Chapter 142: Servant of Chaos.

"That was a clean-cut," said Shido as he entered the room with a sleeping Eri in his arms. 

After putting Eri on the bed, he turned to Himiko who was hiding under the table. He picked her up and put her head on his shoulder. Himiko wrapped her hands around Shido's neck. He caressed her back continuously while slowly rocking back and forth. After confirming she was asleep, Shido put her on the bed too and turned to Fuyumi.

As the kids slept peacefully, Fuyumi was restless. She was breathing heavily as she looked at the severed head of Caos. It was her first time killing a person. 

'When I woke up, Shido and Eri were missing and she suddenly appeared in the room... I thought... I thought she was the culprit and I cannot fathom something happening to Shido and Eri... So I just attacked her without thinking much... and I killed her,' thought Fuyumi. The knife fell from her hand as she contemplated more on the deed that she just did.

She was not lamenting the death of the person, she was getting overwhelmed because of the moral barrier she crossed by killing Caos. 

Shido somewhat guessed what was happening with Fuyumi so he grasped her shoulders from behind her. Fuyumi turned around and hugged Shido as hard as she could. Shido wrapped his hand around Fuyumi.

"Shido... I didn't mean to... It just happened..." said Fuyumi with a quivering voice.

"I know... and it doesn't matter because she is not a human and she is not dead," said Shido. He then looked at the severed head of Caos, "How long are you gonna play dead?"

"It takes time to repair myself, so I am not 'playing dead' that you just mentioned," emotionlessly spoke the severed head of Caos.

[Natsuo's Room, Todoroki Abode]

Shido and Fuyumi sat next to each other on Natsuo's bed.

"Is it okay doing it here?" asked Shido.
"It's okay, Natuso is with his friends having a night out, and Dad's busy with his Pro-Hero Association work," stated Fuyumi.

"What about Shoto?"
"He is a heavy sleeper... He won't be waking up before his designated waking time which is 6 AM."

"Okay... So I was going to talk to you about what happened in America tomorrow as I wanted to rest a bit but it seems you met Caos a bit early," said Shido as he pointed to Caos sitting in front of them on a chair. She had her severed head in her hands. Fuyumi turned to see Caos, expecting details of the Los Angeles Incident.

"Caos, You can start," Shido gave the cue and Caos slightly bowed as she heard Shido's command.

"Hello, I am Caos, the Servant of [Law of Chaos] and the Sub-Holder of [Law of Space]. As Master Shido pointed out earlier, I am not a Human. What I am in actuality is, a Homunculus," said the severed head of Caos. Her body then proceeded to lift the head up and placed it above the severed neck. In a moment, the head joined with the severed neck and then the skin healed back too. It looked as if nothing happened.

"She's the one who helped me to escape the Nuclear Explosion in the space," added Shido.
"How?" asked Fuyumi.

"Since I am the Sub-holder of [Law of Space], I have the ability to almost control every aspect of [Space]. So the time Master Shido decided to take Reed Phillips and the Nuclear Missile to the space, he sent me a mental command. And when the explosion happened, I opened a portal sending him here while I got blasted away in the explosion," stated Caos.

"What are the laws that you keep mentioning and is Reed Phillips the person behind the mask of Genesis?" asked Fuyumi as she was lagging behind by a lot of details.

"Laws are the basic rules and forces running this universe. [Law of Life], [Law of Death], and [Law of Space] are some examples. Those who are capable of bending these rules and forces to their will, are known as Law Holders..." stated Caos, and then she started telling Fuyumi about what Shido did in America in those 3 days; How his everything was at stake against Genesis, How Valdis befriended Shido, Genesis constantly troubling Shido, and at the end, Jakob Valdis being Reed Phillips and Genesis.

After learning all the facts, Fuyumi had a face of contemplation, "But what was driving him so hard to go to such extremes? Waiting 260 years to plan, Swapping bodies multiple times, Becoming the President of the United States, and then risking everything he gained in those 260 years to obtain Shido's body just so he could get 4 laws."

"It's better if you see it for yourself," said Caos. To answer Fuyumi's question, Caos stretched out a finger and was about to touch Fuyumi's forehead. But before she could, Shido grabbed her hand and stopped it, "Don't you dare..." growled Shido.

"Very well..." Caos slowly pulled her hand back.

Shido then turned to Fuyumi, "Genesis' motivation to do those things is irrelevant... He was just a mentally unstable psychopath who craved attention. Other than that, Do you have any more questions?"

"Yeah, She there," Fuyumi pointed to Caos and then turned to Shido. She was looking at him with dead-serious eyes, "She calls you master and you are the Holder of [Law of Chaos], that means she will listen to you every command... then are you going to do some lewd stuff with her?"

