked by me. Of course, I will need more time to completely lift your locked state.

“So, if you enter the temporary teleportation portal now… the moment you enter it, you will arrive in the outside world.

“The outside world is the domain of the main system. Those blocking powers of mine do not extend into the outside world.

“Without my protection, with the locked state of your body, you will become completely locked down by the main system. Even if you run to the end of the world, the main system will still lock down on your position! You will be hunted forever by the main system.

“Thus, I do not recommend using the temporary teleportation portal to leave.

“You must remain in Zero City longer, until… … my power successfully disrupts away the locking efforts of the main system. Once your locked state is completely cleared, you can go out and the main system would not be able to find you.”


“So, run, kiddo.”

Chen Xiaolian quickly rushed out to grab Angel Wu’s mech.

“Later, no matter what happens… … continue the evacuation! Do not stop, do not hesitate! Ignore everything! Just keep evacuating! Follow the original plan!”

Angel Wu saw the contortions on the youngster’s facial features and saw a ferocity in them.

Without waiting for Angel Wu to question him, Chen Xiaolian suddenly turned around and jumped away. Up and down, he dashed to the west side of the south street area until he disappeared among a large pile of debris.

“Where did he go?”

“Huh? He left?”

“He… … did he just run away?”

“What is going on?”

Everyone from the Angel Corps witnessed Chen Xiaolian’s ‘escape’ and they all exclaimed in shock.

In the next instant however, someone shouted, “Electronic Guardians! They are coming!”

Following the shout, none of them could continue thinking about Chen Xiaolian. All of the Angel Corps’ mechs lined up in formation around Angel Wu.

“Everyone… … let us fight to the end!” Angel Wu clenched his teeth.

As he was thinking about gloriously sacrificing himself… …


“Eh? Their movements… … that is not right! Ah! They… all of them are heading west! What is going on?”

Hearing that, Angel Wu’s body gave a shudder and he jerked his head to look to the west.

That was… … where Chen Xiaolian was headed.