– POV Hestia –
"Let's leave. Let's leave the island and go get our parents ! They left us with a letter full of crap and bullshits, that sounds like a goodbye letter but I refuse to wait another year ! I'm sure they're still out there somewhere so let's create our own crew, set sail, get off our asses and go find that bunch of old assholes !"
My thoughts were still cloudy, my mother's disappearance had brought up powerful feelings that had almost driven me crazy. However, as crazy as it may sound, I had just spoken words that I never thought I would ever say. No matter how much anger, doubt, or regret I felt...my mother was gone ? I was going to set sail to find her.
The way was going to be long, complicated, full of deadly dangers in a world as vast as it was terrifying, but in the end, wasn't this what adventure and pirates was all about ? My blood was boiling in my veins, I was more determined than ever and judging by the faces of my friends, they too shared my feelings. By the time I had stood up, they had all done the same and were all looking at me with eyes shining with excitement and apprehension.
"So...what you are telling us is..."
"Let's become pirates."
As I answered Kali, chills ran down my spine as a small teasing smile unconsciously played on my lips. The next moment, Kali's face became as red as a tomato as she turned her head to try in vain to hide it. This vision was divine and I couldn't help but want to admire a little more her sweet, embarrassed and completely panicked face.
I couldn't help it, not only did dominating and inflicting pain under any circumstances thrill me, but playing and teasing as well. These desires were even stronger when I put dogs like Doggy and Buggy in their place but also when I was facing a woman. As I was about to play a little with Kali, Joe's voice finally rang out in the room cutting me off.
"Ahem Boss...umm...what exactly are you planning ?"
I knew perfectly well that he had spoken to get back to the main topic knowing what I was planning and he was quite right. We still hadn't decided what exactly to do and even though I had an itch to play, I had to be serious. Becoming pirates...something we had wanted to do for years and even all our lives. I had made my decision pretty quickly but organization was of paramount importance and everything had to be perfect.
"Let's start by reading what's in the notebook and finding out what's in it. If my mother is so adamant about me keeping it with me, there must be something special about it."
Making the decision to become a pirate was one thing, but right now the most important thing was to open that famous journal. After all, it was because of it that everything had started and we had no idea what was in it. As I sat back down on the couch, I could feel the muscles in my face relax, returning to my general cold and serious expression as I opened the notebook.
[So what's your secret ?]
As my eyes rested on what I had in my hands, Seth wrapped himself around my arm once more, hissing softly. Climbing up to my left shoulder, he went over the back of my neck before resting his head on my right wrist. Smiling slightly, I began to leaf through what my mother's white dove had faithfully brought back at the cost of its life.
The contents were divided into what appeared to be chapters with the date they were written, compiling 10 years of writing. The notebook was quite thick and my mother's writing was generally quite small, making it difficult to read. So far I couldn't find anything wrong with it, but I had to say that I was flipping through the pages pretty quickly in the hope of finding something different.
[Some kind of...diary ?]
From what I was reading so far, it was dozens and dozens of adventures my mother had had with her crew over the years, and it was all there. All the details were there, all their encounters, discoveries, struggles, problems and solutions. I never thought I'd come across such a diary, and knowing that my mother was the author was even crazier.
[Unbelievable. But...]
It was crazy, but the problem was that I couldn't see anything really special at first glance with what I had in my hands. Many pirates compiled their entire life stories in different books to leave a record of their dangerous journey so there was nothing really strange about it. Flipping through the book faster and faster, I finally reached the end to discover that the last chapter had suddenly stopped for no reason.
Year 666 - Day 127
This is it, we finally reach our goal after so many years of chasing it, however, we have encountered a big problem but we expected it. We are not far away so we have to hold on but we are still being chased and now caught in these cursed waters. We will not let it happen and as long as the secret is well kept, no matter what happens our journey will not have been in vain. So it's time for us to fight fiercely and to use it...it's dangerous but I'm sure that__
Once again, my mother's words were cut off leaving me with more questions than before I opened her precious journal. A goal ? What goal ? Chased ? But by whom ? I didn't have the answers, but one thing was certain, my mother had embarked on something very important. I hadn't found anything wrong with it so far, but I knew now that I had to read those thousands of pages to have any hope of understanding.
