Mallow had risked his very existence in staking claim to Traitor Peach and the Depraved Lordess here in the middle of Shiver City like this. He could have easily assaulted them in the Forever Forest, or when they were walking along Koopa Path towards the train, or on the train itself.
But he wanted this to be public. He wanted the world to see what had happened to him, and what would happen to them.
He was no longer Mallow, Prince of Nimbus Land. He was Mallow, God of Thunder. And he would protect the realm of the sky from these evils.
Also, the Toad girl was complicit, even if she looked pretty unassuming. He was going to kill her too.
"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" he screamed at the top of his cloud-based lungs as he jumped out of the shadow and lunged towards the main two targets with jagged lightning bolts in his hands.
He very nearly stabbed Peach in the chest except that Bowsette slid in the way, her shell in the back taking the brunt of the impact and absorbing most of the electrical shock itself. It damaged her overall but not nearly as much as a direct hit would have.
But he had his second shot, and aimed to slice the lightning bolt right into Bowsette's heart. He missed, but still stuck it right in her arm, where it caught the girl in a frenzy of sparks and electrocution.
Or should Mallow say... the man. For this was no mere evil humanoid villain. This "Bowsette" was all just a cover, a ruse for the man behind the mask- the devious Bowser!
The two had fought together, once, against the tyrannical Smithy and his industrial armies. That would no longer be the case ever again, as Mallow had declared Bowser to be his mortal and everlasting enemy.
As the shock wore off, Mallow jumped backwards and pointed fiercely at the group. He let more lightning build up within himself to further illuminate the hideous scars over his face. "You will know in these closing moments of your life what pain truly feels like," he said. "The pain of losing loved ones, of having your life torn apart and reassembled by a sloppy seamstress. The energy that will course through you should shake every fiber of your being right to its core, right before your cells burst and your atoms burn up into the atmosphere."
"What? Mallow? What are you doing here?" Peach asked.
"Shut up, TRAITOR!" He shot beam of lightning forward, but Peach raised a magical pink barrier to block it. He had forgotten about her extensive knowledge of magic, from how little she relied on it. That may have been her key. However, no amount of magic could protect them for long.
You are reading story The Glory of Bowsette at
"If you wanted a rematch.." the disguised Bowser said, clearly in pain but still standing tall. "You coulda just asked. I'll gladly kick your ass anytime."
"I'm not interested in kicking anything," Mallow said. "I'm interested in killing you!"
He charged at the two and separated the two halves of his body, his feet kicking rapidly towards Bowser as he summoned two new lighting bolt blades to slice at Peach with. The pink Toad girl ran around in circles trying to dodge everything. As an act of mercy, Mallow moved his feet around and kicked her in the face, knocking her out.
The two were utterly unprepared for a fight like this. It was almost too easy. Mallow stabbed both bolts into Peach's stomach, shocking the living daylights out of her- literally. She fell backwards and collapsed onto the snow, barely conscious and unable to hold back tears from the pain.
Every drop of water she shed from here on out would still be not a hundredth of what Mallow had spilled in his time since his parents were killed. She needed to cry a whole lot more to match that.
Bowser, no longer content to play games with this fight, drew his grotesque half-human half-Koopa claws and sliced at Mallow's back. The pain surged through him, sending a warm feeling of release within him. It fed his very soul, giving into his cravings for revenge.
He summoned both halves of his body together and began to laugh, as he often did when imagining this scenario. "I can't believe you are still hiding in that awful disguise," he taunted. "Surely you can't be happy with your power being so utterly useless like that. Really, a human?"
"I'm not a pathetic wimp like you, at least," replied the disguised Bowser. "I am Bowsette, Lordess of Pain, Deliverer of the Dark Justice.
"Bowser, Bowser Bowser... You can't fool me. I know you're still in there. You can come out and fight like the big boys now."
At this, no more words were spoken. Bowser merely breathed a massive surge of fire into Mallow and completely disabled him, before stepping up and kicking him into outer space. Mallow flew all the way to the moon.