- POV General -
On the western seas, several days from Coven Island, the crew ship stood at the best of a vast blue and shiny desert stretching as far as the eye could see, endless and more. However, it was not totally alone since almost glued to it was a merchant ship passing by on its way to an unknown destination. However, the calm was not present because in reality, a confrontation was taking place on one of the two.
On the large deck of the merchant ship, about thirty men in uniform were armed with bayonets, pistols and sabers. All of them were protecting rich merchants clumped on the poop deck, dressed in silk, wearing expensive necklaces and rings. They were not many, as there were only eight of them, but they were carrying valuable goods, which explains the unusual number of officers.
As expected, the Hysterics had attacked under the naive orders of the Cerberus Captain and were now all surrounded. Indeed, despite their ability to fight as they had demonstrated many times on Coven Island, doing so on the sea was not at all the same thing. The merchant ship was pitching, not to mention the men on it were far more experienced than the eight of them combined.
They were also much more numerous and had been at sea for many more years than the crew who had just launched their brand new ship. On the main deck exhausted and surrounded were Lucas, Edward, Joe, Buggy, Douggy and Hestia who had been the most ferocious. However, even if they had managed to hit the enemy, it was not enough.
The officers had fought in perfect formation, always repelling the attacks of the eight companions, eventually entrenching them against the wooden railing. Scattered in different places, they found themselves trapped and in bad shape. Hestia could never have envisioned such an outcome and was biting her fingers.
Because of her decision, her friends and crew were trapped and she couldn't see how to get out of this predicament without making the situation worse. As Captain, was it her naive order that would be remembered ? Kali and Mysie were in the hands of five officers, on their knees, hands on their heads while the men had ten weapons held by guards, pointed at them.
Hestia was at the end of the deck, threatened by the last fifteen men who had particularly targeted her and cornered her. Indeed, as a pirate Captain, the chief officer could not afford to make a single mistake, knowing his job perfectly. In the distance, near the rich merchants, a tall man stood there, long white hair, mustache and dressed in a navy blue coat with epaulets.
This man was the Lieutenant and his mission was to watch over the merchandise and the rich merchants who sailed the western seas. He wielded a sword that looked like a saber and looked down on Hestia with the firm intention of making her pay for her decision. She was bleeding from the forehead, blood running down her left eye blinding her on one side as she wielded her brand new black sword.
Seth was still around Hestia's neck and unharmed but the same could not be said for Loki and Azeil who were down. Stunned during the confrontation, they were not seriously injured but were already out of action several meters away. Hestia was no longer smiling, far from it, the situation being much too worrying for that, having rather the face between anger and worry.
"Filthy pirates ! Tch !"
In the distance, the Lieutenant had spoken as his blue eyes stared at Hestia with more than palpable disgust and contempt for the crew. He and the young blonde woman were challenging each other with their eyes, one clearly in a much better position than the other. Spitting on the ground, the Lieutenant spoke again without even bothering to move, speaking in a loud and distinct voice from the other end of the ship.
"Vermin like you crawling and swarming on the seas without any rights should be hanged without even being judged. You are the garbage of the ocean and do you know what we do to garbage ? We hang them high and short to set an example !"
At his words, the faces of Hestia's companions turned pale, some even trying to make a move before they ended up threatened even more. Lucas, who was on the port side, as well as Joe and Edward who were separated at the word "hanged", had anger on their face for the first time. Unfortunately, how do you get out of a situation like that ? The ship's chief officer, seeing the commotion his words had caused, continued.
"YOU ! I advise you to keep quiet if you don't want to go feed the sharks very quickly and make me regret following the procedure. Let me remind you that two of your women are in our hands so don't play hero, it's over. We're going to take you prisoner and bring you back to the nearest Continent to...tch...have you tried for your crimes...however..."
Indeed, unlike the six cornered but still standing Cerberus members, Mysie and Kali were already trapped. Turning his head then to Hestia with a smile, the Lieutenant was enjoying every second of this precious moment. His voice was cheerful and the mere fact that he had pirates to take to court was exciting. But it wasn't enough, his desire to punish those who dared to slow down the mission was growing.
