Chapter 357: What's My Reward?

Lightning flashes across the dark sky, and phantom eyes wink at Avery. A dark, bloody mouth appears below the eyes, twisting into an evil smirk. Avery backs away, but Andrew is too fast. He pulls himself out of the ruins and limps toward her. As he walks, he keeps one hand over his thigh, but the blood seeps between his fingers. She turns her back to run, and his bloodstained hand closes on her wrist.

"Where do you think you're going, honey?" he asks. "You can't leave me—you're going to be my wife."

"Let me go," she screams. "Let me go!"

She tries to pull away from him, but his grip is iron-hard on her wrist. He starts to drag her back toward the ruined church, pulling her over piles of bricks and stained glass. She kicks her legs and flails her arms, but she can't get away from him.

"No," she screams.

Her eyes fly open—she's in Evan's darkened bedroom. His hand is tight around her wrist, and it takes her a moment to realize she's squirming and kicking. She blinks her eyes and tries to take a deep breath. It was just a dream, and she thinks—just a dream.

"That's some nightmare you were having," Evan says, his voice dry and amused. "You were kicking and fighting. I tried to hold you down, but you only got fiercer."

"I'm sorry," she says, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Did I kick you?"

"Quite hard," Evan says. "And in a susceptible area too." 

Avery can't help the laugh that escapes her lips.

"Don't laugh at my pain," Evan says.

He shifts himself in the bed and hovers over her, slowly pressing his body against hers. She blinks, and he leans in to claim her mouth. His lips are violent against hers, and she can feel his erection pressing into her hip.

She pulls away from the kiss and says, "Clearly, you're not really hurt."

"Oh, but I am," he whispers, trying to kiss her lips again. "How do you want to make it up to me?"

"Maybe I can fondle it," she whispers, reaching under him and brushing her fingers against the front of his pajama pants.

"Oh yeah?" he asks, bending down to kiss her again.

When she wakes in the morning, her lips feel swollen and bruised. Her head is pillowed on Evan's warm chest, and her leg is wrapped across his body. His arm tightens around her in his sleep. She can feel his morning erection stir against her bare thigh, and she tries to pull away.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks sleepily.

"It's morning, and I have some things to take care of," she says, untangling herself from him.

He props himself up on his elbow and asks, "What things? I thought you were going to work with me today."

"Why would you think that?" she asks. "Why on Earth would I go to work with you?"

"Because I want you to," he answers.

"Well, that's just too bad," she says. "Because I don't want to go."

She gets out of bed and starts to pick up the clothing scattered across the floor. She takes the silk slip, her underwear, and pajamas and heads toward the bathroom. Evan launches himself out of bed and follows her into the bathroom. He leans against the door and watches her as she turns the water on for a shower.

"So, where are you going instead?" he asks.

She feels a blush creep into her cheeks and says, "Well, there's the matter of the cufflinks. I guess the order was never canceled, and the production department at D.O. called me to say they're finished. I'm supposed to come to get them."

Evan's eyes turn stormy, and he asks, "And what are you doing to do with them?"

"I wasn't sure," she admits. "I doubt Rebecca still wants them, so I guess I'll give them to you."

"Throw them out," he snaps.

"Well, if you don't want them, I guess I'll give them to her," Avery says. "I'm not going to waste such good materials like that. And I suppose the rose quartz stones are hers anyway—maybe she wants them back." 

"How can you talk about this so calmly?" he asks. "Doesn't it bother you?"

She shrugs and says, "Well, business is business. And I'm proud of the design."

"You're such a cold woman," Evan complains.

She grabs the shower head and directs a blast of water at him. The fine mist sprays his face and clings to his hair like dew drops. His eyes flash, and he lunges forward, throwing her across his shoulder and swatting playfully at her bare bottom.

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He carries her into the shower and slides her down, so her back is against the glass wall. She wraps her legs around his waist, and his mouth slips down to tease and suckle at her breast. She moans and arches her back, and he enters her in a swift motion.

Avery sits across the table from Evan, pushing her scrambled eggs around her plate. She watches him as he takes a sip of his coffee and smiles to herself. Sun pours in from the window behind him, making his skin glow. He catches her looking at him and his mouth twitches with amusement. She smiles in return, and his smile grows bigger—his eyes crinkle, and he reaches across the table to stroke the back of her hand.

"Why do you keep smiling at me like that?" she asks. "You look like a smitten fool."

Her tone is light and teasing, and he rolls his eyes at her. She's never seen him smile so much, and she has to admit it makes him even more handsome. His eyes seem to sparkle, and she wants nothing more than to keep that look on his face.

"I'm smiling at you because you make me happy," he says simply.

"You've changed, Evan," she says.

His eyes crinkle, and he asks, "Is that a bad thing? Don't I look charming when I smile?"

"You look more than charming," she says lightly. "You look dangerously handsome. I'm only worried you're going to have to fend off more women than before."

He shakes his head seriously and says, "Let them try. You're the only one for me, Avery—the only woman who can make me smile like this, the only woman I ever want in my life."

Her heart stutters in her chest, and tears fill her eyes, making his face go blurry. He squeezes her hand and leans forward.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"It's nothing," she says. "Just pregnancy hormones or something."

She grabs a napkin and dabs at her eyes, trying to get a grip on herself. Oh, Evan, she thinks. I hope I can stay with you and make you happy for the rest of your life, but I'm so scared I won't be able to.

The car stops outside D.O. headquarters, and Avery clutches her purse. She opens the door and steps out of the car, shutting the door behind her. The window rolls down, and Evan leans out and grabs her wrist.

"Please, Evan," she says. "I need to do this alone. It'll take an hour, well, maybe only half an hour. If you don't want to wait, I'll call one of the drivers to pick me up."

"Of course, I'll wait," he says. "I'm not going to risk losing you again."

"Just please stay in the car," she begs. "I don't want anyone to see us."

"Why not?" he challenges.

"You know why not," she says. "We can't be seen in public together. As far as everyone knows, you're still with Rebecca. After everything that's happened, you owe it to her to end things officially."

"Any updates on Rebecca's condition?" he asks Robert.

"She fell unconscious as soon as she got back to Monaco," Robert says. "The doctors think she'll wake up soon, but she suffered a serious head wound in the crash—and head wounds can be tricky."

Evan sighs and says, "Well, as soon as she wakes up, I'll break up with her. Are you satisfied with that, Avery?"

Avery frowns and bites her lip. It seems cruel for Evan to break up with Rebecca as soon as she regains consciousness—the poor girl has already suffered a lot. But it seems equally cruel for Evan to lie and pretend until she's fully recovered. Besides, Avery knows he'll never agree to that.

"Okay fine," she says. "But we can't be seen in public until you break up with her."

"And what if she doesn't wake up?" Evan asks. "What if she slips into a coma?"

"Don't be so morbid," Avery snaps. "I guess that means we'll never be able to be together officially."

"Don't say that," Evan says.

He jerks on her wrist and tugs her closer to the window. Leaning out the window, he bites her on the neck, sucking the skin between his warm lips. She groans and tries to pull away, but it's too late. A purple mark darkens the pale skin of her neck.

"Damn it, Evan," she says, pushing his head back into the car.

"Avery, is that you?" Emily calls.

"Quick roll up the window," Avery hisses, stepping in front of the open window to block Evan's face.

She breathes a sigh of relief as she hears the electric buzz of the window closing. But then the sound stops. She glances over her shoulder and sees that the window is only half-closed.

"I'll hide in the car," Evan says. "But what's my reward?"