The vibe around Fuyumi suddenly turned serious and her eyes were peering at Shido constantly waiting for an answer.

You are reading story MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World. at

"Definitely not," answered Shido. He then put his hands around Fuyumi's shoulders, "Don't I get 'that' enough from you... I am satisfied with what is in front of me~" said Shido slyly.
"Is it~?" Fuyumi played along.

"Ahem... Ahem..." Caos fake coughed twice to make her presence noticed by the couple.

"Caos, can you leave the room... I am a bit busy here," said Shido as he constantly looked at Fuyumi's eyes.

"I will leave the room but I have something very important to tell you... You can continue after listening to what I have to tell you. There is a problem you see..." said Caos.
"Can't it wait till tomorrow morning?" asked Shido, still looking at Fuyumi.

"Your family is in danger," said Caos, and the moment she said it, Shido stood up from the bed and walked towards Caos.

"Who is it?!" shouted Shido. Not getting any answer from her, Shido picked up Caos by her neck with one hand. "I asked... who is it?!" this time, Shido's eyes were glowing with a burning orange hue, representing how angry he was.

"I am telling... I am telling," Caos struggled to say. She then stretched her finger forward towards Shido's head, "If you may..." Shido nodded. She then touched Shido's temple. And the moment, she touched his temple, Shido's eyes returned back to normal, and then fell down on the floor unconscious.

Fuyumi ran to Shido and when she was about to ask Caos what she had done to Shido, "Don't worry, He is just unconscious... And it was necessary to do so. I wanted to talk to you without his presence," Caos answered in advance. "This was the problem, I was mentioning. He's way too vulnerable now."

"What are you talking about?" asked Fuyumi as she put Shido on Natsuo's bed.

"After defeating Genesis and gaining [Law of Chaos], Master Shido may have become one of the strongest people in the world but he is now far too vulnerable as well. Whenever strong emotions are evoked in his mind, as you just saw, he reacts extremely. Logic The previous Holder of [Chaos], Genesis, too had this problem, but he limited the reaction to screaming whenever strong emotions raised in his mind," stated Caos.

"Any reason for that? And is there any remedy?"

"Unlike other laws, [Law of Chaos] affects the holder's mind as it manifests itself in their behavior. Whenever there is a disturbance in his emotions, [Chaos] manifests itself and makes the disturbance more chaotic. And there is no cure to it... He can just minimize the extent of reaction like Genesis did."

"And about what you said earlier about the family being in danger... you just said that because you wanted to evoke extreme emotions in Shido, right?" asked Fuyumi. 

"No... That was the truth," expressionlessly said Caos.

"Wha-... I mean... What? and How?" asked Fuyumi, distress was clear on her face.

"Do you really want to know? Master Shido stopped me from doing so..." said Caos as she showed Fuyumi her finger.

"Do it," Fuyumi walked close to Caos. "He won't like it," Caos again warned her. "Just do it. If anything happens, I will be the one to blame."

"Very well..." said Caos and touched Fuyumi's temple with her forehead.
Everything blacked out for Fuyumi and then she found herself in a white space. It was her mindspace and she experienced the same thing as Shido did when he was watching Genesis' past.

What Fuyumi saw was the scene from Genesis i.e, Reed Phillips' past. How the 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,' father of Reed, killed Alina, Alice, and Reed's unborn child. 

When Fuyumi came out of the mindspace and opened her eyes, Shido was still unconscious and Caos was sitting on the chair. Fuyumi's breathing was erratic. What happened to Genesis was horrific. No man would be able to stay normal going through what he went through and seeing it like it was happening in front of her made the experience more horrifying.

"What was it? What did you show me?" asked Fuyumi.

"You were asking what was driving Genesis to do all that, right? That was the answer... The one you saw in that memory was Reed Phillips, or Genesis, as you prefer."

"What does it have to do with my family?!"

 "The other man in the memory... He... He is the Holder of [Law of Order] and he is the one who maintains order in this world. The [Order] never liked the [Chaos]... never. So you could expect something to happen to your family, similar to what you saw. But let's put [Chaos] out of the equation and look at your family. First Daughter blessed by the [Law of Time], Second Daughter's Flow of Time is everything but normal and you... you are the [Secret System] User, aren't you?.

To him, your whole family is a big red balloon, screaming 'Kill Me!'. Your entire family is filled with exceptions which disrupts the order... thus, sooner or later, you all are going to die by his hands... and trust me, it's going to be more painful than what happened to Genesis' family."