"However, your Captain will be killed here and now as authorized by the laws of the Navy and which I can enforce as Lieutenant. Rejoice Sirs, a little show will be presented to you very, very soon hahaha~"
At the man's words, Kali hadn't been able to stop herself from opening her mouth even as she found herself on her knees and unable to do anything. She had tried to get up unconsciously before she heard the sound of a gun firing in the air. One of the five officers guarding her then grabbed her by the hair to bring her to the ground, close to Mysie, who was shaking silently.
"Aaaarg !"
"KALI !"
Hestia, she, had obviously assisted to all to the scene and more than ever felt responsible for the dramatic turn that had taken the events. What to do ? To fight until the end and to risk once again the life of her comrades ? To try all for all ? The young woman did not have the answer and while she remained silent, her bloody face reflected an immense anger.
The young captain was not only angry at the man who had taken great pleasure in humiliating them and continued to do so, but also mostly at herself. For the first time in years Hestia had doubts and saw no solution to this situation. However, true to herself and understanding that her fate would be different from that of her companions, she was ready to be judged here and now if it meant saving them.
"All right ! Now that these monkeys have calmed down, let's get started !"
- POV Hestia -
[It's all my fault...]
This boarding that was supposed to happen as I had always imagined in my wildest dreams was a disaster. Worse, I was responsible for what was happening and as a Captain I was also responsible for what was going to happen to all of them. I wanted to fight to the end, I wanted to prove to myself that I could put everything back together but I couldn't...not at the cost of my friends' lives.
"If you take my head back to your superiors, can my crew survive ? Tell me the truth."
"Survive ? Hahahaha~ of course not ! You're one of the worst scum in this world who keeps pretending to rule the seas. How naive you are for a Captain but it doesn't surprise me when I see your ship, and you dare call yourselves pirates ??"
"I've known far more ferocious ones than you, even children would have at least had a strategy unlike what you did. Hahahaha~ so I guess you just started as pirates, how cute~. Unfortunately for you young stupid Captain, your dreams of glory and wealth end here and now under the gaze of your crew whose trust you have lost. Hahahaha~"
The words the man had spoken had the effect in dagger to my heart and as they echoed in my mind my legs gave out on me. The weight of guilt, anger and regret gripped my whole body and I couldn't react. Everything in my head was racing and as my hands, arms, and legs shook, the laughter of the officers rose into the beautiful blue sky.
[I-I...I'm sorry...everyone...forgive me...I...]
You are reading story The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia at novel35.com
I was angry but I still couldn't be sad or shed tears even though my heart at that moment was hurting in every way possible. Why couldn't I be sad for my friends that I had sent to their deaths ? Why couldn't I move and find the strength that had always kept me going ? I was lost, I was disgusted with myself as a single sentence ran over and over in my head.
[You are not a Captain, you never were, you don't deserve it after having taken on this ship your crew who swore you loyalty and trust...Hestia…you killed them...]
This realization was getting stronger and stronger and was taking over my body, mind, and soul without my ability to fight or control them. I was angry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to show the world that I regretted this choice but I just couldn't. My body no longer responded, the force of those words and mine were too deeply embedded in my entire being.
"You don't say a word anymore,Cap.tain ? You lost your tongue ? PFFHAHAAHA~! What a humiliation for a young woman like you. You would have been better off staying home, finding a husband and laying kids and keeping your mouth shut ! Tch ! Is this what real pirates are all about ? Did you make your pact with blood or cat piss ? HAHAHAHA~"
The words of the chief officer were more and more scathing and only increased my anger which was boiling and hurting me more and more. For the first time I was angry, but I couldn't move or even act as I would have done normally. Was I a coward ? Was I really Captain material ? However, the man finally said a word that I had almost completely forgotten, buried in my bruised heart.
[Pact ?]
My heart suddenly began to race as a new breath of fresh, iodized air rushed back into my oppressed chest. Still not answering anything, I looked down at my left hand before I saw the large gash I had made a few days ago. It was the proof of the strength of my feelings, of my determination and of the promise I had made to everyone that night.
[“There will be times when all seems lost, so...for your friends...your crew and those you've sworn to protect, never hesitate to unleash the monster within you.” Right, old man ?]
Grandpa David's words also came to mind as I clenched my fist in anger, reopening the wound willingly and violently. The pain was horrible, my fingernails were digging into my skin making the blood run thick but it was what I needed. This physical pain awakened my senses and was enough to encompass the pain in my heart and mind.
