Chapter 60: Chapter 61: Pink is the Warmest Color



That sure was something. Peach had had experiences with all sorts of people from all walks of life, but she had to say... Bowsette was different. And seeing her eyes slowly open, her hair in a tangled mess and that crown still perched on her head, she knew that this was a good kind of different.

It was morning, but the sun was still low under the horizon, a result of the long winters in Shiver City. That was fine; it means more time for the two to enjoy each other.

The bed was a mess of tangled covers and sheets and clothes strewn about, but there was no attempt to fix it, not from Peach. It was much easier to just sit there and stare at the women across from her.

“We didn’t get kidnapped during the night,” Boswette said. “The two suite plan worked.”

“Oh, don’t talk business in bed. It’s not sexy.”

“Oh, but you are.”

Peach leaned in and let Bowsette kiss her. That thing she did with her mouth, with the fiery sensation... It sent a tingling throughout her entire body. “You cannot use the word sexy to describe me,” Peach told her. “When we’re here together, it is simply unsightly. I am no comparison to you, nor your absolutely impeccable breasts.”

“They’re not THAT good, are they?” Bowsette asked.

“You know when they call them ‘assets’ sometimes? Yours are so far beyond amazing that they are actually legitimate weapons in battle. You can distract any opponent that ever comes your way. That’s how you beat us so badly when you invaded the castle, I think.”

“I’m a goddess and I never even knew it.”

“You’re a bit of a goddess too,” Bowsette said.

Peach couldn’t help but blush. “Hardly. I’m a frilly princess with pasty skin and too much makeup.”

“You’re just as hot as me. My body’s literally based off yours.”


“Let me finish. And, you have a way with words that just... well, you know how it gets me. That speech you gave a couple weeks back? The one where you were all, ‘If I am not the ruler you wanted, then I apologize. If you want me to change my mind, I apologize. I don’t care and I hate you.’ That was like pure titillation there.”

“That’s not how I said it, was it?”

“Along those lines.”

“Man, I was so angry! My own advisors had been hiding stuff from me. I bet they still are.”

“Hey now, are you about to go mixing business with pleasure after all this?”

“Is this pleasure?” Peach asked.

“Every moment I spend talking with you is the definition of pleasure,” Bowsette replied. She then rolled over on her back and wrestled around with the sheets to get them untangled around her. Finally, she got all of it off but one layer of sheets resting on top of her. “Well, here I am, if you want me.”

“Ah, this is what this was all building up to? Then I guess I’ll dig in.”

She did.

Peach scooched her body up until the two were at equal height, with Peach laying her entire body on her lover’s. Her head rested on her chest and she felt her heartbeat, steady and warm.

She was never going to bring it up again because of the discomfort it would inevitably cause, but Peach felt amazing in those moments she laid with Bowsette in her Koopa form. She held her in her arms, and even at Peach’s height she could lay almost her entire body just on her torso, like a life-sized pillow made of scales. This, of course, was nicer, but mostly because of the boobs. It admittedly wasn’t that comfortable now that they were nearly the same size.

Also, all that stinging Refreshing Herb last night... actually seemed to work pretty well. Peach’s pain was almost gone, even if her stomach was still in quite a bit of pain. Baths were probably still a no-go, but she was impressed at her quick recovery. And Bowsette had simply not brought it up, but her own arm had been stabbed by lightning yesterday too, and it had healed almost completely. She wondered if the Super Crown had anything to do with it.

“Hey Bowsette, you wanna get married?” Peach asked.

“Yeah, let’s.”

“That was a test,” Peach said.

“Did I... fail?”

“Did you?”

“You inscrutable woman,” Bowsette said. “You know my entire brain is wracked in self-doubt and confusing mood swings. You cannot toy with me like this.”

Peach giggled. “Oh, Bowsette.”

“Wait, no, I’m serious. Please don’t be coy. Did I pass your test?”

“Yes you passed.” Peach put her hands on Bowsette’s cheeks and stretched them apart.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“For being silly. So we’re engaged now, right?”

“Just after having sex for the first time? Is that... okay? Are we... moving too fast?”

You are reading story The Glory of Bowsette at

Peach shook her head. “We’ve known each other for so many years that I don’t think we need much of a trial period here. Let’s just get married. Then you won’t be allowed to invade the Mushroom Kingdom ever again, because it’ll be yours. Ours.”

“If we are both married, then who gets to be King?” Bowsette asked.

“Me. We settled who’s on top last night, didn’t we?”

Bowsette’s face went flush and she pushed Peach off of her. She then rolled Peach on her back and climbed on top of her. “Oh yeah? How about this?”

“I dare you.”

“I.. I... Oh, you’re right.”

As retribution, Peach moved away from Bowsette and then pushed her back down onto her own back. She squeezed Bowsette’s hips with her knees, and then held both of her wrists and then began kissing her all over her face. “As her first act, King Peach Toadstool will begin her legislation on her future wife.”

“Peach... are we really going to...”

“If you want to get married, then I also want to get married. It’s pretty simple.”

“Kakakakakaka... my past self would not even begin to believe what’s going on right now,” Bowsette said, trying to squirm away from woman holding her captive and failing miserably. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” said Peach. “And I will never let you go.”

“I never want you to let me go,” Bowsette said, despite currently squirming from Peach’s grip.

“Just one thing. You have to give me a ring first. I don’t care what kind, just get me a ring. I don’t care about a fancy official ceremony or anything, just a ring.”

“Done. I already have the one from the first time we were legally married by Count Whatever.”

“Count Bleck.”


“And that one doesn’t count. That ring is probably cursed by some Flopside magic. Also, I hated you back then. Bad memories.”

“Well... I have the one my second wife left me when she walked out on me?”

“You’re really not convincing me here.”

“What about my... other former wife’s ring?”

“Are you ever going to tell me about those two?” Peach asked.

“After we sign the papers at the courthouse,” Bowsette said. “I promise.”

“Now you’re holding our wedding hostage so I will be forced to satiate my curiosity? You are a villain.”

“I AM a villain.” Bowsette flickered her eyebrows as if being a villain was provocative.

“My people are probably going to revolt if we get married. When we get married.”

“They’re already revolting, aren’t they?”

“Yeah... I don’t really care what they think at this point. I care what I think. So we’re doing this. This has been settled. We are going to be wife and wife.”

“Got it. Cool, cool, cool, cool. So we are completely clear that we are changing the dynamic between us completely and permanently. No more being enemies, no more kidnapping, no more... evil laughing?”

“None of it. Especially the laughter.”

“Darn. I won’t be nearly as good of a villain that way.”

“Get into finance!” Peach suggested, before leaning in and nibbling on Bowsette’s neck again, right above one of the bite marks from last night.

“You know... I don’t have... any other clothes.” Bowsette muttered. “Just that... very low-cut dress that hides nothing...

“I’ll let you borrow a turtleneck sweater.”

“Wow, we... really are completely changing our dynamic, then. Peach...”

“So, our schedule for today, then,” Peach began. “Go get breakfast. Go see if the Crystal King is ready for us and go recruit him into your big army. Go to a jewelry store and shop for a ring. Get married. Come back here and begin our consummation. Plan a honeymoon that just happens to coincide with the next villain we have to visit. That’s what we’re going to do.”

“Good. A bit packed, but good,” Bowsette said. “But you might be missing one thing. Are you not holding me down like this for any specific reason? Are we skipping this?”

“Addendum,” Peach replied. “I will add one more task to the to-do list. You.”

“Thank the Star Spirits.”