Luigi had now officially entered the fight, having dealt a considerably amount of damage to Bowsette without Bowsette having been able to counteract it. Mario would probably soon be returning to the battlefield, so Bowsette was stop trying to hold back as he had been doing before.
He unveiled his Chomp Shell weapon, infused with the Star Shard powers that had a glimmer of Star Rod wish abilities inside it. It wasn’t much, but it was going to neutralize any magical defenses any of them had, most notably on Peach herself.
She spun the chain around, and remembered how good it felt to have a real, solid weapon in her hands, which she had barely done since her fight with Smithy all those years ago. Bowsette was a powerful woman and she was going to obliterate anyone who stood in her way, just as she always had in her life. She may have been a complete failure to everyone in her life but she was going to succeed at this, at least. She had to.
Vivian snuck up to her side and tried to grab her and restrain her, but a Mecha Fly Guy got in her way and Bowsette was able to dodge. She swung the Chomp in her face and knocked her out of her own shadow, flying several feet away. She wasn’t sure how that worked, exactly.
Bowsette once again realized HE was referring to HIMSELF as a “she,” but realized that this was not exactly an opportune time to be thinking about things like that! Who the heck cared about what Bowestte was except a conqueror, anyway?!
Not her! Him! Whatever!
Bowsette jumped ten feet into the air and launched a series of five fireballs at the ground, all of them missing the three remaining opponents but limiting their ability to move around. The Mecha Fly Guys were mostly dispersed now, but they were also restricting the three, and now he had them right where he wanted. He landed with a thud, swung his Chomp, and sacked Peach away. Luigi threw some punches and kicks but they all missed and Peach pushed him far enough back that he couldn’t do anything. He tried to activate the Negative Zone again but it looked like Bowsette’s Chomp’s magic was counteracting it. All right!
“What are you going to do, green guy?” Bowsette taunted.
He took out the Power Star that Peach had given him before, the ultimate trump card... just as he had planned.
Bowsette was loath to use it, but he felt like it was the best move. Using the Double Dip badge, he decided to utilize two of his items at once; the Barter Box... and the Reverse Shroom.
In an instant, as he activated the Reverse Shroom that would normally mess up his own coordination, the Barter Box instantly teleported that Shroom to Luigi’s hand and transferred the effects to him. And in Bowsette’s hands, a Power Star appeared. He pocketed that for future use.
Luigi tried to run towards Bowsette, but realized he was somehow running backwards. He sent a punch, but then punched himself in the face. He ran away from the battlefield and that left just two.
Well, three, because Mario was fast approaching, and it would be any moment before he arrived again. In fact he was taking a bit too long.
“You’re a devious woman,” Peach said. “What do you want? Who ARE you?”
“That doesn’t matter, does it?” Bowsette clobbered Peach with the Chomp again.
Vivian grabbed at him again, this time succeeding at restraining him. And touching him in areas that were highly inappropriate! ”Hey, get off, sister!” he yelled.
“Sorry!” Vivian moved her arms and restrained him by the shoulders instead.
“Ha! Psyche!” Bowsette now had enough freedom of movement to jump forward and turn upside down, sending Vivian flying to the ground and loosening her from him.
“So guess what hah?!” Bowsette jumped into her own shell, tilted upside-down, and slammed her spikes right into Vivian! She poofed away, leaving only her unconscious shadow behind.
Now it was only Peach. And this Princess would--
Mario jumped down from the top of the castle and clobbered him in the face. Agh! Rude! But it was good to see him. His ultimate rival and enemy, the most tenacious and determined man in all of the Earth. Mario ran over to Vivian, pulled her out of her shadow, and hugged her tightly. He was always a ladies’ man, after all.
“Mario... Oh, Mario...” Bowsette chuckled.
Mario gulped. He was a man of few words, but he was obviously flustered. Fighting an opponent who looked so much like Peach. Maybe he would hold back. Maybe--
Mario, having consumed a Fire Flower, sometime in the past five seconds, shot several fireballs her way. Bowsette countered and shot a few of her own, colliding with each of them and sending several explosions in the air.
Mario leapt a few times and reached Peach’s side. He took her hand.
“You know why you’ll never defeat us?” Peach asked.
“Why’s that?” Bowsette asked with an innocent tone, putting a finger against his chin.
You are reading story The Glory of Bowsette at
“Because your heart is dark. You have no love inside you. You’re a monster consumed with hatred and that’s all you’ll ever be.”
Bowsette smirked. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
“We know enough!” Peach plucked a turnip out of the ground and tossed it Bowsette’s way. But it was not just a normal turnip... it was a Bob-omb Turnip!
Bowsette attempted to dodge, but he was unable to get far enough away to avoid the blast, and it knocked him away.
“Oh, great...”
There was another problem.
Luigi was back. And he was wearing superhero clothes.
“Mr. L is here!” Luigi shouted. “Have no fear!!!!”
Bowsette growled. “Why does it always have to be Mr. L...”
Mr. L hopped into the air, and with no explanation millions of machine parts began to surround him, forming some giant machine, a mecha--
It was Brobot!
Now Bowsette was facing a giant machine. That’s cool. Cool, cool, cool.
“How are you going to face the mighty Mr. L now?” Luigi asked in a loud declaration from the top of his mecha.
“Well... I wasn’t planning on using this, but...”
Bowsette stuck his hand out and his palm began glowing white with magical energy.
The ground shook.
“You see,” he began. “I know a lot about the Mushroom Kingdom. I sure know about the tunnels underneath Peach’s Castle, that’s for sure!” He didn’t add that it was because he had invaded the Mushroom Kingdom countless times already, and that he had once built his own castle underneath hers just for a stupid kidnapping plot. “You see, back in the time of the ancients, in the time before the Toads and the Koopas and the Goombas had taken over the majority of the population, there were a great many species that lived entirely underground. There still are, but it is nothing like back then. What I had discovered is that you can traverse much more of the continent much faster if you go through some of these tunnels. And because of that, I could have invaded the Mushroom Kingdom from right under your noses. But instead... I kept these tunnels for my... PERSONAL USE!”
Bowsette’s timing was not as perfect as he had hoped.
Let’s try that again. “....PERSONAL USE!”
Right at the perfect moment, out from under the ground burst a three-headed skeleton beast, the Bone Dragon that Bowsette had uncovered and brought to his side back on Yoshi’s Island.
He did not want to have an army. He spurned all his allies. But for any last-ditch efforts, he had to have his own trump card. A tamed beast.
And here it was.
The Bone Dragon roared with all three heads, and attacked the Brobot. Luigi was going to be occupied for now. So this would be the final stage of the battle. Bowsette was going to win.