"Boss ? What is it ?"
As I was lost in thought once again, Edward's voice brought me out of my sudden state of concentration that had made me forget everything around me. Looking up, I met the eyes of my friends who were patiently waiting for me to explain what I had read. Closing the journal with a sigh, I put it on the table before patting Seth's head resting on my wrist and saying everything I knew, which was not much.
I had just told Edward, Mysie, Kali, Joe and Lucas everything and now it was their turn to be as lost as I was. It was already dark for a long time, the sounds of the sleeping forest and the wind were penetrating our lair but nobody cared. We were all sitting around the small table in our living room with a serious air that we rarely had when we were all together.
"So Hestia, knowing you I imagine you still intend to leave the island despite the little information we have on mom...ahem Diana's situation."
Hearing Lucas, who I considered my little brother, talk about my mother using the word "mom" made me smile, knowing full well that he was always embarrassed to call me big sister. Ignoring all that, I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket before lighting it and taking a few puffs while thinking. A few seconds later, I spoke again and announced that my plan had not changed.
"Indeed, I still intend to leave the village and go looking for our parents even if all this shit is still a real mystery. As I told you during my explanation, I'm sure reading this diary will give me more clues as to what happened and what is going on."
"All of you know how it works on a ship so I don't doubt your talent for sailing but...we don't even have a ship. Besides, how can we leave so suddenly without even knowing where we are going ?"
Mysie had spoken right after me, shaking her hand as she winced to get rid of the smoke from my cigarette that was coming to tickle her nostrils. She was to die for and her little childish face despite being 21 made her absolutely cute and adorable as always. She had also pointed out some important details that I had already thought about during this short period of time and that seemed quite logical.
You are reading story The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia at novel35.com
"With the journal of course. My mother wrote down her entire journey from this island to where she is now if...if she is still alive. We will follow her tracks through her writings and use it as a map because after all we have nothing else to go on. And for the ship..."
As one, Joe, Lucas, Mysie, Kali and I then turned to Edward who pretended not to understand our reaction at all. Of all of us, he was really the only one who knew how to repair and build, being the builder of just about every piece of furniture in our lair. Ed was very good with his hands, so it was only logical that we should consult him about repairing a ship or building one.
"What ? You want my portrait ?"
Ed had responded nonchalantly as usual knowing full well the answer that was expected of him but this was not the time. Frowning, I cleared my throat, drawing his attention without saying a word, making myself understood with a single glance. Getting serious again, Edward put a hand to his chin to think of all the possibilities concerning our potential future ship.
"Considering our numbers, the time and work involved, building a ship is totally impossible."
[That's what I thought...]
"However, repairing an existing ship is totally feasible. We don't have to make a keel, which is the sort of rib cage that makes up the hull and takes the longest to build. The most difficult part being the addition of even small decks which requires lifting wooden planks into the hull to attach them. Given our number, even with all the will in the world we could not do it. So the best solution is to repair a ship that is no longer in use, replacing the mast, sails and rigging being simple enough when you know your way around."
Edward wasn't the talkative type, but when it came to talking about things he was passionate about like ships or combat, he became very talkative. After all, he hadn't learned to be Carpenter in addition to Master at Arms without a modicum of interest in all things shipbuilding and repair. If he said it was possible then I had no doubt but I still needed to know one of the most important things.
"How long ?"
"One month..."
One month. Considering the urgency of the situation, I thought this time frame was more than perfect because we couldn't leave any sooner anyway. There was a lot to prepare and we were all aware of it. Before leaving, I had to read as many pages of this journal as possible in order to create an itinerary, no matter how vague. After all, it was our one and only lead to find the Hellfire crew.
"Boss. In one month we have to find enough food for as many days as possible, so we have to raise more money. We were supposed to have a little meeting anyway to see where our accounts are for the month. So let's divide the tasks."
"And what do you propose ?"
It was Joe's turn to speak suddenly as we all turned to him very attentively to what he had to say next. I knew that with his incredibly sharp mind he could easily come up with a strategy for us in just 1 minute. His brain was on a whole other level and like Edward, I had no doubt in his ability to come up with solutions when we were at a dead end.
