Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Guess Who’s Coming to the Castle?

Bowsette entered Peach’s Castle. It was far from the first time, and as of now it would be far, far from the last.

“Let me... go!” Peach shouted, struggling to get away from Bowsette’s grip.

Bowsette responded by tossing her forward, and she skidded across the way-too-polished floor until she brushed up against the staircase at the back of the foyer.

“This is mine now,” Bowsette said. “I’ve beaten you and you should surrender yourself and all your forces unless you want more people to get hurt.”

“N...No, I can’t...” Peach laid her head down. “You win.”

“I know! I do, don’t I! Kakakakaka!”

Peach began to cry, but Bowsette kept laughing and walked past her. “Guards! Take her into her bedroom and lock her away!”

Bowsette walked up the stairs and entered the throne room. It was small, enough room to fit only a few dozen people, no more.

It was good enough for him.

He sashayed over to the throne itself, lined with gold and with red velvet cushions that looked absolutely comfortable. As King Koopa he would never have even considered such a throne; his body too burly, his stature too sizeable, his scales too thick. Nothing would have benefited that kind of body more than a throne of iron.

As Bowsette, though...

She sat down, and felt an immense, intense sense of the essence of pence... uh, peace. She spread her legs wide and leaned back, laughing quietly to herself.

Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. Or, Lordess, as she had taken to calling herself. She finally felt a major burst of relief after all these weeks of fighting and beating people up... she wondered if they had any Able Juice stocked up around here.

Welp, here it was.

She won.

She had taken over the Mushroom Kingdom, just like she planned.

...Now what?

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