I laughed, I didn't know why but I laughed as if there was no tomorrow for me and this sweet day would be the last. My laughter rose into the air as my crew and officers looked on in confusion but I couldn't stop. Had I finally gone insane ? In the face of death, the only thing I could do was laugh hysterically as I slowly rose to face the chief officer.
"Well, I've seen some pirates, but you're the first one to laugh before being executed. Do you think you have a chance against us ? Even if you manage to kill several of my men, the order to behead your friends will be given on the spot. Useless."
"If my fate is to die on this ship then so be it, but I will not leave without a fight and cleansing my honor. I may have been naive, stupid, unaware, unworthy of my title but...if I am to die, I might as well do it like a true Captain."
As I finished my sentence, the laughter of the chief and his officers echoed across the deck as they openly mocked me and my determination. Living through such a humiliation was not part of my plans, but at that moment it didn't matter. All that mattered was that I could allow my friends to have an escape route after killing as many people as possible.
[Joe is smart and will find a solution if I kill as many guards as possible. Lucas will be able to take care of the others and complete our mission, I have no doubt. Mysie hahaha~ I hope she can keep her smile after all this. Edward...well, he won't change I'm sure and then Buggy and Douggy aren't that bad after all. And Kali...I hope her beautiful eyes will continue to shine like the starry night]
I had made up my mind, I was going to fight and honor David's words, in the name of my family and my crew who had followed me blindly. I was not afraid to die, not if it was for them and to save what was dearest to my heart. Was Grandpa talking about sacrifice ? I didn't know and at that moment I didn't care, my mind was made up and even if I didn't live like one, I would die like a Captain.
[My friends...thank you for allowing me to touch even for a few days this dream we have shared for so many years...I entrust you Seth, Loki, Azeil...I entrust you the rest]
- POV General -
Hestia was standing at the end of the deck, her face bloodied, but unlike before, there was no longer a grimace on her face as she smiled. It was not a teasing, provocative or even haughty smile, no, because the young blonde woman was smiling tenderly. Her left hand was filled with blood that was dripping on the wood and with her right hand she was brandishing the beautiful blade belonging to her family.
At that moment, all the members of the crew understood what was going on in her head and clenched their fists in frustration. How to react ? To fight and risk that the officers would go after Kali and Mysie ? No way. Let Hestia fight against fifteen people willing to kill her to be Captain ? Inconceivable. No solution seemed to be the right one and it was the Hysterics' turn to feel trapped.
The boys were gritting their teeth, anger was on their faces and that feeling of uselessness that had gripped Hestia earlier was getting to them too. As for the two young women further away, on their knees and hands on their heads, guilt was taking over their hearts. They realized that they were the hostages who prevented their friends from going wild. Kali who had witnessed the whole scene could not conceive that and against all odds stood up before shouting.
Her voice was heartbreaking, tears were streaming down her face and the thought of being the one who had been stupid enough to get captured leading to the death of the one she loved, broke her heart. In front of everyone's eyes, Kali stood up to give more power to her voice and to be sure that her Captain heard her. Unfortunately, the Lieutenant who was a little further behind her had no more patience to wait and repeat himself.
"Aaaarg !!!"
The Lieutenant who was at the end, had thrown a knife in the direction of Kali to silence and immobilize her, much too noisy for his taste. The young woman had taken it in the back, pushing a cry of pain before collapsing on the deck. At this moment, Mysie, Lucas, Joe and Edward could not help but shout, trying in vain to join her. The officers were outnumbered, however, and the shock of the scene prevented them from thinking rationally.
"KALI !!!!!"
"NOOOOO !!!!"
Hestia, on the other hand, was further away and had witnessed the scene just like her friends but did not say a word, her head down. No one could see her eyes as her body began to shake more and more strongly, almost like an epileptic fit. She who had been smiling a few minutes earlier now had her hair falling in her face, preventing the others from seeing it.
The young Captain was trembling, the whole plan she had put in place had just collapsed the moment the knife was stuck in Kali's back. This vision had made her heart stop and at this moment an immense and insane wrath seized her mind and her soul. For the first time, under the eyes of all, Hestia was going to honor the words of the old man and show a facet of her that even she did not suspect.
"The day you have to face that wrath...release it and become...a true demon"
[N/A: Don't hate Hestia too much for her decision to attack (nor the crew). I made them consciously naive, arrogant and overconfident because of their inexperience. It is also "thanks" to this event that they will grow up, it is an important turning point that will harden them. In short, whose rant to much]