Chapter 67: Volume 1 Afterword

Hello, LotsChrono here with an afterword because I heard that's what author's do. I'm not an author, at all, but I do write, and I do admire authors, so I will feel free to copy them. Yup yup.

To start with, I originally began this novel with a sprint of 11 chapters in 3 days, that was fun but terrible for my sleep. Then I wrote two chapters a day for about a week and a half before the mental strain caught up to me and I had to rework the schedule for the story. I did a poll after to find a new schedule and the majority of readers chose 'Bulk release however many chapters are written in that week.' Tried that. Worked for a while, then life kicked. Somehow or another, though, I finished the volume.

I had three ideas in my head at the story's inception: A world running on Mana. Techno-fantasy. And HIGH OCTANE ACTION. Plus, I just wanted to write something new that I had yet to read before. I hope that's the feeling the novel gave you.

Believe it or not but Rose was not initially supposed to be an Homunculus, I stole that (and the book's title) from a story idea I made about two years prior to when I began writing this one; and the role the character 'Elsa' plays was originally supposed to go to Shana Striker—the Reaper. The two were supposed to fight, both changing each other in the midst and deciding to go about the world together.

Well, I thought that was stupid and too dumb so. . .you can see that a ton of things changed, including the nature of the story itself.

This was originally supposed to be a revenge story that got straight to the heat of it in a heartbeat, but that changed when I decided I had seen enough of those types. There will be revenge in the future, but trust me when I say it won't be all there is.

For now, it's just about an Homunculus finding herself as she looks for answers, with the world moving around her and politics running deep.

What is The Tower? I've left hints, but that's to be answered in volume 2. Who is the City Lord of Alos? To be found out. Though I have dropped their name in this volume. What role does Rose and the Silent Witch play in all of this? Tsk tsk, you'll have to wait for Volume 2. Which. . .will come when it comes.

In the meantime, look forward to the city of Alos, an urban, technological wonder. It'll be interesting writing a fantasy/sci-fi story in that sort of setting. A place where the Geared are more numerous—Rose largely losing her specialty in that sense—and an Ancient Dungeon pierces into the sky (along with the lesser ones.) I wonder what sort of culture exists there.

As a note, who's your favorite character and why?

Finally, I'd like to thank a few people before ending this: First, myself for sticking with and completing the first volume of the story! Woohoo! Second, the readers that pointed out typos, rated the story, or left reviews. And, finally, every reader really, as I write so that others may read and enjoy.

With that said, time to plan volume 2!

Thank you for reading.

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