"There's a grounded boat on the south side of the island only 10 minutes from here if we go through the forest which is perfect for repairs. Let Edward make the plans for the repairs from the wreck and tell us what he needs and how we can help. Aside from that, let's continue to make as much money as we can using the areas we individually excel in the most."
"Mmh... continue"
"I could fight in official matches in the arena just like Ed, Lucas would handle the small business of the stores with his knowledge of numbers and Mysie would sing for money. I also thought that you, boss, could continue to hunt game to sell to the butchers since you are the most talented huntress in the whole village. And finally Kali could oversee everything and help you write an itinerary for us."
Taking another drag from my cigarette that was beginning to run out, I stared Joe in the eye, thinking deeply about what he had just said. I was totally willing to go along with what he had just said because after all, he was totally right. Things were starting to get real and my lifelong friends all seemed to agree. At the right, Edward was nodding his head as Mysie called out, followed by Lucas and Kali.
"And in our spare time, we'll all help Ed with the ship repairs !"
"We'll take care of everything we need like food, water, tools, messenger bird, weapons and everything else once we have enough money."
"You're right Lucas, and then a month seems like the perfect time to get used to the idea that we're leaving this island."
It had been a few hours since we had returned and it was hard to believe that at that moment we were planning to leave our hometown. The dream of all of us to sail the seas as pirates was still engraved in us and even though things had changed, we were going to do everything we could to achieve it. The weight on my heart was still there, but having a goal, no matter how unattainable, always pushed me forward.
"So it's decided, starting today we will do everything we can to leave this island in about a month. We will all go to the wreckage that is 10 minutes away from here tomorrow and begin the execution of our plan. Prepare yourselves well because soon our legend as pirates will begin !"
"YES !!!"
"YAAAAY !!!"
Everyone had different reactions but I knew for a fact that each of them shared the same powerful feelings that ran through us. Apprehension, fear, sadness but also excitement, determination and joy. None of us knew how it would all turn out or if we would even be able to survive amidst all the dangers of this world and the harshness of the pirate life, but they were all smiling.
[That's it my cuties, that's the kind of expression I want to see hehe~]
In spite of everything we had just learned, they were all smiling and it was at that moment that I realized once again how lucky I was to have them around me. Generally, I was not described as a nice person but rather as crazy, unstable, going with the wind and her desires. Everyone knew this and yet they were always there since our childhood and for more than 20 years.
I had to say that my sadistic tendencies were very real, even if of course, they only manifested themselves in different degrees depending on the situation. I didn't hide who I was deep down and I knew I would never do that no matter what the cost. I could be called a bitch as Lucas often did, a crazy person, a sexual maniac, a heartless sadistic, as weird as that sounds, these nicknames…I loved them all.
[Haha~ this reminds me of the man whose daughter I had seduced and who had called me a wild beast when he saw the marks on his daughter's body. I may be insane but no matter how much I like women, I would never hurt them without their consent. After all, they are all Queens fufu~]
I was used to people not understanding my proclivities since I was also known to be heartless most of the time, which made it hard to differentiate. But deep down I didn't give a fuck what anyone thought of me and I lived my life doing what I wanted. As I stubbed out my cigarette on the table, a voice with a suspicious tone rose in my direction among the excited voices.
"Why are you smiling like that ?"
"Me ? I was just looking for a way to tease you more fufu~"
Making a face, Lucas turned his head away to end this conversation that would turn to his disadvantage if continued. Smiling with all my teeth, it was on this unexpected note that our day, which had started in a totally ordinary way, ended. We had a lot of work ahead of us, our days were going to be more than trying but we were all going to take up this challenge without exception.
It was now time for us to sleep even if I knew that we would all have trouble closing our eyes during the night after these waves of emotions. Lowering my eyes to the little notebook as the others started to get up, I couldn't help but have crazy theories about my mother. My mind was still wild, but the thought of following in my mother's footsteps on the ocean filled me with pride.
[Mom...hold on a little longer, I swear to find you and protect this notebook with my life so in return, please, wherever you are...stay alive]